The President reappeared, the government died again.


Photo by Judita Grigelyts (V)

It is not the first time since last July that the government and the ruling majority have distrusted President Gitan Nausda’s initiative for fiscal and budgetary change.

Until last year, the rulers did not withdraw the budget package from almost any proposal by the new head of state, directed at the welfare state, neither due to the income of some groups of the population and a higher taxation of spent diesel, or a much slower growth in tax-free income. Only with great enthusiasm was the initiative to slightly increase basic old-age pensions.

The rulers seemed to politely thank the president for these proposals and presented them for consideration. Someday in the future.

Only that the future not only did not come, but became even more distant due to the crisis.

And the president has already built a new offer. It has been announced that G. Nausda wants to temporarily reduce the personal income tax rate (PIT), which is currently 20%, in order to increase companies’ incomes in the conditions of the coronavirus crisis.

The president has not yet specified how much the EPA wants to change, he just reported that the idea has been discussed with economists. Presidential adviser Simon Krpta said the idea was welcomed.

Some business and union representatives were genuinely positive about such an initiative, as it would increase business revenues and support the necessary level of economic recovery.

But the voice of a skeptic was heard again in the government. I am very careful with any tax changes. International organizations do not currently recommend systematic changes in the tax system, since there are much faster and more effective measures, such as guarantees, subsidies, etc., said Vilius Apoka, Minister of Finance.

He also suggested that even a temporary reduction in the GPM rate would cause the need to adjust to the annual budget. In V. apoka’s opinion, this has dedicated endless and unproductive discussions to the Seimas.

In this case, the state budget will definitely have to be changed. Since the part of the litas collected in the PIT remains in the municipalities, the reduction of the tax rate will allow the entry of local budgets and additional compensation will have to be found in the state budget mechanism. This will force you to adapt.

The government, as Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis has repeatedly said, does not see the urgent need to reschedule 2020. biudet It is argued that politicians do not want to discuss socially and economically sensitive issues of state adaptation in the conditions of the electoral campaign from Seimas.

Furthermore, according to the prime minister, in March the government will open its hands to borrow up to an additional 5 billion. Eur, there is no need to change the budget and it can be continued even if a large part of the expected revenue is not raised.

The budget is estimated to be at least 1,500 million by the end of the year. Eur. Hole and Adam cultivate additional loans, but without touching the budget itself.

However, Seimas’ lawyers have already pointed out that many legal acts have recently been adopted, which have a direct impact on the adopted budget, since additional multimillion-dollar credits are allocated to various areas. As a result, the EU government may not be able to avoid the adjustment obligation and key targets for 2020. financial document

It is obvious that some of the disadvantages of such an initiative were not taken into account when raising the idea of ​​changing the President of the EPA.

But it is also obvious that the Government is not behaving in a sufficiently responsible manner when, without adequately relying on everything and absolutely, it repeatedly rejects the requests heard in the Daukantas Square room.

In V’s view, such a misunderstanding would not arise if the institutions spoke. And now we are convinced again that there is enough communication between the government and the president to have an adequate dialogue, a sincere attempt to negotiate, to compromise.

The current Danish rulers ignore other opinions, almost automatically rejecting the ideas of the opponents. Such an assumption is that, for politicized reasons, there is a jealous fear of taking, albeit often rational, but simply not one’s own initiative.

Aren’t we waiting for a new Seimas and a new government in anticipation of normal institutional communication? Do we really have time for that?

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