The quarantine did not prevent the famous couple from opening the bar: “We have accumulated happiness, love and we want to share it” | Deal


Previously, the space where the bar called “Basanavičius courtyard” was located was not very attractive: behind the sushi restaurant was a warehouse belonging to the Palanga utility farm. According to A.Grišinaitė-Kolesnikova, the thought between Palanga street The Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary and the Rąžė river created a new place for her husband.

“It just caught our eye then. There is a public toilet, a meadow nearby and there was nothing here. Probably no one had any thoughts except my husband. He said it was a really unreal place here. He stood there and saw a vision of how things should look, and it materialized. We rented this space and made a terrace.

We didn’t have high expectations, we just had it and most importantly, we like it here. I can smile, come back, sort, cut, work, good for me here. I think this energy has been transmitted to other people, “she is convinced.

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min /

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / “The courtyard of Basanavičius” opened in Palanga during the quarantine

According to A.Grišinaitė-Kolesnikova, Palanga needed a place that was like the center, but at the same time it would be possible to have a quiet afternoon there.

“It is a small Basanavičiaus street and the audience is sitting here. There are different sides of Palanga where you want to stay. You can feel both the noise and the countryside, and you can discover Nida,” he said.

When you enter the terrace, you can immediately see not only the huge dome in the center, but also the nests. It is true that they are not only used for decoration, but are actually inhabited by birds.

“The inks were invented by my husband. He brought them from the artist who brought them from Holland. We use them as decoration, but the birds also live here and have children. One tried to fly and fell on the woman’s shoulder. Both birds and humans find their corner here, “he said.

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min /

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / “The courtyard of Basanavičius” opened in Palanga during the quarantine

The bar was installed during quarantine

When asked if it was not scary to open the bar before the end of the quarantine, especially considering that some of the cafes in the capital had to close, A. Grisinaitė-Kolesnikova replied in the negative.

“We had decided, and during the quarantine we further refined how we wanted, what we wanted, we put together what furniture we would make, what we would do, how we would do it. In addition, businessmen said that Palanga is separating from people. Somehow we catch that positive wave and open up. But I don’t even know if Palanga is separating from people, I don’t even go out and I don’t know what is happening on the other side, but we can’t complain.

Our family worked on the concept and development of the Basanavičius shipyard. A lot of heart has been put here, and the result without the support of family partners and friends, Vytautas Remeikis, would not be as effective, ”he added.

It is true that A.Grišinaitė-Kolesnikova emphasized that they only have one bar. Meals can be purchased on the coaches of the partners located next door.

“We didn’t want to expand into the kitchen because I think those who know him best have to work there,” he said.

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / Aistė Grišinaitė Kolesnikova

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / Aistė Grišinaitė Kolesnikova

I learned from old mistakes

A.Grišinaitė-Kolesnikova said this is not the couple’s first attempt to carry out a similar activity.

“We have had unsuccessful stories with bars. We also had success stories, but there were wrong people. There is everything in the past and we have put together the most painful lessons and experiences from all of them and did everything differently in this place.

We put more heart, feeling. We decided to be here ourselves and we have accumulated happiness, love and we want to share it, therefore, we choose to work together ”, he assured.

Entrepreneurs from Palanga and the coastal section emphasize that local businesses are seasonal: as much as you earn in the summer, you will have it all year. However, according to A.Grišinaitė-Kolesnikova, this tourist city was chosen for business development because it is their home.

“We live here, we want to be here, we don’t want to break up, we don’t shoot.” We also had suggestions to make at Nida, but I don’t want to break up. Because where you are not, nobody goes out, everyone does what they want to do and at least they think of who gave that job, they just look at themselves. It is our painful experience, “he said.

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min /

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / “The courtyard of Basanavičius” opened in Palanga during the quarantine

Children also join the activity.

Admittedly, the couple still rents a couple of apartments above the bar for vacationers.

“I survived, I thought that if the elders came and the music was playing here, the children would not sleep. But from the balcony, they become VIPs and look at all the visitors like a movie,” laughed the interlocutor.

A.Grišinaitė-Kolesnikova said she guessed it all. And if not, the family unites.

“We are a family, a nucleus, all for one. If Mom sees that I can’t go somewhere, then she comes and replaces me. Everything with us is very familiar. Only the family business came out. The children run, lower the dishes. Collect advice, rejoice, save. One for wallpaper, the other for a new room, bed. It’s all together, “I was happy.

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min /

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / “The courtyard of Basanavičius” opened in Palanga during the quarantine

A.Grišinaitė-Kolesnikova realizes that in recent years Palanga has changed a lot and even people move here to live. What caused it? According to the woman, the time during which people traveled more read, read, became interested in new trends.

“I realized that there were few people who were still condemning and jealous. Maybe it’s easy for me to talk like that, maybe it’s not around me, maybe it’s somewhere else and interferes with each other. From what I heard, Palanga was it hurts brutally, it complains, it deliberately harasses itself, it calls for all kinds of inspections. But we want to live in a friendly way, we don’t compare, we don’t compete, “he assured.
