The proposed amendments to the Labor Code would put employees on downtime without severance pay.


The proposed changes to the primary employment document would affect downtime workers, telecommuters, ‘mothers’ and ‘fathers’, and non-competitive fixed-term workers.

The proposed changes would leave workers inactive without severance pay.

It is proposed not to pay severance pay if quarantined employees terminate their employment. Kazys Starkevičius, chairman of the Economic Committee of the Seimas and a member of the Christian Democratic faction of the National and Lithuanian Union, intends to submit amendments to the Labor Code to Parliament.

This amendment to the Code is expected to clearly regulate the termination of an employment contract when the employment contract is terminated due to downtime that has been declared not due to the employer’s fault but due to quarantine.

‘The object and interest of the norm of the Labor Code, which regulates the termination of an employment contract at the initiative of an employee for important reasons, which this legal norm protects, is not the downtime due to the announcement of quarantine. Therefore, when downtime is declared due to the quarantine imposed by the Government, an employee should not be entitled to an additional compensation of one or two months of average salary ”, indicates the explanatory note of the document.

Currently, the Labor Code does not provide an exception for not paying severance pay if the downtime is not due to the fault of the employer but to the quarantine issued by the Government.

It is proposed to regulate the reimbursement of telework costs

Linas Jonauskas, a member of the faction of the Social Democratic Party in the Seimas, intends to present improved amendments to the Labor Code, which propose to regulate more clearly the procedure for compensation of labor costs incurred by employees during teleworking.

According to the proposed project, “the amount of compensation and the terms of its payment must be agreed between the employer and the employee no later than twenty business days after the start of teleworking. Compensation cannot be included in the employee’s compensation. “

According to L. Jonauskas, there are gaps in the current Labor Code that make it possible to delay the compensation agreement for expenses incurred during teleworking.

“Although the reimbursement of telework costs is an obligation of the employer, which is also enshrined in the current Labor Code, it does not specify until when the employee and the employer must agree to reimbursement. This loophole opens up opportunities for abuse. For this reason, I propose to establish a provision in the Labor Code that the amount of compensation and the conditions of its payment must be agreed by the employer with the employee no later than within twenty business days from the start of telework ”, says L Jonauskas. .

The Seimas member states that teachers are the ones who feel the need for such compensation the most in the public sector.

“During teleworking, teachers had to be reimbursed not only for the costs of setting up a workplace and purchasing equipment, but also for such basic subjects as electricity and the Internet, without which education would not be possible. distance, “says L. Jonauskas.

Currently, the Labor Code stipulates that if an employee incurs additional costs related to his work, acquisition, installation and use of work equipment while telecommuting, these must be reimbursed. It is also indicated that the amount of compensation and the conditions for its payment will be determined by agreement between the parties to the employment contract.

S. Skvernelis will make a proposal on the “days of mothers and fathers”

Saulius Skvernelis, the eldest of the Democratic faction of the Seimas on behalf of Lithuania, will propose to establish in the Labor Code that the right to “days” or “parental days” is valid until the child reaches 16 years of age, instead 12 years.

In a draft amendment to the Labor Code, it proposes that workers with two or more children under the age of 12 have the right to one or two additional days of rest per month (or reduced working hours of two or four hours per week). until your children are 16 years old.

This project aims to facilitate the reconciliation of family needs with work responsibilities, strengthen family ties so that parents have more time to spend with their children.

S. Skvernelis, who drafted the amendment to the Labor Code, considers that the current age limit for working parents who are raising two or three or more children to take an additional day off is too low.

It is proposed to propose a poster of requirements for people who apply for a fixed-term employment contract

Remigijus Žemaitaitis, a member of the Seimas faction from the Lithuanian regions, proposes to raise a complaint cartel with people with whom a fixed-term employment contract is concluded until an employee is hired for certain positions in state and municipal companies through a competition.

According to the parliamentarian, the person admitted must meet all the requirements for a person admitted to such position by competition.

“Currently, no qualifications or other requirements, as well as impeccable reputation criteria are imposed on that person, that is, such legal regulation creates preconditions for accepting even people who do not meet such requirements,” says R. Žemaitaitis.

According to him, the Labor Code establishes a maximum term of a fixed-term employment contract: one year. In the MP’s view, such a term does not encourage employers to promptly announce contests and search for employees and is unreasonably long. Therefore, it proposes in the Labor Code to reduce this period to 3 months without the possibility of re-entering into another fixed-term employment contract with the same person for the same functions.

“These amendments are intended to ensure that even temporary recruits have all the competencies, qualities and other requirements necessary for a person hired by competition, and to encourage the announcement and implementation of vacancies as soon as possible,” says R.Žemaitaitis.
