The police are also preparing to control travelers during the weekend at night.


Deputy Commissioner General of Police Arūnas Paulauskas warned that traffic control checks will be carried out not only during the day, but drivers can be stopped and asked to provide destination documents even at night, so they are not They must wait for several “lands” at the end of the day.

“It just came to our knowledge then. As for the checkpoints, of course, the highest intensity will occur during peaks in car movement. But drivers probably shouldn’t be surprised even if they stop at night and check to see if they are traveling between municipalities, having a reason to do so ”, pointed out A. Paulauskas.

If congestion occurs, is it possible that some travelers will not be screened?

It is true, according to the Deputy Commissioner General of Police, if there were traffic jams at the exits or entrances to the municipalities and you had to wait more than half an hour, the police officers would selectively miss a part of the travelers who would not raise suspicions.

“We really appreciate those tactical mistakes that we made, today we review our tactics. First, we have dedicated more people to speed up the inspection. Second, the seniors will assess the situation in the positions, and if it is seen that it is building up a queue, people will have to wait more than 30 minutes, only then the inspection will be done faster

Perhaps some percentage of the cars that you don’t really suspect will be lost without passing your inspection. Their transport will be selectively inspected, ”he explained.

The police remind them not to forget to bring documents that prove their legality or copies of them on the trip, as well as photos of the document on the phone.

“If they travel to places where they have real estate, they have an extract of their registry, they can just take a picture of it and have it on their phone. There are other documents that corroborate the purpose of the trip, that is, employee certificates, a copy of the work schedule, that a person has and can show to the police ”, said A. Paulauskas.

At the same time, he pointed out that the police will also value the human factor of the reasons for going to another municipality: “We evaluate the human factor all the time and our agents take it into account, since situations in life can be different and apparently the government resolution cannot cover all situations. “

Breaking checkpoints still can’t be silent

The Deputy Commissioner General of Police emphasized that he saw the greatest risk due to the influx of people from the main cities of the country on weekends, who are also trying to reach the spas.

“When it comes to tourist cities, there is a completely different trend.” The flow is being monitored, trying to reach those spas, here the inspection is more focused on access, most of the incoming traffic is controlled “, He said.

According to A. Paulauskas, people who have “slipped” in some way and entered a spa or other municipality still cannot be guaranteed that they will not receive a fine. Police officers can also write reports after inspecting pedestrians.

“Once again, our officials in tourist cities often see places of interest when people come, introduce themselves and ask to justify why they are here, what they come from, which municipality and assess whether they are here legally.

Responsibility for travel between municipalities is provided. It is not necessary to detain a person somewhere on that border or municipal boundary. If a person is detained in another municipality, it is identified that he entered the municipality illegally a few days ago or the same day, which is treated exactly as the same violation, “said the police representative.

Dedicated more resources

Every holiday weekend, up to 1,500 people will patrol the country. Officials of various services.

“Those inspections have never finished, they are ongoing, we are starting a little more intensive work today, that is, carrying out inspections both on Lithuanian roads and inspecting people traveling by train and shuttle bus. We have allocated more resources, more people, more posts and our social partners.

We are really planning intensive work this Easter weekend, ”said the Deputy Commissioner General of Police.

The focus is on youth gatherings and parties.

The country’s police will not only closely monitor the entrances to municipalities during the long weekend, but will also pay close attention to tourist cities and gatherings in public places, especially where young people like to meet. Greater scrutiny will be conducted in response to reports of meetings and parties taking place in private spaces.

As Renatas Požėla, the Commissioner General of Police, said earlier, police officers who immediately notice the meetings on the balconies or hear loud music will immediately react to the situation and knock on the door.

“We will await reports from residents and proactively, say, driving through the residential house, if we hear noise, loud music, gather people on the balcony, stop, enter, check. If violations are identified, we will take appropriate action.” noted R. Požėla.

Inspections will also be carried out on trains and buses.

By ensuring movement restrictions between municipalities, the Vilnius police are committed to monitoring passengers arriving and departing by train and bus on Easter weekend. The inspections will be carried out not only on the platforms but also in the waiting rooms. Greater attention is promised for periods when passenger flows are highest.

The police agents warned that a person who wants to go to another municipality but does not have the supporting documents for the trip will not be able to travel by train or bus even after drafting the protocol.

The continuation of the trip will be allowed to those people who can provide documents about the property they own, the declared place of residence, a visit to the doctor or work assignments.

Linas Baužys, director of the LTG Link company, which travels by train, emphasized that people who refuse to travel will have their tickets refunded, and information on this will be provided both at the ticket offices and on the Internet. The money will also be reimbursed to those people who are not allowed to continue their journey by the police upon arrival at the station.

The driving ban between the country’s municipalities, with the exception of the ring roads, came into force in Lithuania at midnight last Saturday. The ban was renewed by the government until April 6 inclusive to stop the spread of COVID-19.

As with the previous restrictions, it is possible to travel from one municipality to another for business, travel to or from airports and seaports and bus stations, and for other important reasons.
