The quarantine hit the Birštonas and SPA sanatoriums: record losses, when employment is only 25 percent. The | 15MAX


In mid-March of this year, the quarantine of the COVID-19 epidemic in the country led to the complete suspension of medical rehabilitation and health facilities. Experts hope that if they are unable or unwilling to go abroad, Lithuanians will choose Lithuanian resorts for their vacations this year, but this will also depend on future government decisions and people’s financial situation and expectations. And where are the predictions of the second wave of the virus?

Employment in June will reach 50 percent.

Today in Birštonas, there is more peace than usual, if possible. On weekends, sanatoriums, accommodation establishments and spas are already more busy, but the same cannot be said for weekdays.

Marius Vizbaras / 15min photo / Royal Spa Residence in Birštonas

Marius Vizbaras / 15min photo / Royal Spa Residence in Birštonas

“We were one of the first to open up. While employment is 80 percent this weekend, total employment will be 50 percent for all of June. Everyone thinks Lithuanians will go to resorts this summer. No devil First Palanga fills up, then Druskininkai and finally Birštonas. While the Druskininkai water park doesn’t work, it might be easier. It’s said to open when visitors increase, but after all, it will increase when it opens. Such a closed circle. In July, we reserved just 15 percent rooms.Overall, employment was 85% at the time.

So the main message I want to send to people is that there will definitely be vacancies this summer, all summer long, “he said the second weekend in June. 15 minutes Rimantas Šimkevičius, the director, opened the Royal Spa Residence, from which the tallest observation tower in Lithuania can be reached by a scenic route not exceeding one kilometer through the Škėvonys outcrop.

Marius Vizbaras / 15min photo / Director of Royal Spa Residence Rimantas Šimkevičius

Marius Vizbaras / 15min photo / Director of Royal Spa Residence Rimantas Šimkevičius

He recalled what happened on February 28, when the first case of coronavirus was announced in Lithuania. People rushed to cancel their reservations, a week of silence prevailed at the reception. There was panic.

“A Šiauliai woman called and assured me that she would not be going anywhere. After all, the first case of COVID-19 was diagnosed in Šiauliai. You cannot imagine how much it depends on the media, on what message is advertised. good: the flow is renewed. Here, it was announced that Lithuanians would no longer travel abroad, for two weeks a wave of tourists spread to Lithuanian resorts, “recalled R. Šimkevičius.

However, there are some loyal customers who have just waited for the Royal Spa Residence to open. Here, a couple of Vilnius seniors come to this health corner 81 times: they visit twice a month. Reservations are made for multiple visits ahead.

Monthly losses after closing – 20 thousand. euros

When asked what losses the body suffered due to the coronavirus, the interviewee named 20,000. Monthly damages of up to EUR.

In July, we reserved just 15 percent. bedrooms. Employment was generally 85% at the time.

“We hope that just those three months when we weren’t working are not profitable.” When sitting closed, yes, the loss reaches several tens of thousands. Is it cheaper at this time to visit our spa and hotel? 30 percent cheaper than in June of last year. We did not receive any support from the state, only the banks postponed the loan payments. You know, I’m a great father. Why do they promise me € 200 per child? The government would better help business, “said R. Šimkevičius.

The most painful thing for him, as director, is that the FIFA World Soccer Championship, to be held in Lithuania this year, was postponed to next year. Organizers were told that the Royal Spa Residence would house the 70 judges of the championship. In September the hotel was supposed to be full. Fortunately, the contracts were not terminated, they were only moved the following year. Foreigners represent only 10 percent. All clients of this institution.

I had to ask the Germans

Rasa Noreikienė, director of the only Versmė sanitarium operating in Birštonas during the quarantine, admitted that the recent period was very interesting. It is true that it started with a lot of stress.

Marius Vizbaras / 15min photo / Rasa Noreikienė, director of the Versmės sanatorium

Marius Vizbaras / 15min photo / Rasa Noreikienė, director of the Versmės sanatorium

“We had to escort the entire body of German tourists. We have to ask people to come to us to rest in every way, so now we had to ask them to leave well. There were also those who did not want to leave for nothing. I had than persuade them to buy tickets because they didn’t have the money to do it. About 100 of them were taken to the ferries. It was painful and angry, “R. Noreikienė recalled the beginning of the quarantine.

Then the staff discovered that the sanatorium “Versmės”, which has 50 percent. intended for a commercial customer, the other party for patients sent by health insurance funds, will still have to work during quarantine. There was a commotion again.

“No employee has ever said that he is afraid, that it will not work, that he will be out of service,” said the director of the sanitarium.

During the quarantine, “Versmė” rehabilitation worked only 10 percent. capacity. And by the second weekend in June, the office was almost full. Only 10 remaining spots were paid for by health insurance funds. Rehabilitation employment amounted to 90%, commercial – 60%.

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