The president’s response to drenched children: I’m probably responsible for everything, even the rain


Confused brothers

There are days of anxiety at the Lord’s Revelation monastery in Kretinga.

The coronavirus was diagnosed in a vicar of the Franciscan monastery and his friend who traveled together to Poland and the Czech Republic.

Although the entire monastery community and staff had to be screened for the virus, it is feared that the disease has spread more widely.

The monastery, which has survived the quarantine safely, now has to answer parishioners’ troubling questions: where could the infections among the Franciscan brothers have come from?

And here the second, after traveling to Poland, managed to come to church on Monday night. I kicked him out of the church.

“When the rumor spreads that I have coronavirus, I have to say that I am healthy. There was an error. I received a call talking about me on television. Obviously I am happy to have taken the arrows of another brother who became ill,” he assured in joke G. Numgaudis, a monastery guard whose name was publicly mentioned on Tuesday due to a fixed infection in Kretinga.

It turned out that the virus had hit another brother in the monastery. Vikar had only managed to return from the Czech Republic and Poland at the end of last week, where he was on vacation.

“He and his friend were in the car. When I returned to Lithuania, I greeted him and shook his hand. Although I used to wash my hands, I am now in forced self-isolation,” said Brother G. Numgaudis.

Figures: D.Stasiuvienė, Deputy Director of the Klaipėda Department of the National Health Center, assured that a total of 432 cases of coronavirus were registered in the county. (Photo from the National Center for Public Health)

The two returning travelers, according to the monk, began feeling symptoms of the disease as soon as a couple of days later.

Kretinga residents suspect that the infection was brought from the Czech Republic, where they were on vacation.

Expelled from the church

The vicar of the monastery began to feel the first symptoms on Sunday.

“The problem is that when he returned from the trip, he was still going to visit his relatives. He probably came back on Saturday night and on Sunday morning he called me and said he was feeling bad, asked me what to do. I advised him to do not leave the cell and organize a test. ” He drove Klaipeda and investigated, “said G. Numgaudis.

The monastery was eagerly awaiting answers to the investigation.

“The test was reported to be positive. We agreed to take him to the hospital,” said the monk.

According to preliminary data, the monk from Kretinga is not feeling bad, there are no complications in Kretinga.

“And here is the second who traveled to Poland managed to come to church on Monday night. I expelled him from church. I warned him before mass when I saw ten minutes at 6 p.m.,” said Numgaudis.

The monk’s traveling companion began to ask G. Numgaudis to listen to him.

“He started asking for a confession. He asked a lot. He was wearing a mask. I had to take him to the room and listen. During quarantine, we heard confessions in the church. We asked for confessions in a separate room 3-4 meters away.” “Then I urged him to run home as soon as possible and not endanger the community. But it turns out that at night they took him to Klaipeda hospital. When we received a response from our brother that the test was positive in the morning, that porridge boiled, “said G. Numgaudis.

I didn’t go to the supermarkets

For specialists from the National Center for Public Health, both infected people had to indicate all possible contacts they might have in Lithuania.

Both people diagnosed with coronavirus have reported that they did not visit public places or go to supermarkets.

The man, who had already been diagnosed with COVID-19, attended the mass on the afternoon of July 6, saying that he had kept a safe distance from other believers, without speaking to anyone, without shaking hands.

Although the man provided such data to specialists at the Public Health Center, it seems that things were a little different. At least the parishioner had been in contact with his brother Gediminas for quite some time.

However, people who attended the Monday night mass are invited to monitor their well-being and contact the National Center for Public Health if they show signs of the virus.

It is also worrying that while visiting relatives in the Vilkaviškis district, the monk was able to have contacts with eight people.

The church was disinfected by the monks after this mass.

Exam answers are negative

“I cannot be responsible for the other person he greeted and interacted with, but our brother, barely feeling the symptoms, was really isolated. He spent time in the cell, I did not give food to myself. I left the food in the background from the hall, on the table. His cell is at the end of the hall. He went out and took it himself. There was no close contact with him. I heated all the dishes, disinfected them as best I could, “said the monk.

All the brothers and the monastery staff were examined for coronaviruses.

“We received responses that we are all healthy. The tests are negative,” G. Numgaudis was happy.

However, the monks continue to make sure to closely monitor their well-being, even following all special recommendations.

“We have to be vigilant. We still follow all the measures. We are already used to it. When I go to share communion, I always disinfect my hands. Even at mass, I do it. We have to take care of everyone. From what angle can guilt be hidden, who knows here? wished G.Numgaudis.

In Kretinga – 62 cases

Dalija Stasiuvienė, deputy director of the Klaipėda Department of the National Health Center, said that a total of 432 coronavirus cases were registered in Klaipėda county.

“There are 62 cases in Kretinga. There are currently 11 patients at the treatment center across the county. The numbers remain alarming. The Czech Republic is still on the list of countries for which isolation is recommended. These cases remind us that let’s not relax, “said D. Statsiuvienė.

D.Stasiuvienė positively evaluated the security measures taken in the monastery.

“Where there are close contacts, it is still dangerous. I am probably one of the few who still wears a mask when I go to the store. By the way, I had to attend a funeral, I was also alone in the procession, wearing a mask. The clergy is a brilliant part of our society. I hope they behave the way they speak, it must be understood that traveling is not prohibited, which means that there will be cases to be brought, special care must be taken, faith is also very important to a person, no one can prohibit visiting the church and professing faith, must be especially careful “, – said D.Stasiuvienė.

Instructions for travelers

The Ministry of Health still urges travelers to take the necessary precautions and follow the recommendations of specialists.

The incubation period for the coronavirus is approximately 14 days, therefore, upon returning (or transiting) from countries where the incidence exceeds 25 cases, 100,000. population, isolation is required for two weeks.

Returning from affected countries where the incidence exceeds 25 cases per 100,000. You must register with the National Center for Public Health within 24 hours.

For people from Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Djibouti, Egypt, Ghana, India, the United Kingdom, Monaco, Nepal, the Virgin Islands, Romania, Swaziland and Turkey, where the incidence is slightly lower, experts recommend isolating yourself and staying at one safe distance from other people. access to personal protective equipment.

Self-isolation is essential for returnees from three countries: Sweden, Luxembourg, and Portugal.
