The police control the movement throughout the country: a list of roads where agents receive travelers


On the website you can see where the police will be on duty today and people trying to violate the strict quarantine rules will not be lost. We present the information they have collected in the image below. Obtained from the police and restrictions are posted only on state-important highways.

The police control the movement throughout the country: a list of roads where agents receive travelers


Based on the information provided, it can be concluded that the police will be on duty on the main roads of the country that go from the capital to Kaunas, Klaipeda or Panevezys.

We remind you that the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on December 14. decided that from 2020 December 16 00:00 hours to 2021 January 3 24:00.

On the territory of the Republic of Lithuania, the movement of persons between municipalities will be restricted, except in cases where they are addressed to: the municipality of their place of residence; to a municipality other than your place of residence due to the death of close relatives; work (on business matters) when the workplace is in another municipality; to or from international passenger routes to or from airports, seaports, bus stations; about health services; for other objectively justified reasons of urgency, where displacement to a municipality other than the one in which you reside is unavoidable.

This restriction does not apply to people who are members of the same family or a household, who move to a municipality other than their municipality of residence, where they own real estate owned by one of the members of the family or household. The police are tasked with controlling the movement of road users on the country’s highways.

On Tuesday, Interior Minister Agnė Bilotaitė and Police Commissioner General Renatas Požėla explained how the traffic restrictions will be implemented. “Yesterday a restriction plan was prepared and agreed with all public security services, I would like to call it a safe vacation plan,” said A. Bilotaitė.

According to her, the municipal police will organize stationary checkpoints in all municipalities and will control incoming vehicles. It will run from December 18 at 1:00 p.m. to December 20 at 9:00 p.m. and from December 23 at 1:00 p.m. to 27:00 p.m. at 9:00 p.m.

Restrictions on traffic restrictions will also apply from December 31 at 1:00 p.m. to January 3 at 9:00 p.m.

In this case, about 250 checkpoints will be installed. I would like to mention: if 750 crews leave our streets on normal days, 920 crews will leave these days. As for the next few days, there will be mobile checkpoints and 60 additional crews will take to the streets. I want to emphasize that as we all understand that we will not have enough police forces in this situation, yesterday it was agreed that the maximum use of the system of the officials of the Ministry of the Interior will be ensured, ”the Minister explained.

A. Bilotaitė highlighted that the participation of the Military Police and the Riflemen’s Union had also been agreed with the Ministry of National Defense. Due to the need for municipal participation, on Tuesday there will also be a meeting with municipal representatives. According to the minister, the assistance of the municipalities is very important, because part of the accesses to the municipalities will be blocked, cameras and restrictive signs will have to be installed.

“On the days when the checkpoints will not be installed, the 60 additional crews mentioned by the ministers will work. I’m only talking about police capacity. As you know, we will have additional capabilities, you will also be able to stop vehicles using your mobile phone, verify the legality of the movement of people, ”assured R. Požėla.

The possibility of driving can be consulted with the police “We see our mission as an aid to our residents who will have one question or another. We reserve the imposition of administrative penalties as a last resort. <...>. Our goal is not to catch something. In the same way, the objective of the population should not be to deceive the police, “said R. Požėla.

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