The procedure to revoke Guoga’s mandate is stalled: the MP has gone abroad


“The situation is that Mr. Guoga was informed about the commission meeting, he was informed that the commission wants to see him physically live at the meeting, but informed that he would not be able to attend the meeting live on January 21, join remotely, “the CEC president told BNS on Wednesday. Laura Matjošaitytė.

According to her, the members of the CEC discussed whether the parliamentarian could give up the distance and questioned that possibility.

“We will consider your request to postpone this issue, since Mr. Guoga has indicated that he will not be able to physically attend the commission meeting until early March. Tomorrow we will discuss the situation and how we should proceed in this case,” said the head of the CCA.

A. Guoga, a member of the Labor Party faction, also informed the Seimas Board that he was leaving for a state outside the European Union for personal reasons on Wednesday.

Parliamentarians must send such information to the Seimas Board in accordance with the applicable internal regulations.

This message has raised doubts among board members as to whether the politician really intends to continue with the decision to resign as a member of parliament.

“As far as I know, Antanas Guoga will find out tomorrow at the CEC meeting, where he should make his announcement (on resignation – BNS). I don’t know how to understand that request here, does it mean that the session will be postponed until March? ”- Andrius Mazuronis, vice president of Seimas, asked the employee during the board meeting.

The “peasant” Jonas Jarutis wondered if A. Guoga needed more time for the “final reflection”.

The first vice president, the conservative Jurgis Razma, suggested to the Seimas Board not to approve the trip of A. Guoga.

“Antanas Guoga has to go to the CEC meeting live. Such is the requirement to resign from the mandate of a member of the Seimas.” If we put him on a trip today, he wants to travel from the 20th, we will be guilty of not will be able to resign to the mandate of a member of the Seimas “, said.

However, the acting chancellor of the Seimas Lina Milonaitė reported that the board does not decide whether or not to approve the trip, it is simply reported.

On January 12, A. Guoga submitted a request to the CEC to revoke the mandate of his member of the Seimas from January 14, as he no longer sees opportunities to implement the electoral promises with the Labor Party.

In the absence of a decision from the CEC, the Canadian company Cypherpunk Holdings issued a message on January 14 that A. Guoga had returned to the position of manager of the company.

According to the Constitution, the duties of a member of the Seimas, except his duties in the Seimas, are incompatible with any other duty in state institutions and organizations, as well as with work in business, commerce and other private institutions or companies.

A. Guoga was elected to the Seimas with the opposition Labor Party.

In recent weeks, politicians have publicly criticized the party’s leader, Viktor Uspaskich, for his speeches on the coronavirus, sexual minorities. Mr. Guoga demanded that Mr. Uspaskich be removed from the party.

The Labor Party’s Ethics Committee plans to consider such parliamentary statements this week. According to the representative of this party, Viktor Fiodorov, after receiving the conclusions of the ethics guards, the presidium will choose and decide the fate of A. Guoga in the party.
