The position of Minister of Health is hidden: the decision must be very measured


“There were some discussions and consultations with Ingrida Šimonyte on many surnames, more was spoken about some surnames and less about others (…). Speaking specifically of Arūnas Dulkis, it will certainly be very important to speak with the candidate in person, meet him, see how determined he is and what kind of baggage he has accumulated in the field of healthcare, ”S. Krėpšta told LRT radio.

The presidential adviser pointed out that the health situation is currently in a particularly difficult situation due to the pandemic and said that the decision on the portfolio of the Minister of Health must be very measured.

“In the field of (Health – ELTA), as we know, we have a global pandemic, thousands of new cases every day, really many deaths. Therefore, it is really necessary to take very measured and very urgent decisions in this area to improve the situation. We will do all of this and we will really make a very measured decision, which is important to the entire state at this time, “he said.

Following the meeting with President Gitanas Nausėda, Prime Minister candidate Ingrida Šimonytė announced on Wednesday the names of the people proposed for the post of ministers. I. Šimonytė appointed former Auditor General, economist Arūnas Dulkis, to the post of Minister of Health.

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