The property of Modesta’s fiancée Vžesniauskaitė is valued at an impressive amount: the billionaire owns the most expensive house in the UK.


Who Is John Caudwell?

Born on October 7, 1952, John Caudwell, 67, is a British businessman, billionaire, and philanthropist who founded the Phones4u mobile phone trading platform.

In 1987 John co-founded Midland Mobile Phones with his brother Brian and started selling mobile phones, at which time Motorola phones cost £ 1,350 each. The business soon became the Caudwell Group, which also owned the mobile phone provider Singlepoint and Phones4u.

In 2003, Mr. Caudwell for $ 405 million. Singlepoint was sold to Vodafone for £ 1.5 billion in 2006. Pounds and the Phones4u empire.

How much is Mr. Caudwell’s estate worth?

Caudwell is indeed a very rich man. According to the 2020 Sunday Times Rich List, its assets are worth $ 1,566 billion. £ 10 million. pounds less than in 2019. Property is estimated to have decreased as a result of an ambitious luxury home renovation project in London.

He is 91 on the richest list.

Today, he is an active philanthropist who has promised to distribute 70 percent. their properties and claim that “leaving £ 1 billion to your children will never be a good decision.”

Does Mr Caudwell own the most expensive house in the UK?

Really so. Her home in the Meifer district is worth up to $ 250 million. Pounds It even has 15 rooms spread over eight floors. There is also a banquet hall for 120 people. The size of the house is equivalent to about 55 traditional London apartments or even two Royal Albert Hall concert halls.

Is Mr. Caudwell married?

Caudwell has been married to Kate McFarlane for 25 years, the couple had three children, but the family fell apart in 2001. The billionaire then contacted violinist Jane Burgess and gave birth to a daughter.

Mr. Caudwell had a close relationship with Claire Johnson for 15 years, a son was born out of love for the couple, but in 2014, the relationship was broken. His current lover is Modesta Vžesniauskaitė, a former Lithuanian cyclist 31 years younger than him.

During an interview with Channel 5’s Millionaire Age Gap Love, the 67-year-old man spoke about his love for a beautiful 36-year-old Lithuanian athlete and revealed more details about the relationship, which is not hampered at all by the large age difference. .

The couple recently celebrated the fifth anniversary of the relationship. The billionaire says he saw his beloved for the first time at a cycling event, and she had no idea at the time that he owned $ 1.5 billion. Pound of assets. This is how Caudwell remembers the first meeting:

“We met on bikes, I was wearing a worn out cycling outfit. I probably looked pretty poor, but I never think about things like that. I think when we first met, she thought she was really poor. “

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