The professor draws the blackest scenario of COVID-19: “This is the last call for all”


The infectious disease specialist at the LSMU Kaunas Hospital, head of the LSMU Infectious Disease Clinic, did not dare to predict whether the Italian spring scenario was realistic for Lithuania, but claimed that in a sense it was already “on the critical line”.

(31 photos)

PHOTO GALLERY. Conference of the National Center of Public Health on the Challenges of COVID-19

“If the number of these cases increases so exponentially, such a scenario is likely to occur. I do not know the threshold at which the situation would not become in northern Italy or it would already change, I am not an epidemiologist, but already 100 Dedicated beds in the hospital with 65 patients, the physical capacity and the stamina of the staff are at a critical level, “said the conference. spoke of the greatest challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic today.

For doctors: an endless marathon

The professor emphasized that at present the loads are already difficult to lift and there is no end in sight.

“It just came to our knowledge then. When there was that first wave, then compared to sports, it was a sprint, when everyone shrugged in unison, and now it’s a marathon. We see that it won’t end for long. And here you need to. much more resistance.

It is especially difficult for doctors, especially middle staff, and also for nurses. If only those cases increase, we will definitely see the faces of doctors like the ones we have seen in reports from other countries, because the workload is extremely high, ”said A. Mickienė.

Auksė Mickienė

Last call to all

According to A. Mickienė, I would very much like the recommended measures to be taken with all seriousness and attention, since it was in spring.

“I would describe the current situation as follows: This is the last call for all of us to come together and do everything in our power from today to handle this whole situation as it is now and not allow those numbers to increase again.

Because if they continue to grow at such an exponential rate, control will slip out of hand and we will no longer have enough human capacity. covidiniams treating patients and interrupting services for people with other diseases, which we really would not like ”, emphasized the interlocutor.

He stressed that all diseases are equally important:

“People with heart disease and cancer have a common goal and that we all have uninterrupted access to services and that COVID-19 patients receive professional help.”

See A. Veryga’s statement on the spread of the virus in Lithuania in the registry:

20% of the most seriously ill.

According to A. Mickienė, it is not necessary to make a bauble with coronavirus, because 80 percent. people really understand it easily.

“But that 20% who are very sick see what the problem is for those people. Only these will be stationary and we are looking for sufficient capacity.

More so because we are thinking about all other diseases to maintain continuity of treatment for patients and all other diseases, “he said.

The patient spent more time in the hospital for 64 days.

The doctor added that when it comes to statistics, he likes to emphasize that, say, only 1% die. people.

“But, as one of our teachers says, that man died 100 percent. And that 99 percent is not consoled at all. He survived. So that segment of patients who end up in the hospital, who are seriously ill, I don’t I would like no one to find their loved ones. covidiniam in a section where patient care is not possible where there is no contact with their loved ones.

And perhaps these are the last days of their lives and you cannot be with your loved one, and when he has to sleep 17 or 64 days, as he did with the patient who was with us the longest, he is absolutely isolated from his immediate environment ”, revealed the doctor painful moments.

Thursday: a new record

National Public Health Center (NVSC) October 22. 11 a. M. data, 424 new cases of COVID-19 were confirmed, 5 people died.

The total number of people who died from coronavirus is 125, 38 people were infected with coronavirus but died from other causes.

Confirmed total disease 8663 people, currently 4727.

3,773 people recovered, currently 31,575 people are in isolation (sick, exposed, from the affected areas, for whom decisions have been issued within the corresponding 14-day period).

Starting June 1. 366 import cases were registered.
