The professor told us how to process fruits and vegetables to get the least amount of pesticides in our body.


The quality control of vegetables and fruits is continuous

Aldona Čepulis, director of the department of product quality and audit of stores of the retail chain Iki, says that the suppliers of vegetables and fruits verify the quality of their products delivered to the retail stores in the initial delivery stage. Still, fresh produce has to go the extra mile to control quality before reaching store shelves, according to the media report.

“In addition, we carry out an internal quality control of our own network brands. It consists of many different and continuous procedures, from appearance tests to chemical tests. Each time, we study 400 different types of pesticides and verify that they do not exceed the norms established by science, approved by law and not harmful to health ”, says A. Čepulis.

According to her, continuous quality control and tests are carried out in accredited laboratories, where the results are carefully analyzed.

According to the head of the product quality department and the store’s audit, the control of fruits and vegetables also checks that the products obtained are clean, sufficiently ripe, without damage, free of growth, skin, color defects, significant bruises, damage for pests or other defects. In addition, juices and sugars are additionally tested.

The effects of pesticides on vegetables can be minimal

According to Albinas Žilinskas, a professor at the Vilnius University Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences, when pesticides are used in nature in the permitted amounts, they do not cause significant damage to vegetables or fruits.
“Within the limits set by science, various types of pesticides simply do their main job: they kill the pests that impede crop growth. The most popular are weeds, insects and some fungi, ”says A. Žilinskas.

According to him, pesticides are usually in liquid or powder form, so some of them can settle on the surface of the fruit or vegetable. Such chemicals can be washed away by rain, they can also begin to decompose when exposed to sunlight, however some may remain on the surface, so inspection and preparation of the crop before use at home are crucial steps.

It is important to wash well at home.

A. Žilinskas states that before consuming vegetables or fruits, they should be thoroughly washed at home, and the most suitable for this is warm water.

“Use warm water, as it helps remove dirt from the surface of the fruit or vegetable faster than cold. If you need to wash very thoroughly, use a thick sponge specifically for peeling vegetables and fruits, ”says the chemist.

According to him, if possible, it is advisable to peel the bark before eating; most of the chemicals accumulate there. It is also recommended to wash the roots carefully, as they often leave soil residues on them, which can also become contaminated.

The effects on the human body can be gradual.

A. Žilinskas emphasizes that the human body does not react to pesticides immediately; the effect may become apparent only after a certain period of time.

“Pesticides may not harm the human body at all if scientific standards are not exceeded. However, once ingested, pesticides accumulate in the human body, mainly in adipose tissue. All water-insoluble chemicals accumulate here ”, says the doctor of chemical sciences.

Over time, the accumulation of pesticides in the human body, according to him, can begin to disrupt the endocrine system, cause various diseases or pathologies.

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