the question of whether it will be possible to go to the beach at all


Sad roles for Neringa companies

“Berods, 7 people are sick, 4 of them in Neringa, others don’t know where, because they have only declared one place in Neringa. And so the city becomes an area that cannot be entered, where there is no household or electrical appliance store, and the season is approaching and you have to prepare, renew.

And nobody talks about a change in the formula that applies to millions of cities in the European Union. The same formula applies to a city with 40 km of beaches and forests. You need to change the formula. If it continues in force, then in July and August we can also close, which drives companies to complete despair, “says the news portal. declared D.Jasaitis.

According to him, employers do not know whether to hire employees for the summer, because at the moment they would have to look for them, find them accommodation, conclude contracts. 30 rescuers must also be found and hired, but it is now unclear if they are worth searching for. The mayor asked, “Will you be allowed to go to that beach?”

According to D. Jasaitis, there were many people who wanted to rest in Neringa this summer, but the fulfilled reservations are already canceled and the Lithuanians are choosing abroad.

“See what is happening: Lithuanians who had reserved seats in Neringa reject them and go to Spain, Egypt, Greece, Turkey, where the governments have allowed the tourist complexes to function.” Maybe there are some rules to try, but you can go there and people go.

And with us we cancel reservations and take the money from our budget to other countries. This is because we do not have the courage to say that the four Lithuanian resorts, regardless of whether hell will open and what the numbers will be, will be from May 1. it will work and Lithuanians can plan vacations ”, the mayor resented, emphasizing that this was necessary for these companies to survive and not die.

According to him, Neringa can wait longer until mid-April. However, you are concerned that at that time, companies may still find seasonal workers: housekeepers, waiters, chefs, drivers, lifeguards, because generally everyone looks for that job in advance. According to him, if people cannot find work here in Lithuania, they will look for it abroad.

“If we don’t open in mid-April, I’m even afraid to say in which direction everything will change,” said D. Jasaitis, disappointed.

No cakes and the municipality itself

It is not only the business that receives the income, but also the municipality, which collects the money from the entrance. D.Jasaitis fears that if the quarantine bans are prolonged, the municipality of Neringa could become insolvent.

“Our only income comes from tourism. We have nothing else. After all, we earn and live during those five months. But if we close through them, then both the municipality and the business that the GPM pays and stays with the municipality. they will do nothing and will be completely financially paralyzed, ”said D. Jasaitis.

As he said, the government should open all the tourist centers, and if there were many cases or outbreaks in Neringa, people would stop going there, “but then no one will be in power.”

The mayor explained that at the same time last year, Neringa was full of people. The government had then granted the municipalities themselves the right to decide whether to close or not. All Lithuanian resorts closed, except Neringa.

“We were full and there were no lights or chimneys. Of course, we have to agree that there were fewer patients in Lithuania at that time. But we made that decision and the business was satisfied, it received income, we did not ask the government for anything, we survived, we did not forgive the people, we did not damage the economy and the budget.

But if we stay closed now, I don’t know how the budget should be revised. We are one of the 5 municipalities that contributes money to the budget, not just living from it. We were never dependent.

I don’t know if the state will “pull” if all the municipalities have to be kept. And the state is us: companies and companies do not work, they do not pay taxes. If we drown our tourism with the decisions we make, and foreign tourism goes the way it did, and we take the money overseas, they won’t go back into budget at all. We are talking about millions, ”said the mayor of the script.

Entrepreneurs have a slightly different opinion

“It is not really canceled, people make reservations without questions, it will be possible or not to rest. People are planning their vacations in an orderly way, ”said the portal. commented Jūratė Gadliauskienė, who rents apartments at Pas Jūratė in Juodkrante.

According to her, people hope that later in the spring and summer the quarantine will be released and it will be possible to come to Neringa, so all the places from the second half of July to mid-August are already reserved and planning has begun. . very early.

“Most of the calls are made by regular customers who have vacation agreements with workplaces and the specific dates are relevant to them. These customers have been making reservations since January, ”explained J. Gadliauskienė.

Vitalija, the owner of the guest house “Marių akis” in Pervalka, also said that he could not offer any place for August, everything was booked.

“Usually people check in immediately for the next year before leaving my rest area. And we open the season from the second half of May. I still do not have reservations for May and a half of June, nobody has been very interested yet, “said the portal. he told Vitalija.

He confirmed that people look forward to last year’s scenario: that it will be possible to rest and move freely in Lithuania. However, reservations are subject to cancellation. However, there is no shortage of people who want to rest, and last year there were as many people as usual, the coronavirus did not stop it.

“I didn’t feel like people were behaving differently. It was like crowns there wouldn’t be: everyone is healthy, satisfied, the summer is wonderful, it hasn’t rained ”, – Vitalija was happy, hoping that summer would also come this year.

Odeta Čepienė, the owner of Gėlių vilas in Nida, also revealed that the registration boom started in February. There are no fewer or more people who want to relax as much this year as last year. The owner jokingly said that last year she noticed only one change: a much higher consumption of soap.

Still, he has already had to deal with cancellations.

“One family had to come this weekend, another on Monday. Separate apartments were booked for telecommuting, for a quiet stay, and now everything has been canceled. People who now have reservations will definitely not risk leaving Vilnius and giving half a turn in the mail.

And for the summer period, there are many reservations, so far no one cancels ”, said the portal. O.Čepienė explained the situation, and mentioned that he very much regrets that people are deprived of the opportunity to rest, walk along the seashore, in the forests, especially in good weather.

The restaurant “Juodasis kalnas” in Juodkrante does not seem to be expecting anything and has been looking for employees for the summer season since February. Usually almost half of the employees are local, with the rest usually coming from Vilnius, Kaunas, Alytus or Klaipeda itself.

Yet even with quarantine and movement restrictions, job seekers have not decreased this year. In addition, recruitment, even in the absence of coronavirus, was mainly done remotely, reading a CV over the phone, as not everyone has the opportunity to attend a live job interview in Neringa.

Entrepreneurs interviewed said that the quarantine and pandemic situation did not have a significant impact on prices last year, so it is not appropriate to fear the price increase this year as well.
