The rally demanded Veryga’s resignation, but it did not pass without incident


“I am a free person, I want to wear that mask, it will protect me from bad eyes. I warned you about wearing masks. “Officer, I’m not doing anything wrong,” the police officer asked the participant to remove his mask before the rally began.

(26 photos)

PHOTO GALLERY. Demonstration against government resolutions

The latter refuses to do so and continues to argue with the police officer:

“If you are detained, do not be surprised. And detained for what reason? – the official we are talking about. I came peacefully for my rights … in what trouble? I can go” No you can’t, you are under arrest.

Several hundred people gathered at the rally near Kudirka Square to protest against the wearing of masks. Some of the participants wore accessories, while others did not wear any face protection.

“Before the masks, in no way, the prisoners and those in jails can breathe air, and what we do. Worse than prisoners? “,” And you want to be Muslim, wear it all the time and don’t ask “,” Wear masks, first thing, second thing: the virus itself, I don’t think so “,” I want a poem. You are Lithuania, you think, you are the homeland of my Lithuania, and the Seimas, pyyypt … sold the homeland ”,“ The Constitution no longer applies to us, whatever it wants to make of us. We came to demand “, – those slogans were chanted by compatriots gathered in the Government.

At the rally, there were calls for the resignation of the Minister of Health, Aurelijus Veryga, who met here to put up posters directed not only against the government, with masks, but also against the media. People were invited to the rally not only through social media, but also through various Russian propaganda channels.

Although the invitation was reviewed by hundreds of thousands of Lithuanians, several hundred turned out for the rally. One of the rally organizers assured that the event was started by the united public. However, among those who spread information about the rally on social media and elsewhere, there were also those who advocated for the Lukashenko regime in Belarus, actively denying the existence of the coronavirus and the benefits of vaccines.

“We are really united public figures from all over Lithuania, who do not belong to any political party, here is the assembly of the nation,” said rally organizer Viktoras Jašinskas.

Army Warns Be Alert

Meanwhile, the Lithuanian army warns people to be alert, because calls not to wear masks oppress society, and the lies spread on the Internet about the non-existence of the coronavirus are only disinformation for the population of the country. Those most affected are the credible population, which easily succumbs to the propaganda that is spread.

“There are messages that he is like the flu, they are just conspiracy theories, to cause public confusion and dissatisfaction with the authorities,” said Auksė Ūsienė, a representative of the Lithuanian Armed Forces.

The National Center for Public Health also strongly opposes such conspiracy theories and calls for not wearing masks. However, residents do not seem to hear such calls. Here are images of an elegant white dinner in the Plaza de la Catedral, where the laid-back nobility not only kept their distance but also had no means of protection, few who wore masks. Although for some time, due to the increase in coronavirus statistics, the population has been asked to follow all safety precautions. s

The National Center for Public Health reports that 29 new cases of coronavirus were detected yesterday.
