The paths of Erica Jennings and Jurgis Didžiulis are different


Erica reported this on her social network in Lithuanian and English.

“We have been growing together for 16 years. We love, we love, we create music, we release wonderful and beautiful children into the world, we laugh, we cry, we share endless unforgettable moments.

We have faced many challenges and obtained many victories. Together. However, no matter how much we love each other, no matter how much we care about each other’s well-being, as a couple we grew in different directions.

However, we will always be a united family. We will always be there when one of us needs support. And from now on, our goal is to become the best friends and parents possible, ”he wrote.

The couple is raising three children: Prana Emilijus (13 years old), Antanas Algimantas (11 years old) and Gaia Maria (4 years old).

A few weeks ago, E. Jennings decorated the cover of Lietuvos rytas’ Stilius magazine. During the interview, the woman said that she had decided to improve her appearance by opening the door of a plastic surgeon’s office.

They took her out of the clinic, not her husband, but her friend.

“George was in Colombia at the time, so my best friend took me home. She came with the flowers and said I looked really good, and I felt that way because I didn’t hurt myself at all,” Erica said.

How did the family react to your decision to operate?

“I didn’t really ask George if he could operate on me. I just said I would, and so on.

He replied: if I really want it, then everything is fine because it is my body and I can do with it what I want. He really supported me. And when I returned home after the operation, only the children were expecting, because Gaia was with the grandparents in those days.

The boys took good care of me, I had breakfast in bed, I even took photos. They knew perfectly well that it was operating, I told them everything openly and told them why I needed it.

The children supported me, it was very good and charming after the operation, when they took care of me “, said E. Jennings to” Stilius “.
