The queue grows longer: the judges have received an explanation from the ministry that vaccines can be administered as a priority


Judges, unlike the police, intelligence or border agents, are not explicitly named as a priority group in a ministerial order. However, the order maintains the provision that “other employees who perform vital functions of the State, other than general ones, in contact with other people, when the functions cannot be carried out remotely” may also be vaccinated as a priority.

The Council of the Magistracy asked the Ministry of Health to clarify whether they could fall into this category and received a positive response that judges, together with court clerks and court clerks, could be vaccinated as a priority.

“The Ministry of Health has informed the Judicial Council that court employees who perform functions in direct contact with court visitors (judges, court clerks and court clerks) should be vaccinated as a matter of priority,” said Sigita Rudėnaitė, President of the Council. Judicial. BNS on Tuesday.

The SAM instructed the Council of Judges to contact the local municipal vaccination coordinator for the organization and implementation of the vaccination.

For its part, the SNB Ministry stated that it had received no further requests to clarify whether a particular profession was considered to perform “vital functions of the State”.

The Ministry also does not intend to provide a public explanation as to what other professions could be considered as such.

“No, because obviously no one has any more questions. It is listed in sufficient detail there. We will be happy to answer those who have questions,” said Aistė Šuksta, the representative of the Minister of Health.

More than 700 judges work in the Lithuanian courts.
