The pilot transporting vaccines to Lithuania is crossing the road because of his green passport


Pilot Giedrius (real name 15 minutes known – aut. past.) was vaccinated against the Janssen coronavirus even when there was a real shortage of COVID-19 vaccines in Lithuania.

“We deliver those vaccines, we are one of the providers. We did not prioritize vaccination because we are not old and we do not have chronic diseases and things like that. That is why the United States vaccinated us,” he said.

After returning to Lithuania after a while, he tried to obtain a green certificate from the EU, but the mission turned out to be impossible: after applying for it in various state institutions, he did not obtain the data on being fully vaccinated to enter e-health. .

People vaccinated outside of Lithuania can present a vaccination document instead of an opportunity passport in our country, at that time a person cannot really get a green certificate from the EU without entering data in e-health.

Then a paradoxical situation has arisen: you meet the conditions for an easier travel document, but you cannot get it.

According to Giedrius, not only he but his colleagues confronted him.

EHealth not only includes information about vaccines, but also, for example, about injuries and treatments abroad.

Interlocutor 15 minutes He said the problem runs even deeper: eHealth does not include information not only about vaccines, but also, for example, injuries and treatment abroad.

Read more: What to do for Lithuanian foreigners who were vaccinated outside of Lithuania?

Initially, he tried to interact with the Registry Center, which has eHealth at his disposal.

The representatives of the center asked him to wait for the green certificate to come into force, explained that there was a transition period and finally stated that only vaccines carried out by health institutions in Lithuania are included in e-health.

Photo from / EU Digital COVID Certificate

Photo from / EU Digital COVID Certificate

“As for what to do, it is necessary to contact SAM to clarify, because in this case the Registry Center is only a technical executor, we do not make decisions, we only carry out the functions assigned to us,” the center explained.

Finally, Giedrius heard from the National Center for Public Health that the system would be launched on July 2 and that the opportunity would appear to transfer information about the vaccine to electronic health.

Now it is waiting, waiting, not waiting.

“It’s waiting now, we are not waiting,” he said.

Giedrius stated that he did not understand why the legislation, which requires personal healthcare institutions to complete the patient data summary and update it with relevant data, was not followed.

SAM has started working on how long it will take; it is not clear

Spokesperson for the Mindaugas Samkus Records Center 15 minutes He said that the competence of the representatives of the SAM is to determine the rules of what data and in what cases are delivered to the e-health system.

“I also remind you that the data is provided to the system by health professionals: general practitioners, laboratory specialists or vaccination center,” he emphasized.

Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min photo / The medical community is organizing a rally at the Ministry of Health

Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min photo / The medical community is organizing a rally at the Ministry of Health

LAM Zimnickienė, Advisor to the SAM Press Service 15 minutes confirmed that currently the data of people vaccinated abroad is not entered into Lithuania’s e-health system.

“To solve this problem, the legal framework is being developed,” he emphasized.

When asked how long this would take, a ministry spokeswoman did not speculate and said the issue was in the conciliation stage and therefore there was no specific deadline.
