The physical therapist named the biggest enemy of the back and told him how to protect himself against pain


The biggest enemy of the back is the static position.

According to the interviewer of the program “Recipe for health”, the muscles are constantly in the same position while sitting: some are tense, while others, on the contrary, are too relaxed. As a result, the normal posture is altered, the natural tendencies of the spine are transformed and we begin to feel stiffness and tension pains.

Depending on the location of the pain, it is sometimes possible to tell which part of our spine is in the most irregular position.

So what to do? According to the specialist, if a person has to stay in a static position for a long time, it is necessary to take breaks every 30 minutes but after 2 minutes and actively do something during them. These can be stretching exercises, walking, going to another room to bring something. These short active breaks can be very beneficial for our body.

It is very important that the computer is at eye level and the chair is at such a height that the feet are flat on the floor.

It is also possible to try sitting on an unstable surface, such as a ball or a special cushion. Still, sitting in them shouldn’t completely replace sitting in a chair. It can be like a workout for our muscles, a couple of hours a day.



It can be seen that more and more permanent jobs are being created in offices. However, constantly working standing up, according to the specialist, is not a good option either, because the most important thing is to change the position of the body.

“If we have the opportunity to work sometimes sitting, sometimes standing, it can be an alternative. The permanent position during work is not a miraculous tool, because it is still a static position,” explained L. Žlibinaitė.

Not only people who do sedentary work, but also people who are on their feet face pain. According to the specialist, these people are more likely to experience pain in the lower body. His calves are constantly tense, so at the end of work he feels pain in his legs. If you experience back pain, it is due to irregular posture.

Finding a person in the correct posture is very difficult

“Finding a person in the correct posture today is very difficult. Seen from the front, our body must be symmetrical. Seen from the side, the ears and hips must be aligned. Often, the position of the head is too far forward, the shoulders are round, back is stooped, bowl sticks out – these are the main postural problems, said the physiotherapist.

– The worst thing is that we are already used to that irregular posture, the muscles adapt to that position and the correct posture is no longer comfortable for us. However, it is recommended to keep thinking about the position of your body: the head should not be pushed forward, the shoulders should be bent, the abdomen tenses easily, as if we were wearing jeans that were too small and we do not want them to be tightened.



As a result of incorrect posture and static position, a small or larger backpack is formed. According to L. Žlibinaitė, if we change our posture, we tighten our muscles and the backpack disappears, it means that we can still adjust it and it is not yet a structural change. But if the backpack does not disappear when stretched, more attention is needed, we must consult a physiotherapist and seek help.

The interviewee listed some tips that can help you.

“The simplest: sit, squat, stretch and try to compress the shoulders, bringing them closer to the spine. It’s often difficult for people to understand what’s going on here during exercise because the blades don’t move very easily anyway. We can also simply stretch our arms forward and try to extend them, as if we wanted to achieve something, ”advised the physiotherapist.

Another exercise is to try to press your shoulders against the wall.

An exercise for the deep muscles of the neck is to try to push the chin back with two fingers, but the head should not allow this movement to take place. We push forward with the chin and backward with the fingers.

High heels should only be left for special occasions

For those who have started to strengthen muscles and exercise at home, the interviewer advises not to overdo it. According to her, beginners generally don’t measure their strengths and abilities, and then muscle tension sets in, the joints begin to ache, the range of motion decreases, and help is needed.

Running can also seriously injure you.

“There is a certain biomechanics of running and not everyone knows it: from which part of the foot you should start to move, how to hold your hands, what you need to tighten the abdominal muscles. If we don’t know how to run, it’s better that we walk” advised the interviewee.

L. Žlibinaitė warns that a new term has now appeared, which is called “text neck”: pain in the cervical spine of smart device users. It is caused by constantly looking at smart devices with the head tilted down. This position of the body causes pain not only in the neck area, but also in the shoulders, upper back area, forms a hump in the chest, impairs lung function and tension-type headaches.

My back hurts

My back hurts

“The chest muscles are getting shorter because we don’t need them to their full length, and the back muscles are getting longer. The volume of the lungs decreases and this significantly worsens the human quality of life ”, said the physiotherapist.

One of the methods to prevent bad posture is comfortable shoes, not tight and not too high. The optimal heel height is up to 2 cm. And high heels can lead to varicose veins. Also, when wearing high heels, posture changes, the body’s center of mass shifts, the incline of the waist increases, and the muscles, which are otherwise in a natural position, are more loaded.

“High-heeled fans run and run in those shoes because low-heeled shoes get uncomfortable. As with irregular posture, our body adapts to footwear. The Achilles tendon shortens, the position of the pelvis changes. As a result, the person will later have to perform special procedures or exercises so that they feel comfortable walking again with low-heeled shoes, ”said the interlocutor.

Well, while you sleep, as the physiotherapist advises, you should also try to keep your body line. If the head is already sticking forward or the shoulders are rounded, the pillows should be higher. And for another whose posture is normal, a high pillow can cause pain.

“A very hard mattress is not recommended for people who are already experiencing back pain. It is recommended to sleep without a pillow when you sleep on your back, but not on your side, because the shoulder sticks out more than the head, ”said the interlocutor of the show.

To have a healthy back, a physical therapist advises: you should constantly think about your posture, in all activities, whether you are watching television or doing housework. It is necessary to lower the shoulders, tighten the abdomen, bring the shoulders together, not put the head forward. Also limit the time you spend on screens, take breaks, and be as physically active as possible.

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