The president of the Seimas doubts whether sending the members of the Seimas to self-isolation does not violate the Constitution


“What is happening at the moment due to the isolation of the members of the Seimas is not in conflict with the Constitution of Lithuania? It clearly regulates how the powers of a member of the Seimas can be limited. No ministerial order can do that, especially an institution A member of the Seimas must fulfill his functions, regardless of the misfortune that shook the country. His service to Lithuania cannot be limited by the decisions of lower instances, “writes the president of the Seimas on Facebook on Wednesday, and currently works remotely because she is infected with the coronavirus.

The president of the Seimas has many doubts because liberal politicians are forced to be isolated even with negative tests, although in other cases the isolation period for other state officials is shortened.

“And the conditions for them to leave isolation are dictated by the NVSC. By the way, making mistakes, as we saw yesterday, when we wanted to isolate three more politicians. To me, this situation seems abnormal. I think there is more than one way to guarantee the safe work of a member of the Seimas without endangering other people in the Seimas, ”said V. Čmilytė-Nielsen, recalling the situation on Tuesday, when The National Center for Public Health and the Seimas Chancellery released information that Gabrielius Landsbergis, president of the Lithuanian Christian National-Democratic Union, Aušrinė Armonaitė, president of the Freedom Party, member Tomas Vytautas Raskevičius and Kęstutis Glaveckas, member of the Liberal Movement , they should resign due to COVID-19. This information was later denied and it was pointed out that only K. Glaveckas had to isolate himself from these politicians, and he was in the Seimas.

A.Veryga proposed to the president of the Seimas to request the CC

Acting Health Minister A.Veryga did not begin to assess whether sending parliamentarians into isolation violates the Constitution.

“Violations of the Constitution in Lithuania can only be assessed by one institution: the Constitutional Court. Everything else is speculation, who does or does not violate anything, ”A. Veryga told reporters on Wednesday.

If the president of Seimas sees reasons to file an application with the Constitutional Court, he has that right, the minister added.

A.Veryga also emphasized that the president of the Seimas “started working again” and said that he wanted to remember that the work of the Seimas is not organized by the Ministry, but by the Seimas leadership.

“Conditions, work recommendations are listed and such rules must be followed, where it is possible to observe distances, avoid distances. At least from what I have seen the decisions of the Seimas Board, there are certain decisions made, leisure spaces They are closed ”, said the Minister.

He assured that V. Čmilytė-Nielsen “will receive those answers about the validation of the tests.”

The president of the Seimas is in a better position to organize the work of the Seimas.

“The president of Seimas should focus better on the work of Seimas. We will definitely take care of the tests,” commented A.Veryga with a smile.

V. Sinkevičius: evidence needed

Professor of Constitutional Law Vytautas Sinkevičius 15 minutes He argued that it would be possible to speak of violations of the Constitution only if there was evidence that doctors could have been used in political struggle.

“Doctors decide if a person is ill, is suspected of being ill, has had contact with a sick person and therefore should be isolated. In this case, the doctors probably rely on objective data and follow the descriptions approved by the Minister of Health. Furthermore, sending to isolation is not an end in itself. It is a way to protect yourself and other people from infection.

Were the facts that revealed that the people sent to isolation were people who should not be sent intentionally? Weren’t doctors used for political purposes? You need to have solid evidence to talk about it. I have no such evidence, “said V. Sinkevičius.

Weren’t doctors used for political purposes? You need to have solid evidence to talk about it.

In another case, according to him, for health reasons, the voting opportunities of Seimas members may be restricted, unless amendments are adopted on the possibility of organizing Seimas work remotely.

“It just came to our attention then. Those medical restrictions are as binding on Seimas members as they are on other citizens. And they may be subject to the same liability,” said V. Sinkevičius.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Kęstutis Glaveckas

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Kęstutis Glaveckas

So K. Glaveckas, who ignored the isolation order and was at the Seimas on Tuesday, should be punished? “It could be subject to the same responsibilities as all citizens,” he said.

The situation is worrying for the president of Seimas, so she plans to organize a debate with legal and health experts in the coming days.

“The Seimas is the main representation of the Lithuanian people. Interference in their work by eliminating members of the Seimas is a threat to the Constitution. This should also be made very clear to the ministers, whether they are temporarily in office or not. We must respect the most important law in the country and not set a precedent that could paralyze the work in Parliament, ”says the president of Seimas.

In addition, according to V.Čmilytė-Nielsen, the possibilities for the Seimas to work remotely are further examined. The Seimas Board members discussed this with President Gitanas Nausėda on Wednesday.

VIDEO: G.Nausėda on the continuity of the work of the Seimas in the conditions of COVID-19

This week, the president of the Seimas approached the acting Minister of Health, Aurelijus Veryga, asking him for proposals on how to work in the Seimas, when there are more and more established parliamentarians.

“R.Veryga, obviously, is not ready to cooperate with the Seimas, because I did not receive an answer to my question this week. It is also an abnormal situation,” says V.Čmilytė-Nielsen.

Currently, coronavirus has been identified in at least five MPs. Besides V.Čmilytė-Nielsen, liberals Jonas Varkalys and Viktoras Pranckietis and conservatives Vytautas Juozapaitis and Andrius Kupčinskas have received positive responses to coronavirus tests.
