The problem of unused vaccines: Lithuania does not want to dispense them, but cannot donate them


Last week, it was announced that 5,000 people had been destroyed in Vilnius. Modern vaccine dose. According to the municipality, this was done because the thawed vaccines had expired.

In addition, Vilnius Mayor Remigijus Šimašius publicly lamented on Monday that on Tuesday the city will have to pour another 4 thousand. Modern vaccine dose that expires.

200 thousand gifts of vaccine doses

According to the Ministry of Health, 5 thousand. The city of Vilnius used the vaccine doses because it warned the Ministry about them too late.

“The Ministry of Health learned about the vaccines used by the Vilnius City Municipality in the middle of last week, when the validity of some vaccines had already expired and the validity of others was too short for redistribution. As a result, it was not possible to offer these vaccines to other municipalities, refugee centers or foreign countries, ”SAM wrote in response to

According to the ministry, the government has already decided to transfer surplus vaccines to foreign countries. However, the decision on this donation was made in May, when it was decided not to use Vaxzevria vaccines in Lithuania. SAM did not answer what it intends to do with surplus vaccines from other manufacturers, such as Pfizer or Moderna, in Lithuania.

“The government has already decided to donate 200 thousand. Vaxzevria vaccine dose to other countries. Most of these vaccines will go to Moldova, Sakartvela, Ukraine and Taiwan, “SAM said.

Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė said on Monday that Lithuania would like to donate larger quantities of vaccine to other countries, but this is difficult due to the lack of algorithms on how manufacturers should transfer vaccines to third countries.

“There is such a naive idea that Lithuania can look at its vaccines and say: we give.

This does not work because vaccines are a medicine. For the manufacturer to take responsibility for the quality of the vaccine, transfers to third countries under the agreements concluded with the European Union manufacturers must be agreed with the manufacturers, “the prime minister told reporters on Monday.

Šimonytė was vaccinated with the second dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine (photo Photo day)

The Ministry of Health notes that the shelf life of vaccines is shortened by thawing them. For example, the thawed Comirnaty and Spikevax vaccines should be used within one month and Jenssen within three months.

In total, Lithuania has received 3,338,755 doses of vaccines, of which 2,421,815 doses have been used. More than 916 thousand have not yet been used. vaccine dose.
