The quarantine is lifted for a quarter of a year and the emergency situation continues


Wearing protective masks in public places will become a recommendation. Photo by Judita Grigelyts (V)

Next Wednesday, June 17, the universal quarantine in Lithuania will be lifted in mid-March. However, the statewide emergency to control the spread of the coronavirus in late February will continue for some time, probably not just a month.

The text has been supplemented by more detailed explanations of restrictions during emergencies.

These decisions will be made by the Government on Wednesday. Incidentally, after a break of a few months, the ministers no longer held a remote meeting, but instead met in a government meeting room.

Limit the opening hours of cafes

The resolution proposed by the Minister of Health Aurelijus Veryga was approved. meter. June 17 00 hrs. 00 min. the universal quarantine, carried out on March 16 and repeated several times, is revoked.

This requires, among other things, that the removal of the quarantine eliminate the obligation to resume regular passenger flights only with the permission of the Government. Starting June 17, flights will be operated again in coordination with the Civil Aviation Authority.

Also, the restriction until 11 p.m. to work in restaurants, cafes, bars and other catering establishments. However, they will continue to be required to comply with established public health and safety standards.

There was no discussion at the government meeting about the end of the quarantine. Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis has only ironically noted that the decision made is a response to all those skeptics and conspiracy theorists that the Minister of Health is never supposed to show initiative to lift the quarantine.

Poland joins the baltic bubble of ali

At the same time, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposals of the State Emergency Commission headed by A. Veryga and the Minister of the Interior, Rita Tamauniens, on the validity of the emergency situation carried out on February 26. The third published remains, i. and. The level of preparedness of the civil protection system for all preparedness.

A decision has been made on which restrictions applied during quarantine are still in effect.

This set of measures includes measures in the areas of border control, regulation of other activities and regulation of the provision of public and administrative services, said R. Tamaunien.

Firstly, this movement control remains a ban on entering t ali, where the spread of the disease is high. Another important thing is the massive events in Lithuania and its regulation, added A. Veryga.

Until July 16. Extends temporary border control during controls on people entering Lithuania at the internal borders of the European Union.

At the same time, the government approved on Wednesday the permit to open the border with Poland from Friday, with the agreement of the Lithuanian government, Lithuanian citizens will have the right to move freely to the neighboring country. In this way, Poland will join the so-called Baltic travel bubble that came into effect in mid-May.

Communication across the external borders with Belarus and Russia will continue to be severely restricted, in fact prohibited. Only very small exceptions to that insurance remain.

Special attention will be paid to third countries. The arrival of foreigners will be provided only if a mutual agreement is reached between the states on the admission of citizens, as well as if the morbidity rates in those countries do not exceed the established requirement, explained R.Tamaunien.

Mass event withdrawal calendar

On Wednesday, the government approved a new procedure for organizing and holding massive events and a timetable for their retirement.

It is established that from June 17. Until June 30, events will be allowed in open spaces with a maximum of 700 participants, and in open spaces with a maximum of 150 spaces.

July 116 The following numbers will be valid: events with up to 1,000 irovs in open spaces will be allowed, not more than 200 irovs in open spaces.

In early July, the government will return to the issue of mass events and decide what restrictions will apply to them after July 16.

According to preliminary plans, events with a maximum of 350 events would be allowed on the premises until the end of the summer, but government representatives emphasize that if the epidemiological situation improves, the limit may be increased.

The adopted government resolution also established that in the provision of outpatient personal health care services, priority will be given to the remote way of providing personal health care services.

Veryga will continue to be chief operating officer

The current obligation to wear protective masks in certain public spaces from the recommendations of June 17. Face masks should now be worn on public transportation and its stops, shops, and other spaces in spaces and events. After next week, when quarantine is lifted, the recommendation to wear masks in those locations will remain, but will no longer be mandatory.

According to the Minister of Health, certain safety requirements remain in the organization of work by health institutions.

Photo: 1 left

We are on a path similar to quarantine. Aiku, there will be instructions to isolate Mons if there are signs of risk or disease, said A. Veryga.

He also emphasized that, if necessary, it is possible to publish the quarantine not throughout the country, but in a separate territory: if we see that the disease is spreading somewhere in Lithuania, the quarantine can be published nationally, it can be published in the city or in a certain area.

Veryga remains Chief of Operations at the Emergency Response Center. However, a special government management committee for COVID-19, chaired by the Prime Minister, has not been formed and adheres to the facts.

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