The police caught a murderer who had escaped from Pravieniškės prison


“A fugitive who escaped from Pravieniškės was arrested.

Tonight in Klaipeda, Smilteles st., Klaipeda County. Police officers, working closely with officials from the prison department, detained the convict who had fled the prison yesterday.

The refugee was turned over to Klaipeda County. policeman.

Jevgenijus Sotikovas, a 38-year-old murderer, emerged from a prison hospital in Pravieniškės on Sunday afternoon. “A dangerous criminal, who took off a can from the wall, escaped to freedom when he traditionally spent a couple of hours walking through the yard,” the report says.

After breaking the metal structures, he entered another area.

“He could walk, move and it was two hours of walking for him, he took the time to walk in the yard. After breaking the metal structures, he entered another area. Of course, the circumstances are still being clarified, ”says Ramūnas Šilobritas, director of the hospital.

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PHOTO GALLERY. A prisoner’s escape raises questions: As they walk outside, they are constantly monitored by supervisors

Although the convicts in treatment during the walks are being closely monitored, the research will now answer what the caregivers were doing at the time.

“Both the live surveillance provided in the instructions and regulations and the technical means, of course, the video surveillance cameras, certainly are. An official inspection is carried out to evaluate the whole, both the actions of the officers and the follow-up of this, ”says Virginijus Kulikauskas, director of the Department of Prisons.

It is clarified if the fugitive had accomplices who helped him.

“It’s one of the versions, it could have been, but I can’t say exactly,” Shilobrite said.

Sotikov was transferred to Pravieniškės Hospital on August 24 from Marijampolė Prison.

A prisoner's escape raises questions: As they walk outside, they are constantly monitored by supervisors

The prisoner complained of health problems, pain, what ailments afflicted him, the doctors do not detail. It was decided to investigate the man. And when multiple medical examinations are needed to prevent convicts from being transported back and forth from the correctional facility to the hospital, they are accommodated on the hospital premises. This happened again this time: Sotikov stayed here, he had to travel back on Monday.

“He had two consultations, initially there was a need for one, but the doctors said that he would need another specialized consultation, so it took time. She was in the hospital all week. The hospital does not have endless resources and consultants, it works as much as there is a need, well, it is as it is, ”said R. Šilobritas.

Sotikov was convicted abroad in 2008 of a particularly heinous crime: intentional murder. A Spanish court handed down a verdict.

“This person was sentenced in the Kingdom of Spain and handed over to Lithuania in 2011, and since then he has served his sentence in a penitentiary, in another penitentiary center,” says V. Kulikauskas.

He got another prison sentence: getting caught for drug possession. The prison door would have been opened to him in March 2024. But now he has another sentence and more years behind bars.

A prisoner's escape raises questions: As they walk outside, they are constantly monitored by supervisors

“A pre-trial investigation was launched into the prisoner’s escape. According to Article 241 of the Republic of Lithuania, a person is threatened with deprivation of a boat for up to 3 years,” says police representative Odeta Vaitkevičienė.

Criminal intelligence specialists and the police were sent in search of the man.

“When we received a message from the prison that one of the prisoners had escaped, we reacted immediately. Our guards informed the forces working in the Kaišiadorys district, as well as the officials working in the city and other counties, so that they would know and notice the detainee and inform them, “says O. Vaitkevičienė.

According to the representatives of the Department of Prisons, this is the first case of its kind in which the convict escapes from the hospital. However, prison breaks do occur at least several times a year. Runners often get stuck.

So far, convict Andrius Kalasiūnas, who left his job in Kaunas almost a year ago, has not been captured.
