The quarantine does not promise more: it listed the restrictions that will probably remain


“Quarantine is a legal concept: once it is enacted, the government has the same powers and can impose the same restrictions, and another, slightly lighter legal stage that the government can enact is an emergency. The crucial question is whether we still need measures that can be applied during the quarantine, or if we already have enough measures that can be applied during an emergency, ”said the deputy minister in Events of the week on Delfi TV.

According to her, a decision on quarantine will be made in the near future.

“It is unlikely that the quarantine will continue because the improvement in the epidemiological situation says that the quarantine is not necessary. But inevitably, an emergency will probably be declared (I cannot guarantee that now) and [liks] certain restrictions, ”said Ž. Simonaitytė.

According to her, some restrictions will be maintained based on the recommendations of epidemiologists.

“We really don’t want the situation to grow as drastically after that as we did last fall,” he said.

He listed the restrictions that could remain even after the quarantine in the country: “In an emergency, economic activity can be restricted and we can continue to ask people to wear masks where there are larger gatherings when they go to places of commerce or service. Public service delivery would not be fully in contact again, and most services would continue to be delivered remotely. Where we can limit contacts, protect ourselves, stay away, those measures can continue to apply. “

The new variety means a more detailed investigation

When the first cases of the Delta coronavirus strain originating in India were discovered last week in Lithuania, Ž. Simonaitytė says it was hard to avoid and prepared in advance.

“We are not closed to the whole world. Although we restrict one or another trip or ask for isolation, but we have the necessary movement of goods, services, transport, it is possible to avoid any virus or this mutation, which is already quite widespread in the world. , and it was not possible for us, “said Ž. Simonaitytė.

Živilė Simonaitytė

Živilė Simonaitytė

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

According to her, in these cases much more detailed epidemiological studies are being carried out.

“It just came to our attention then. After identifying a dangerous mutation (we did exactly the same with other dangerous mutations that had come to Lithuania), we conducted an epidemiological investigation in great detail: we investigated all contacts of that person, possible contacts if they are related to the company, all the employees of that company who have just arrived at the workplace. [atliekami] investigation of the place of residence (if a person lives in an apartment building, then all the residents of the staircase), etc. ”- said Ž. Simonaitytė.

According to the deputy minister, there is evidence that this strain is also more dangerous for children: “British data show that this strain is also much more dangerous for children: get vaccinated, don’t take risks.”

Vaccination against the will of the parents may be allowed in exceptional cases.

After vaccination of adolescents with coronavirus from the age of 12 began in Lithuania last week, the deputy minister says that so far no high activity has been observed in this age group.

“We really see that this is not the group that gets vaccinated very intensively. Probably often the decision to vaccinate children is determined by the parents’ summer plans, the desire to go on vacation somewhere and feel safe ”, Ž. Simonaitytė.

He also commented on the controversial procedure that a child can be vaccinated against the will of their parents.

“When it comes to any other health care service, decisions must first be made by parents or guardians. And in Lithuania, the law has been in force for a long time that in exceptional cases, if there is still a separation, there is the possibility of convening a board of doctors, which makes a decision perhaps different from what the child’s parents would make. What. But these are very rare cases, ”Ž explained. Simonaitytė.

“If there is a difference of opinion, it may be necessary to consult the GPs, communicate and seek consensus so that those legal paths do not have to be taken. But yes, that path exists. Personally, I doubt that at least one is used. time, “he said.

Although adolescents are currently only vaccinated with Pfizer, Z. Simonaitytė, decisions by the European Medicines Agency (EVA) are expected to allow vaccination of another manufacturer’s vaccine in the near future.

“There is talk of the Modern vaccine. The EVA should make a decision on this vaccine in the near future “, Ž. Simonaitytė.

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