The portrait of the participants of the riots near the Seimas was revealed: connect several details


Up to ten of the 26 arrested rioters are on trial for fraud, domestic violence, crimes against public order and driving while intoxicated.

Previously, one detainee had been convicted 14 times, one 13 and one 12. Three rioters have been convicted twice and another person is currently under suspicion in two pre-trial investigations.

By the way, half of the detainees are registered with the Employment Service.

Nendrė Černiauskienė, assistant to deputy Valdemaras Valkiūnas, who currently works at Seimas, also spent the night in detention. Previously, this woman, who ran for the Seimas with the Lithuanian People’s Party, has worked on the team of former Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga.

Among those arrested were two activists from the Family Movement Adelina Sabaliauskaitė and Vitolda Račkova.

The court released the majority

Prosecutors have asked the court to allow everyone involved in the riots to be arrested for one to three months, saying the suspects could obstruct the investigation, flee in hiding and commit new crimes.

However, the court saw no such danger and allowed more than half of the suspects to return home.

Only five people were allowed to be detained per month, two for 14 days and two for 10 days.

17 people arrested during the riots have been released, thirteen of them have not been placed in preventive detention and four will have to carry hatred and follow a special agenda.

Among those arrested were seven women, none of whom were arrested. According to Mindaugas Ražanskas, Vice President of the Vilnius District Court, there were no grounds for arresting other suspects: they allegedly have families, jobs and legal sources of income.

The fighter also appeared

The rioters who tried to block the exits and exits of the Seimas were repressed with tear gas, threw stones and bottles at the officers and injured 18 of them.

The police do not rule out that after analyzing the abundant images, the number of suspects may increase. The athlete Arnoldas Misiūnas may be among them.

A spokesperson for mixed martial arts does not deny being in parliament that night, but did not dive into the fight. However, scattered videos show a person very similar to a fighter throwing stones at the officers. A.Misiūnas has already received sanctions from the Lithuanian Kickboxing Federation for such behavior: the athlete will not be able to participate in the competition for one year.

By the way, singer Egidijus Dragūnas (Selas), who previously threatened to deal with A. Misiūnas, participated in the publicity campaign organized by Labor Party leader Viktoras Uspaskich last year, and the MEP was also actively involved in the riot that broke out turned into riots on Tuesday.

Riots: a sequel to the rally?

Politicians disagree on whether the riots can be distinguished from about 5,000. An anti-tax event that brought people together, in which, by the way, activists from the Family Movement participated, who received the support of President Gitanas Nausėda.

“These are two things that are fundamentally different. People protested peacefully, expressed their beliefs and dispersed at the end of that time, “Asta Skaisgirytė, adviser to the president, told the LRT.

G. Nausėda herself believes that the rally that took place during the day was an expression of civic position, and at night what began that “had nothing to do with democracy itself and the desire to express opinion” .

At the time, opposition leader Saulius Skvernelis doubted whether it was possible to distinguish between the protest rally and the riots that followed: “The people who participated in the so-called first part were very active in organizing, inciting and encouraging the people. to do so in the second part. “

Customers look outside

Different tribunes also speak differently about who may be behind the instigators of the unrest.

G.Nausėda hinted that the riots could not have been caused without the help of foreign states.

Rasa Juknevičienė MEP also urged seeking riot clients abroad. According to the conservative, Kremlin-influenced figures are trying to cause confusion in Lithuania. In addition, the politician believes that the riots were planned.

Dainius Žalimas, former president of the Constitutional Court, also believes that the riots could have been predicted and prevented in advance. According to him, several messages have been seen on social networks for some time, and supposedly the special services did not respond to them adequately.

I just knew something

But Darius Jauniškis, the head of the State Security Department (SSD), who visited the Presidency, said he had no evidence that the rioters were driving in another country.

In general, from the speeches of D. Jauniškis after the meeting with the president, it was quite difficult to understand what information about possible disturbances was handled and when and how the service presided over by him shared it with others.

The head of the SSD assured that there were no initial indications that the rally against the new restrictions could turn the riots into people without immunity to the coronavirus.

Shortly after the riots, the SSD reported that they had the characteristics of anti-state activities, and the anti-government protests turned into destabilizing actions for the state.

But yesterday, D. Jauniškis already said that at present there is no data on anti-state activities and no evidence that foreign forces are behind them.

True, the VSD says it warned in January about possible tensions over vaccination. Information on risks related to the Family March has been provided since March, but none were mentioned.

Isn’t security an exploitation?

Didn’t the special services sleep in the marches that had taken on the traits of anti-state activities?

The conservative Laurynas Kasčiūnas, chairman of the Seimas Defense and National Security Committee, interviewed by Lietuvos Rytas, justified the SSD: “Certain information was provided to the decision makers. And we learned about the nature of anti-state activities during the riots that occurred after them.

But this is information at the operational level, which is apparently shared with the executive branch, not with the Seimas. We may not have received our warning. “

Furthermore, L. Kasčiūnas believes that the “anti-state elements” who participated in the riots were not the driving force: “They just slapped other demonstrations, and the participants in the riots did not care what, against what and why they were protesting. It was only vandalism “.

It also moved other processes

But L. Kasčiūnas supports proposals to assess the behavior of some parliamentarians during the riot that turned into riots and perhaps initiate a political trial against them.

Members of Seimas Petras Gražulis, Dainius Kepenis, Mindaugas Puidokas and Aidas Gedvilas appeared at the rally. The latter two reported distancing themselves from the rioters. These politicians claim to have called on people to protest peacefully and did not expect provocations.

At that time, P. Gražulis and his assistant Naglis Puteikis were also among the participants in the riots.

They also admitted a large number of rallies at the Seimas.

As a result, the Seimas Board is considering restricting visitor access to parliament with unique passes issued by Seimas members.

After Tuesday’s events, the ranks of the opposition began to grow. Lukas Savickas, who is leaving the peasant faction, announced that Rūta Miliūtė is also considering this possibility.
