The rain bathed the makia recorder


Photo by Judita Grigelyts (V)

Not even cyber sabotage or lithium, but only heavy rain and a short pipeline caused the Records Center (RC) server on V. Kudirkos Street in the capital to be built with almost the most important data from the 11th record and the 11th state information system.

We do not need to be accompanied by cyberattacks from state programs, or a wave of earthquakes, floods or new global pandemics, to paralyze the activities of many public and private institutions, and provide citizens with sometimes vital services.

The electronic health system has not been in operation for three days, although according to the security requirements approved by the Minister of the Interior, it must be restored in 8 hours, medical institutions cannot increase electronic health. document, write e. prescription, patients do not receive their prescribed medication. Thousands of entrepreneurs do not have access to mobile devices e. parau Notaries exercise their hands without being able to certify a document and commercial and personal transaction. Due to system failures, some banks also reported problems.

It can be said that on Monday Vilnius will overwhelm the rain with a modern, transparent and reliable RC image, and the daylight will remove some extremely unpleasant and common sense facts.

Incredible, but RC, which is important to national security, stored critical data in facilities where it could not be located at all, and the backup server, where electronic health data would be duplicated, simply did not exist, although danas UABas has no such poor performance. Obviously, it is not even necessary to ask company management about the business continuity plan of this caliber, because it is obvious that neither who prepared it nor required it. Otherwise, it will take hours, not days, for the system to fail.

When choosing a location for a data center, it is necessary to realize that rain is a characteristic of our region, and when thinking about the risks for the technical team, do not forget that floods cause irreversible equipment failures, which RC specialists should know, points V Gintaras Skridulis, Internet Visions leading the customer service team.

CR specialists definitely had to know that in global practice, data centers are built according to a certain standard, the basic principle of which is that everything is duplicated: two power lines, two Internet lines, etc., arrive to the building. t.

Another unanswered question is why RC servers with information of great importance to the country are located in Vilnius New Town, instead of relocating the state data centers, for which millions of euros have been spent in Lithuania and the European Union.

Surprisingly, we are starting to start from the simplest websites, and we have not heard anything about the most important state information systems in the new data centers, despite the fact that millions of them have failed and it is necessary to start with RC systems. .

Rimantas Sinkeviius, the new head of the Ministry of Economy and Innovation, was able to say that during the three days of crisis the situation was not presented to him in the RC supervised by this ministry. And that it is necessary to think that such events will not happen again. Kakodl cannot get rid of the impression that more and more politicians in our country are beginning to think … after the fact.

We have not yet heard from the Ministry about the losses and inconveniences experienced by the acceding RC business, other institutions, residents and who should compensate them. There was also no responsible person to tell us how to solve the obvious problem.

Admittedly, Saulius Urbanaviius, the head of RC, claims that the company planned to establish a backup electronic health database this year, which would have protected against a system failure of this magnitude in the event of a disaster. According to him, the new facilities will be occupied from 2018. In the middle, when he began to lead abruptly, only the processes did not take place as fast as the nortsi.

These are long-term solutions, long-term problems, we need to coordinate with the government and get their approval. An alternative room is available from the start. It only needs to be understood that the state does not have as many adequate facilities in Vilnius, S. Urbanaviius told BNS.

After hearing such considerations from the manager, we begin to think that the bacillus of state capitalism, distributed in large numbers to the chain of peasant parties, is doing its black job by suppressing sanity and the initiative of the hired manager. Aren’t special government buildings needed to keep records? It is very likely that until they are built, we no longer have anything to lift them. Not to mention that the developed world has long used backup storage facilities at the highest level of security for security reasons, the physical location of which can be remote and managed by companies within thousands of kilometers.

He hopes that there is a good side to this unpleasant and questionable story of the crisis, which should lead to the solution of the CR problems that are looking into each other’s eyes. And treat urgently, because such an important system obviously hung from the hair.

RC, which has recently focused on the development of commercial services, seems to have made it clear that it must provide the public services entrusted to it reliably, take care to ensure the security of all its data, and provide it with the necessary resources. The government took action and did not wait for Saulius Skvernelis to return to his head after two weeks of sunbathing. Rain-washed CR systems will lend so deeply, and the data processed will be so important that it will obviously exceed the limits of this institution or the new incumbent minister-curator. Apparently, the country must make a reasoned decision on whether it is appropriate to increase state data centers in RC bases, and whether it decides to name specific terms, responsible persons, targets, prices. And in order not to be forgotten by companies, the state often reduces consulting in the private sector significantly.

And if there are sometimes doubts about the content and transparency of state IT decisions and projects (sometimes the market is distressed), it may be recalled that in Lithuania there is a full regiment of Office control, approval and evaluation institutions Public Procurement, the State Audit Office and the STT. with FNTT. With the increasing weight of IT solutions, institutions can (and should) develop more specialists who can objectively evaluate IT solution strategies and the benefits of acquisitions.

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