The police are responsible for: who and under what circumstances may move between municipalities, what documents they must have


The police will organize stationary checkpoints at the entrances of all municipal centers in the country, where vehicles entering cities will be controlled. Part of the accesses will be blocked by technical means, surveillance cameras will be installed or prohibition posters will be built. At least two officers will work at each post, and high-traffic posts will use police officers, shooters, etc.

Stall blocking at city entrances:

as of December 18. 1 pm until December 20. 9 pm
as of December 23. 1 pm to 27 d. 9 pm
from December 31 1 pm until January 3. 9 pm

If people have any questions, they can call the police information line at 8700 60 000, Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. in the morning until 8 pm In the afternoon. On weekends and holidays – from 8pm. in the morning until 5 pm in the afternoon.

670 police teams will be on duty next weekend, and another 250 teams will be on duty at checkpoints, so 920 teams will be patrolling all over Lithuania over the weekend. On ordinary days, not holidays, 750 crews will be on duty. An additional 60 police teams will work to control movement between municipalities, who will verify the legality of the movement.

It is estimated that around € 1,700,000 will be needed to control movement restrictions.

Answers to frequently asked questions:

Departure to or from international passenger routes at airports, seaports, bus stations possible (also in cases where the objects mentioned are in other municipalities). In this case, the person traveling must have supporting documents for international travel, eg. Eg plane tickets.
A person who has returned from a foreign country if he is not subject to self-isolation and he:
– you have real estate in Lithuania, you can go and stay there alone.
– you do not have real estate in Lithuania, you can go to relatives with whom they will be: p. ex. parents, sisters, brothers, spouses, children, children of spouses. In cases where the relationship between people is not legally formalized, officials will assess the situation individually.

Co-workers travel in a car possible, the number is limited only by the maximum number of seats installed in the vehicle. In this case, people must justify the joint work (for example, employment contracts, employee certificates, etc.). At the same time, it is necessary to comply with all the requirements established by the Emergency Operations Manual at the state level during the work.

Children’s movement – Children cannot be transported to other municipalities (for example, with grandparents), nor can they be left with relatives in the same municipality.

It is possible to bring children from another municipality, but officials will assess each situation individually and may take additional steps to assess the situation. It should be noted that even with permission to bring the children, it is not possible to contact relatives.

When the child’s place of residence is established with one of the parents, there are movement restrictions with that of the parent and the child must be. It is only possible to go to the other parent if the court has clearly established the child’s place of residence with both parents (i.e. giving one parent the right to see the child and stating that the child lives with one parent and separates from the other). parents).

For transportation services, children can be transported to another municipality (only for non-distance educational services, such as kindergarten), in which case it is necessary to have an educational services contract.

Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min photo / Police checkpoint on the Nemenčinė road

Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min photo / Police checkpoint on the Nemenčinė road

Caring for people who are sick or unable to care for themselves – This is allowed, but given the wide variety of cases of this type, officials will evaluate them individually. Visitors are advised to have supporting documents (for example, on the health status of the person being cared for) whenever possible.

Traveling to other municipalities for personal reasons:

  • We recommend that you do not go anywhere where you cannot document the legality of your trip and stay;
  • If you go to another municipality and then wish to return, it will be possible to do so only if the Government of the Republic of Lithuania Resolution no. 1418 “About the announcement of quarantine on the territory of the Republic of Lithuania” documents justifying the legal purpose of the trip (for example, housing rental agreements, real estate ownership documents, documents proving the employment relationship (in case You will not be able to return at the end of the movement restrictions (January 3, 2021 inclusive);
  • If you have real estate or are registered in a municipality other than your residence municipality, you have the right to go, but you are also subject to other restrictions, e.g. ex. communication within a single household (for example, returning to parents, grandparents and / or other relatives would violate this requirement);
  • It is also possible to move between different municipalities, but in such a case it is necessary to travel with all personal belongings, and the official would assess the situation individually (for example, traveling with several personal belongings is not considered a transfer);
  • It is possible to cross multiple municipalities while on your way to your destination, but they must be on the way to your rightful destination;
  • It is not possible to move food and other things to other municipalities (also without contact) (except in cases where sick or incapable of caring for themselves are cared for).

Travel to other municipalities to receive health services (planned) If possible, it is recommended to have documents that support the purpose of the trip (for example, electronic confirmation from the health care institution).

StudentsSince the studies are carried out remotely, they will not be able to return to the city where they are studying (unless they have a bedroom or other rental residence, real estate or are registered in that municipality).

Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min photo / Police checkpoint on the Nemenčinė road

Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min photo / Police checkpoint on the Nemenčinė road

Provision of accommodation services allowed, but can only be used within the municipality of residence (regardless of when the accommodation service contract was concluded).

Delivery of goods to other municipalities it is possible, withdrawal – only in the same municipality.

The police will publish here updated information on movements between municipalities.
