The Prosecutor’s Office launched a pre-trial investigation into the words of A. Valinskas about V. Tomaševskis


Arūnas Valinskas, television producer. Photo by Judita Grigelytė (VŽ).

The Prosecutor’s Office announced that it had launched a pre-trial investigation into the words of the former president of Seimas Arūnas Valinskas about the president of the Lithuanian Polish Electoral Action Union of Christian Families (LLRA-KŠS), Valdemaras Tomaševskis MEP.

As the prosecutor’s office announced on Monday, a pre-trial investigation for incitement to hatred was launched due to the statement by A. Valinskas in the statement that such as V. Tomaševskis should be shot.

The pre-trial investigation will investigate whether the charge did not constitute a crime.

Last week, commenting on on the election results, A. Valinskas declared that politicians like V. Tomaševskis should be shot.

„V. Tomaševskis is an absolute colored beetle who, receiving funds for his party from the Lithuanian state budget, is an anti-state. Anyway, those should be shot. One year at a time. Start with that, “said A. Valinskas.

This excerpt is no longer available in a publicly available interview, but can be found filmed from an online interview.

Earlier on Monday, V. Tomaševskis promised to submit a request to the police regarding A. Valinskas’s words about him. “It just came to our attention then. We will respond accordingly according to the Criminal Liability Code,” the politician told BNS.

He said the matter was being dealt with by lawyers, but due to the high level of employment he said he did not know exactly when he could appeal and under which article of the Penal Code it would be.

“It is obvious to everyone present that the court will evaluate. This has probably not been the case in Lithuania for 30 years,” said the politician.

LLRA-KŠS obtained 4.82% of the votes during the Seimas elections and did not enter the Seimas in a multi-member constituency without transferring 5% of the cartel. During the first round, two LLRA-KŠS candidates were elected to the Seimas in one-member electoral districts. Two more candidates from this party went to the second round.

They have appealed to the Central Election Commission with a request to declare invalid the results of the Seimas elections in a multi-member constituency.

The party claims that the law on Seimas elections was seriously violated due to Laisv’s television campaign against the party leader and the party.

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