The price of the popularity of the Holland Hat is a damage to nature: some come here and bury the animals.


Some even devise a burial place to bury their pets or scatter the ashes of loved ones. Seaside Regional Park specialists who oversee the territory often have to publicly shame visitors who behave inappropriately.

The park is not a cemetery

A few weeks ago the Seaside Regional Park posted a photo of an illegally erected pet memorial.

The park specialists have publicly asked to bring the monument to the person who built it, as there can be no illegal animal cemeteries in the landscape reserve.

Some even devise a burial place to bury their pets or scatter the ashes of loved ones.

“A monument was erected, which probably had the name of an animal, and flowers were even planted next to it,” said Darius Nicius, director of the Coastal Region Parks Directorate.

According to him, the monument was believed to have possibly been built near the owners of a dog hit by a deadly car.

“This place is not for people or animals. Our wish is that such things do not spread. If one or other of these monuments appears, people will begin to think that there is an animal cemetery here,” emphasized D. Nicius.

He recalled that a year or two ago, human ashes had been found scattered along with a token from a crematorium in Holland’s Hat.

Seaside reg.  photo of the park / animal cemetery in Holland's hat

Seaside reg. photo of the park / animal cemetery in Holland’s hat

“Later, the police determined who did it. It turned out that the son buried his mother in this way, on the path where people walk ”, D. Nicius was surprised.

He stressed that today there is no possibility of burying people or pets in the park area. However, he said, it is possible to stimulate a public debate about how people who have lost their pets might behave.

“From a legal point of view, if an animal dies, it should be disposed of. In Lithuania, it is probably the only Rietavas company that provides this service.

Ernesta Čičiurkaitė / 15min photo / Health trails in Karklė and Olandas hat

Ernesta Čičiurkaitė / 15min photo / Health trails in Karklė and Olandas hat

But these are pet cemeteries: if they are official, if necessary or municipalities should provide places for it.

I’ve heard that depending on the municipalities, this is more of a private matter. But still, those things should be planned in the general plans of municipalities and the like. Of course, people can bury pets on their own private plot of land. The problem is with the apartment dwellers, and after all, an ordinary person raises a dog or a cat. I think that discussion is necessary, “said the director of the Seaside Regional Park Directorate.

Hooligans still happen

Speaking about public order in a popular place in general, D. Nicius said that a lot is determined by the general level of culture, because there are always various misunderstandings and outbreaks of aggression.

According to the interviewee, the culture of the visitors to the landscape reserve was several times worse 15-20 years ago.

Ernesta Čičiurkaitė / 15min photo / Health trails in Karklė and Olandas hat

Ernesta Čičiurkaitė / 15min photo / Health trails in Karklė and Olandas hat

“There are cases of littering and breakage, but public infrastructure, which is in a natural area, such as information panels, stairs, paths and the like, is sometimes subject to human impact, something is stuck or broken.

Nobody is surprised anymore, but in principle the situation is not tragic compared to a few years ago, it has improved significantly.

But, of course, we are talking about stretches of coastline. Thousands of people visit here during the day, especially in summer. Of those few thousand, one or more people who have consumed alcohol want to appear in front of something, and everything happens ”, said D. Nicius.

Drop cars anywhere

The head of the Seaside Regional Park Authority noted that the biggest public order problem lately is illegal parking on the Holland Hat cliff.

“Every day there are, I certainly will not lie, several hundred criminals. So far, the state cannot solve that problem. For example, there is a highway of regional importance, there are traffic signs that indicate that parking is prohibited.

But the herd feeling is working: one person is parking the car, the other, and soon the whole queue is forming.

The police sometimes patrol and impose fines, but this is an unresolved issue ”, sighed D. Nicius.

He also drew attention to a peculiar phenomenon. According to him, in Karkle, where the road is being rebuilt and road signs are being posted, there are practically no criminals who would simply leave the car on the road. On the Giruliai-Melnrage section, where road repairs have also been carried out, people also follow the rules.

“But there are a few kilometers between Karklė and Giruliai. It has not been rebuilt and people seem to get the impression that the traffic regulations do not apply there, as I wish they did.

The fines are not high. Some people clearly say that they will pay the toll better and are no longer paying attention, “said D. Nicius.

Traffic too high

The interlocutor emphasized that another problem is emerging: the Dutch Cap territory is not adapted for such active visits.

“To maintain such active assistance, adequate measures are needed to regulate the flows: new paths and stairs are needed. In the planning documents, this is a wild natural area that has certain limits. When a lot of people come in summer, the area suffers relatively ”, emphasized the head of the Seaside Regional Park Directorate.

On the other hand, according to D. Nicius, the fact that people actively visit the cliff is an assessment that people need that territory.

Therefore, it is necessary to provide the necessary infrastructure so that nature is not affected by the abundance of visitors and their habits.

“It is a task for us, the Municipality and the users of the road, to try to solve these problems. One solution is to install a new parking lot. However, the laws must be adjusted, because the Highway Administration cannot install a parking lot behind the road lane on its own, ”lamented D. Nicius.

There will be more congestion next year

Artūras Bogdanovas, director of the Klaipėda municipal administration, stated that the municipality has a plot in Karklė and plans to install a new parking lot there.

“We have already bought and are preparing an investment project for the construction of a parking lot. It would be specifically aimed at visitors to the Dutch Cap cliff. We have more parking lots in the same Karklė, there were also road builders.

There the situation is more or less manageable. But the situation in Olandas Kepurs is unmanageable, large fields are needed to live there. On the other hand, it is a forest, a regional park, there are several restrictions and more, the path is not ours, but the paths of the region. We are hostages, “commented A. Bogdanov. According to the director of the municipal administration, it is planned to install a parking lot and other infrastructure on the two-hectare plot. This project is expected to be carried out through a public-private partnership. But to predict when Holland Cap visitors would no longer have to leave cars anywhere, the interlocutor did not dare. “Now we are preparing an investment project, we will have to coordinate it with the Central Agency for Project Management. Next, we will prepare the purchase conditions of the project and choose a supplier who will organize everything. We probably can’t do everything for the next summer season, there will probably be another. The municipality, like the people, would like everything to go faster, but the processes are as long as anywhere else. It doesn’t come out faster, “said A. Bogdanov.
