The proposal of the outgoing Seimas to the Government is for another 500 million. costs


The Commission, in principle, did not discuss any specific proposal, leaving them all to the Government.

Now the new Seimas will take over the budget for 2021: the project will be returned to the future center-right government for improvement.

The Committee was informed about the proposal of some members of the Seimas not to allocate 515 thousand LTL from the State Investment Program for 2021-2023. for the reconstruction of the Vilnius sports and concert hall.

The State and Municipality Administration Committee has proposed to find almost 280 million in the DNA budget and plan. and the Rural Affairs Commission for almost 180 million euros. The Education and Science Committee has requested an additional 80 million euros. 100 million euros, with an increase in teachers’ salaries. euros.

The Committee on Social Affairs and Labor has requested almost 50 million euros. of which EUR 37 million for a further increase in pensions.

It is proposed to provide nearly 155 million LTL for municipal compensation. 121 million euros for the introduction of smart technologies in agriculture. 100 million euros for municipal loans and guarantees. 34 million euros each for land reclamation and the State Border Guard Service euros.

The first reading of next year’s budget is scheduled for November 24, the second on December 17 and then should be approved in a few days.

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