The Prof. will direct the list of candidates of the National Union to the Seimas. Vytautas Radžvilas


“In compiling the electoral roll, we are guided by the principle that it would primarily include people who are competent, have an impeccable reputation, and have done significant work in various fields.”

Unlike other political parties, we have no internal conflicts or trust issues, so we have not developed an internal classification, which generally alleviates these tensions. Party council members agreed that the electoral list could only be compiled through reasoned discussion, “says the president of the National Association professor. V. Rajvilas.

According to him, the top ten on the electoral list of the National Union reflect the harmony of political experience, social activism and competencies. The party list will be led by its president, philosopher, prof. V. Rajvilas. Second on the party list is the current head of the Chamber of Agriculture and businessman Arūnas Svijotus. The third number on the list is Vytautas Sinica, a political scientist, doctoral student at the University of Vilnius and creator of the patriotic youth meeting Pro Patria, and the fourth is a publicist, businessman, and well-known Kaunas public figure, Algimantas Rusteika. The fifth is Martynas Katelynas, member of the Varėna District Council, chemist and young farmer.

Next on the list are Vytautas Daujotis, professor, chemist, and education expert from the University of Vilnius, philosopher, and former vice chancellor of the University of Vilnius. Kęstutis Dubnikas, political scientist, VU doctoral student Marius Markuckas, writer and signer of the Vincas Ramutis Gudaitis Law of Independence. Robertas Ramanauskas, teacher and vice president of the Association of Teachers of History, completes the first ten.

Mantas Macikas, a young political scientist from Klaipeda in the top ten, Dalia Janulienė, vice president of the Association of Elders, Tomas Matulevičius, a political scientist, volunteer soldier, Darius Trečiakauskas, president of the Lithuanian Parent Forum, Renandras Nemunaitis, businessman, Gaudentas Aukštikalnis , Director of the Kaunas Castle Museum, prof. Jonas Vaičenonis.

The candidate list for the Seimas of the “National Union” party also includes well-known public figures, lawyers, business consultants, academics and representatives of public organizations.
The National Union intends to approve and publish the candidate lists for the single-member constituencies and the electoral program in the near future.

The National Union is a political party that seeks to guarantee the integral transformation and renewal of Lithuania and, in accordance with the principles of democracy, transparency and patriotism, change the direction of the current crisis of the nation-state and the extinction of Lithuania.

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