The ranking of the happiest countries in the world has been announced: Lithuania is up 3 places


For the fourth year in a row, Finland has been voted the happiest country in the world. They are followed by Iceland, Denmark, Switzerland and the Netherlands.

The World Happiness Report measures the responses of people in 149 countries. They are asked how they rate their level of happiness, taking into account the country’s GDP, life expectancy, levels of social support, freedom and corruption.

The rating is based on 2012.

Lithuania has climbed three places in this year’s happiness index: we ranked 38th. Estonia was two places behind, Latvia 51st, Poland 44th and Belarus 75th.

New Zealand has dropped from eighth to ninth in one position and is once again the only non-European country in the top ten.

The United Kingdom fell from position 13 to 17 and the United States fell from position 18 to 19.

The changes in the top ten this year are only very small. Germany jumped to seventh place even from 17. Iceland climbed two places to second place, while Norway fell from 5 to 8. Researchers say the absence of significant changes is a good sign.

Although many more negative emotions were found in more than a third of the countries, people in 22 countries felt more positive emotions this year. The authors argue that, interestingly, on average, people did not rate their well-being worse.

“One possible explanation is that people view COVID-19 as a common external threat to everyone, and that has created a greater sense of solidarity,” said John Helliwell, one of the authors from the University of British Columbia.

Researchers are not surprised that Finland remains in first place. This country always leads by criteria of mutual trust between people. It is this, trust in other people, which the authors, along with trust in government, consider one of the most important factors in helping countries fight a pandemic.

However, it is not surprising that the study found that people’s psychological condition has deteriorated in many countries. In addition, that the quarantine rules, the observance of social distance have had a significant impact on the well-being of workers.

At the bottom of the list is Afghanistan again. The peoples of Zimbabwe, Rwanda and Botswana are also not far behind.

20 happiest countries in the world

  1. Finland
  2. Iceland
  3. Denmark
  4. Swiss
  5. The Netherlands
  6. Sweden
  7. Germany
  8. Norway
  9. New Zealand
  10. Austria
  11. Israel
  12. Australia
  13. Ireland
  14. JAV
  15. Canada
  16. Czech Republic
  17. Belgium
  18. UK
  19. porcelain
  20. France
