The procedure for listing affected countries is changing: when will I have to isolate myself when I return?


So far, countries have been included in the list of affected countries based on a 14-day total morbidity rate of 100,000. population. The government approved Wednesdaycountries are evaluated on the basis not only of it, but also of two other criteria, as recommended by the Council of Europe:

  1. 14-day morbidity rate (100 thousand inhabitants);
  2. The proportion of positive tests among tests performed within 7 days (percentage);
  3. Test volumes in 7 days (number of tests per 100 thousand inhabitants).

Based on these criteria, countries would be assigned to one of four groups:

  • Green – a country with a morbidity of less than 25 cases per 100,000 less than 4% of the population in the last 14 days and positive tests;
  • Yellow – a country with a morbidity of less than 50 cases per 100 thousand population in the last 14 days and the proportion of positive tests – 4 or more percent. or morbidity is 25 to 150 cases per 100,000. less than 4% of the population in the last 14 days and positive tests;
  • Red – a country with a morbidity of 50 or more cases per 100 thousand. population in the last 14 days and the proportion of positive tests – 4 and more percent. or morbidity exceeds 150 cases per 100,000. population in the last 14 days;
  • Gray – a country whose data are insufficient to assess these criteria or where the volume of analysis is 300 or fewer studies per 100,000 trials. population within 7 days.

There are many exceptions, but not for tourists.

A.Veryga reported on Thursday how the order of isolation will change from Monday. When Lithuania is in the yellow zone (as now), the isolation will be applied only when it comes from the red and gray zone.

The minister promised that in the near future SAM will provide a clear outline, making it clear where to return, from where and to whom.

“However, there are many exceptions that will not be covered by said isolation. Those who are not exempt will have to take the COVID-19 test or 10 days of isolation,” explained the Minister of Health.

According to him, the isolation will not apply to employees or freelancers working in critical jobs such as healthcare, border, outposts, transportation workers, transportation service providers, including freight drivers.

Also for those who travel for essential health, family or business reasons, students, students, diplomats, travelers in transit, sailors, journalists or those who come for work.

“If you put it like this, basically you will only be subject to certain restrictions for those who travel for some entertainment purpose, that is, tourists, recreational travelers. Others who have some work issues will not be subject to the isolation procedure,” explained A. Vergaga .

If non-exempt travelers take the COVID-19 test and the result is negative, they will not be isolated either.

“However, this does not mean that they will be able to move with absolute freedom wherever they want. Such a study will be available for 48 hours. Before arrival or will be available upon arrival in Lithuania. In this case, it will be possible to simply follow the work regime in house for 10 days and wear a mask in all public places and avoid gatherings, ”explained A. Veryga.

If you do not agree to the test, isolation will be applied for 10 days. Employers will be encouraged to provide work-from-home opportunities in order to “avoid unnecessary incapacity for work.”

The list of affected countries will continue to be published every Friday and will take effect on Monday with a 48-hour transition period. period to prepare for decisions.

The same criteria will be used and assess Lithuanian municipalities.

Individual regions will not be evaluated

The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control has already published a color breakdown of countries based on EC guidelines. October 16 the map can be found here. It will be updated on Friday.

It is true that it also evaluates the regions of the countries separately. Lithuania does not intend to do so, although the tourism business claims that this is almost the only way to maintain business continuity.

“For a very simple reason. There is no system in place where we can get reliable data that really shows the regional spread of the disease. We have adapted a similar procedure only in Lithuania, with certain exceptions, because we have sufficiently detailed data. For us within the country, they are enough to make decisions.

If we look at each country individually, we certainly won’t find such data, which would make it difficult to make exceptions. After all, even this agreement, which we now have, has really cost Europe a lot of effort. And it is not clear how many states will physically enforce this agreement, how long it will be valid. Let’s see how this system will work, how many countries will use it and, apparently, it can be discussed in the future, if there is sufficient data, on some regional breakdowns, ”explained A. Veryga.
