The priest Algirdas Toliatas on angry society: “Let’s build bridges of communication, even emergency ones”


According to the priest, a respectful dialogue is needed between opposing groups in society, and all citizens can contribute to it. However, to legitimize the equal rights of the LGBT community, it is important not to forget the interests and needs of other groups in society, said A. Toliatas. Furthermore, the Church encourages everyone, including those who are skeptical about vaccination, to get vaccinated for the noble cause of protecting the health and lives of others.

Consensus needs to be sought, although opinions differ

Speaking about the recent marches, protests and parades in Lithuania, the cleric emphasized that society must learn to discuss with each other respectfully.

“We live in a free country, so people should be able to have a say. The sole goal of all our citizens should be to create a harmonious society even when opinions differ,” said A. Toliatas.

He invited the public to learn from the discussions based on respect and trust.

Priest A. Toliatas thanked the public opposition in Lithuania regarding vaccines, the rights of the LGBT community and other aspects.

“Opposing people is about breaking the ties of public trust. And without them, everything remains. It begins to contradict or support no longer the goodness and sustainability of the idea itself, but to react according to who said the idea. We are disintegrating and becoming very vulnerable, both internally and externally, “he said of the impact of fragmentation on society.

The clergyman added that anyone can contribute to reducing tension, but this requires proper communication.

“It simply came to our knowledge then. But the word can stop. Therefore, it is our responsibility to know what and how we speak. It is necessary to communicate responsibly, build bridges of communication, even emergency”, considered A. Toliatas.

The priest also shared his views on the desire of the LGBT community to be recognized as an equal group in society and to prevent discrimination.

“We need to find ways to guarantee the rights of LGBT people, but without restricting the rights and freedoms of others. Therefore, it is very important to weigh decisions well, anticipate threats and how we will address them. <...> All that remains is to find the desire for an agreement that protects the rights of all groups, ”said A. Toliatas.

According to the priest, hostile treatment of people of different sexual orientation and the resulting disagreements in society can be resolved diplomatically and peacefully.

“We live in a state governed by the rule of law. And, according to Archbishop Kęstutis Kėvalas, we must speak by force of argument, not by argument of force, as is often the case now,” added A. Toliatas.

Algirdas Toliatas

Answered what Christian teaching says about LGBT

Last Saturday, during the Kaunas Pride march, part of the community of believers organized a retaliatory campaign: they prayed in public and affirmed that Lithuania, as a Catholic country, was “unacceptable lax behavior”.

A. Toliat as answered what Catholic teaching actually says about starting a family and about people with unconventional sexual orientation or gender identity.

“The teaching of the Catholic Church says that marriage arises from the complementarity and openness of two sexes to a new life. “People with a homosexual desire are loved children of God, but the homosexual act itself, as it is written in the Catechism, is disorderly”, expressed A. Toliatas the position of the Church.

However, the priest stressed that the Christian faith does not recognize heterosexual sex if it is extramarital.

“The Church invites all believers in her community to observe chastity. This is a call to those who want to live a Christian life. And as for life, each one chooses for himself. Here there is free will and there can be no compulsion, ”he explained.

According to the priest, there is much talk about the protection of the rights of the LGBT community and this is done with good reason. At the same time, however, it is forgotten that other groups in society may also face persecution and oppression.

“When it comes to passing one law or another, we must think carefully about how to protect another group of people who do not accept a gender ideology. The views of Christians or simply dissidents are already constantly mixed with dirt both in the media and on social media. What will happen when there is even more pressure? What actions will we take against harassment, marginalization and even further fragmentation of society? “- A. Toliatas asked troubling questions.

According to A. Toliatas, Christian teaching applies to all believers, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation. The clergyman also indicated the definition of sin. The priest emphasized that when a crime is committed against God’s teachings, it is important to openly admit guilt, not try to escape.

“In Hebrew, the word ‘sin’ comes from the word ‘fail.’ For example, if you go with a neighbor when you go with your wife, then you missed it. Even if a person consciously decides to do it, it is important not to wrap things in cotton, but to call them by their own names. If you are unfaithful, say so: I am unfaithful to my wife. And not this: “Oh, excuse me dear, there is nothing I can do, I have such genders, here is my nature. And you are not to blame here at all, but you, because it resists my great natural heart – loving everyone, ”said the clergyman about the problem of infidelity.

LGBTQ + marches are taking place in Kaunas

Invites to be vaccinated, to experience the restraint of the body due to a noble goal

As the coronavirus situation continued to deteriorate in Lithuania, the priest revealed the position of the Catholic Church.

“Due to the difficult situation of COVID-19, the Church calls for solidarity and vaccination. Ask for vaccination even for those who don’t want it. In a sense, experience the restraint of your body to protect the lives of others, “said A. Toliatas.

According to the clergyman, the majority of society welcomes this attitude of the Church and considers it welcome.

He added that the Church invites believers to translate the containment of the body for the greater good not only in the case of vaccination. For example, women are urged not to interrupt their life-saving pregnancies that have already begun.

“With regard to abortion, the Church takes exactly the same position: sometimes we have to lift certain restrictions to save the life of another person. Due to this position of the Church, a large part of society is less happy and reproaches how we can restrict parental freedom here in this way, ”said the clergyman.

Vaccination, vaccinations

Offers to help immigrants in Lithuania

Finally, the priest spoke about the migration crisis in Lithuania and its management. He stressed the importance of serving illegal migrants, but at the same time, due attention should be paid to relief measures.

“It just came to our knowledge then. But you need to self-assess your skills and act prudently. When it comes to migrants, we must help as much as we can, but assessing our capabilities,” said the clergyman.

A. Toliatas added that it is also important to extend a helping hand to migrants who have already arrived in Lithuania. “We cannot leave people trapped between heaven and earth. We must help them until their future is decided, “he said.
