The president nominated candidates for ministers of transport and agriculture


Photo by Vladimir Ivanovo (V)

President Gitan Nausda calls for new candidates for Ministers of Transport and Agriculture. The head of state announced this after a meeting on Friday with Prime Minister-designate Ingrida, who discussed the formation of the government. The President may appoint the remaining candidates as members of the Cabinet, although he has some doubts about the portfolios of the candidates for the Minister of Health and Energy.

The text has been supplemented by the president’s comments on the candidates in question.

After an hour and a half of conversation, the President told the new Head of Government her opinion on the candidates she had nominated. In a subsequent press conference, Mr. Nausda announced his position on the formation of the Cabinet of Ministers.

The president announced that he was unhappy with the candidates for Minister of Transport and Agriculture Kasparas Adomaitis and Dalia Miniatait. The head of state requests to select new candidates for these positions.

Mr. Nausda has announced that he will appoint the remaining candidates as members of the retired Government.

Papra is a dual candidate

With the Prime Minister-designate, we discussed the principles and composition of the Government. Those comments, which were discussed previously, were considered and discussed today in the evaluation of a specific candidate minister. And I can say that two candidates should be nominated for the positions of Minister of Transport and Agriculture, said the President.

By no means do I mean that the candidates running were bad or did not understand their role. Just today, all I can say is that, as president, I cannot take responsibility for achieving short and long term goals due to a lack of vision, a lack of understanding of the key issues in my industry. Therefore, both the Freedom Party, when talking about the Ministry of Transport and Communications, and the State Union, when talking about the Ministry of Agriculture, must present new candidates in the near future, emphasized G. Nausda.

The president believes that the Freedom Party has, in his opinion, a suitable candidate for transport ministers.

I have tentatively nominated a possible candidate for the Free Party, and the party’s governing bodies have not yet been approved. But if that candidate comes up to me, in fact, confusing the person quite well, I think he may really be a good candidate for transportation ministers, the president said, but he did not name the candidate.

Doubts about A. Dulkis and D. Kreivis

The head of state also mentioned several other candidates, which raised some doubts.

First of all, it is necessary to address the position of the Minister of Health. Yes, Arnas Dulkys presented his vision of the situation and assessment of the perspective. However, my main doubts were not so much about his long-term vision and his plan to optimize the health system, but about short-term actions. We are at the epicenter of a pandemic, the indicators are getting worse. So now a solution is needed. But the candidate’s plans for the near future left some doubts, G. Nausda said.

However, the President informed that I. the company would take personal responsibility for the activities of the Minister of Health: We agreed that if we were not successful, we would not wait long for decisions to be made very soon. I really don’t want to fail at work. I wish A. Dulkis the best of luck. But the hills will be really huge and the help you will need will be very high.

He also said that the decision to appoint Mr. Dulk had refuted the public’s beliefs about the candidate’s negative attitude towards him.

Another candidate who has doubts about the competition, but about certain issues of official ethics, is the Dainius Kreivys appointed by the Minister of Energy.

He knows the area, but his involvement in certain business structures, his experience as a former minister and his subsequent resignation, of course, pose certain risks to which neither the president nor the prime minister can fail to react. I have received an undertaking from Mr Kreivis to avoid the slightest allegation of confusion as to his possible interests. However, seeing such serious doubts that I have addressed to him, I see no reason not to confirm it in the position of Minister of Energy, says G. Nausda.

2011 Mr Kreivys resigned as Minister after the Ethics Officer declared that he had seriously violated the principles of reconciliation of interests by signing an order for the appointment of a European project to a construction company in which his mother was a shareholder.

Ensures that the selection was not delayed

Mr. Nausda looks forward to being offered two new ministerial posts in the near future. This will allow them to meet with them on Monday, and a decree on the composition of the government could be signed by Tuesday morning at the latest.

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According to him, in this way all the deadlines for the formation of the Government, which are provided for in the Constitution, will be maintained, and even this will be done faster than expected.

The president concluded meetings with the 14 candidate ministers on Thursday.

The round of meetings with the candidates allowed a deep confusion with their position, competences, visions and at the same time did not last long, said the President.

He strongly disagreed with publicly held views that the selection of ministerial candidates had been delayed.

The meetings with the candidates lasted only a few days. Furthermore, the Government program has not yet been fully developed. Whether it is more urgent or less urgent until the Government’s program has been prepared and submitted to the Seimas for consideration, there is no reason to say that the rooster is late or the rooster is too late. We made optimal use of the allotted time, which I hoped would allow the selection procedure to completely confuse all nominated candidates, said G. Nausda.

He called the procedure successful and fair.

Program approval is scheduled for next week

In addition, the president said that some of the candidates were pleasantly surprised. Among them are the candidates for Justice Minister Evelina Dobrovolska: And this led to a reevaluation of their preconceptions, the candidates were able to positively influence them.

The Constitution stipulates that the Prime Minister shall present the Government formed and approved by the President to the Seimas no later than 15 days after his appointment and submit his program for consideration.

I. imonyt was appointed Prime Minister on November 25.

The preliminary agenda of the plenary session of the Seimas foresees that the program of the eighteenth government will be presented to parliamentarians next week. Its adoption, the swearing in of the members of the Government and the start of the works is scheduled for December 10.

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