The rapid deterioration of Navalno’s health is announced


Yesterday, her leg started to melt, and until then she had had prolonged back pain. The opposition was examined by a local neurologist on Friday and Navalnu received two ibuprofen pills on Monday, but it did not improve, the lawyer said.

According to Ms Mikhailova, the lawyers are now in the colony, but they are not allowed to enter due to the “current order”.

According to Navaln’s comrade, Leonid Volkov, the opposition may be in a prison hospital and the colony administration wants to hide this fact.

“We do not know where Alexei Navaln is and why he is hiding it from lawyers. He has had particularly severe back pain since the end of last week. He said his leg started to melt, he cannot remember it, and during that time he received only two ibuprofen pills. Taking into account all the circumstances that we know, the serious deterioration of his well-being worries him very much, “wrote L. Volkov.

A Kremlin critic serving a two-and-a-half-year prison sentence in a correctional colony near Moscow compared his daily routine on Monday to the life of a Star Wars assailant.

On the social network Instagram, the 44-year-old opponent described two parts of his “adored” morning routine. The first, he said, is immediately after the prisoners wake up at 6 p.m.

The prisoners are immediately taken to the prison yard, where morning exercises are prepared, listening to the Russian anthem broadcast on loudspeakers and the famous slogan “Glory to our free homeland,” wrote A. Navalnas. Soon the prisoners begin to march in the place and this part, according to A. Navalnas, at his suggestion, everyone in his squad calls “counterattacks of the Empire”. “Right now, I imagine I’m filming a Russian version of Star Wars and there are prisoners with bushes and caps on their ears instead of Imperial raiders,” he wrote.

“In defense of the Emperor’s interests, the space prisoners travel from planet to planet, repressing the rebels. But wherever they are, exactly at 6 pm 5 minutes. Listen to the anthem and 6 pm 10 minutes. Exercise,” he added This is the second time Navaln has made a statement after confirming that he will be a prisoner in one of Russia’s most infamous colonies.

A week ago, in his first Instagram posting, he wrote that he was locked up in a “real concentration camp.”

Earlier on Monday, a Russian military court dismissed Navaln’s complaint for the lack of a criminal investigation into his poisoning.

Opposition politicians accuse Russian investigators of not initiating an investigation or of failing to find the people responsible for poisoning him with the nerve-paralyzing substance Novičiok, created in the Soviet Union. A. Navalnas was poisoned last August.

He claims that this was done at the behest of President Vladimir Putin, but the Kremlin categorically denies this. After a few months of treatment in Germany, Navaln returned to Moscow in mid-January and was immediately arrested for violating probation abroad.

He was sentenced to a royal prison term in February. In his two Instagram posts from prison, A. Navalnas tried to show that he did not lose optimism. He ended Monday’s message with the words: “May there be power with you!”

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