The president named what he wanted from S. Skvernelis and wished I. Šimonyte success: the ministers were not looking for hares


On Monday, after the Seimas elections, the president was visited by Ramūnas Karbauskis, leader of the ruling Lithuanian Union of Greens and Peasants, and Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis. G. Nausėda stated that he had spoken about the significantly higher number of COVID-19 cases in Lithuania.

Responsibility must be maintained until the last business day, the business minute.

“Today, we are seeing really alarming numbers of coronavirus cases, statistics, there is work we need to do soon.

Meeting with representatives of the Peasants and Greens Union, specifically Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis and party leader Ramūnas Karbauskis, I emphasized that responsibility must be maintained until the last business day, the working minute.

The work that is necessary to protect people’s lives must be done as quickly and efficiently as possible, ”said the president at the press conference.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Gitanas Nausėda

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Gitanas Nausėda

For COVID-19, a request to citizens

According to him, Lithuania has not done everything possible to effectively combat the coronavirus, the extent of its spread.

The government has to do its job, but it is your responsibility to protect yourself and your loved ones.

“Both in terms of the use of disinfectants and in terms of generating culture and common responsibility. Unfortunately, we are not demonstrating the highest standards today.

Once again, I appeal to all people: the government must do its job, but it is your responsibility to protect yourself and your loved ones using all the safeguards that are only provided, ”urged the President.

Directly from the Presidency:

On Monday, G.Nausėda met not only with S.Skvernelis and R.Karbauskis, but also with the leaders of other parties of the future Seimas: the conservatives Ingrida Šimonytė and Gabrielis Landsbergis, the president of the Freedom Party Aušrine Armonaitė, the leader of the Social Democrats Gintautas Paluckas.

What are your impressions after the meeting? READ HERE.

Appointed the criteria for future ministers

After speaking with all of them, the head of state said that he had the impression that the politicians had forgotten about the electoral battalions and were determined to work constructively. He hoped that the parties that made up the ruling coalition would listen to the opposition’s proposals.

“It just came to our knowledge then [juos] from the table only because it is offered by the opposition, ”said G. Nausėda.

He congratulated the Lithuanian Christian Democrats of the National Union on the victory and wished the party’s candidate for prime minister, I. Šimonyte, success as prime minister.

G.Nausėda also indicated what criteria will be established for the future Cabinet of Ministers.

“My criteria are very clear to the ministers: experience, political will and ability to make the changes that are necessary in the leadership sector in a given period, in this case a mandate,” he said.

G.Nausėda promised to actively participate in the formation of the new Cabinet of Ministers, but not to improvise.

I intend to actively participate in the formation of the Government.

“I propose to take an active part in the formation of the government, but not improvising and taking ministers out of their pockets, but listening to the expectations of the parties, the negotiations when the portfolios of ministers will be divided,” he said.

I heard the names of potential ministers

The president revealed that in meetings with party leaders not a single name of a potential minister or minister was heard, but it would be frivolous to treat them as “etched in stone.”

“There really has to be a general agreement on what party, what ministry belongs, who will assume positions of responsibility in the Seimas, who will occupy the position of president of the Seimas.” There is still a long way to go before we can take names, personalities, ”G. Nausėda was in no rush.

Although according to the field of action, the most important thing for the President is who the new Ministers of Foreign Affairs and National Defense will be, G. Nausėda said that he is equally concerned about who will occupy the positions of Ministers of Health and Education.

“Lithuania’s prosperity will largely depend on these sectors, both today and in the future,” he noted.

According to G. Nausėda, health and education are probably the most important elements of the welfare state, and sector reforms in these areas have stalled for the last decade. Without the momentum, according to G. Nausėda, it is impossible to make any progress here.

“Other countries are making rapid progress, Lithuania cannot be left behind in this process,” he said.

Measurements are said to be less important

According to him, G. Nausėda and the parties elected to the Seimas view the leadership of Lithuania in a similar way.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Gitanas Nausėda

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Gitanas Nausėda

“I can affirm positively that we all see the future of Lithuania in a similar way, Lithuania must be a green and innovative state that guarantees social peace. And this cannot be achieved without reducing regional social exclusion, which is unfortunately still very high at the moment.

Tools, instruments, methods: here is the secondary. The most important thing is the priorities, and I am sure that the priorities will be agreed with the new ruling majority, ”the president expected.

Tools, instruments, methods: here is the secondary.

G.Nausėda clarified that he had received assurances from both G.Landsbergis and I.Šimonytė that there were no significant discrepancies, including how he and they perceived the development of the welfare state.

“A green, innovative and socially excluded state is undoubtedly the expectation of all of us, and I believe that in the next four years we can take a great step forward to make that expectation a reality,” explained the president.

Will you go beyond what goes beyond tradition?

Nausėda was asked if she would uphold traditional values ​​and actively use her veto if the newly elected government sought to legalize same-sex couples or decriminalize the possession of small amounts of cannabis. He has not yet revealed whether he will, but has promised to express a position on the matter as soon as amendments on the aforementioned issues reach the Seimas.

“I believe that Seimas will be active in this area and I urge you to do so in every way, because that is your promise to the voters, that is the expectation of your voters. Every party worth its salt must live up to the expectations of the electorate.

First of all, I look forward to an in-depth discussion on this issue at Seimas himself and then, depending on what is specifically proposed, I will decide for myself.

In any case, I hope that my position will be expressed during the consideration of these laws, ”commented G. Nausėda.

More on the position of the members and parties of the Seimas on the questions of legalization of the association and decriminalization of drugs read here.

The Lithuanian Christian Democrats of the National Union, led by I. Šimonytė, won the most seats in these elections of the Seimas and took the initiative to form a coalition government with the Liberal Movement and the Freedom Party. According to preliminary data, these parties will have a fragile majority of 74 seats in the Seimas.

Perhaps they will have the support of the representative of the Greens, the Prime Minister of the Social Democrats Algirdas Butkevičius and several independent candidates.

The Lithuanian Peasants and Greens Union, which is now in power, won 32 seats in the elections, the Social Democratic Party won 13 seats, the Labor Party won 10 seats, the Polish Election Campaign – the Union of Christian Families and the Party Labor Social Democrats won 3, 4 each and one each. Freedom and Justice and the Lithuanian Green Party.
