The party’s final electoral program was announced at the TS-LKD congress


TS-LKD program development working group leader dr. Jurgita Šiugždinienė stated that during the preparation of the program, the party declared three fundamental principles: clear priorities, respect for the opinion of experts, and leadership and responsibility.

“It is important to us that the future government and its members understand the importance of priorities. You will not be able to complete all the work in a short time, so you must be clear about what is most important. Our goal is for the program to be a document coherent and clearly prioritized to tell us what we want to see in Lithuania.

That is why we believe that it is the core of the work outlined in this document that will allow us to achieve the objective of building a strong State, and the State will only be so when people’s trust in it grows. We have outlined seven challenges that we must solve in order for trust in the state to grow, and we, the entire people of Lithuania, will feel free and worthy, ”said Dr. J. Šiugždinienė.

“7 challenges and solutions”

The TS-LKD electoral program poses 7 main challenges currently facing Lithuania.

TS-LKD suggests that addressing “limping democracy and chaotic governance” requires reducing the development of legislation and focusing more on the quality of solutions, restoring the prestige of working for the state, setting a new Western standard of service, and expanding electronic services. Inequality of opportunities and different starting positions: quality early education accessible to all children, the same quality standard of education in all Lithuanian schools, the state Millennium Gymnasium program, less segregation between the main cities and regions.

By addressing the “unbalanced health care system”, TS-LKD promises to empower GPs, re-profile district hospitals based on the specific needs of the district and individuals, improve the working conditions of the medical staff and residents, strengthen pandemic preparedness, and propose the establishment of a “super-hospital.”

TS-LKD plans to establish a strategic investment fund, focus resources on several priority economic areas, such as biological and health technologies, IT, new materials, strengthen research centers in Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipėda, and create a strong ecosystem for companies. emerging.

To cope with the increase in unemployment and the deepening of social exclusion, the program provides for the individualization and digitization of social services, the stability of the pension system and the revision of the pension structure to bring the basic pension as close as possible to minimum consumption needs, a package for young families, life for the elderly,

The TS-LKD program also addresses threats to statehood by synchronizing the electrical system with continental Europe, respecting the absolute economic blockade of the Astrava nuclear power plant, increasing NATO’s collective defense capabilities in the region, and strengthening irresponsible activities. and harmful to the environment by strengthening public participation in environmental decision-making and preserving mature forests. technologies for the advancement of urban infrastructure and the reduction of pollution and responsible consumption.

Asked for help for Belarusians

Party chairman Gabriel Landsberg spoke about the “less is more” program arrangement.

“I remember when we first mentioned this provision of the program, the eyes of colleagues fell on their foreheads. Which party still offers the least? <...> Not this time. We agreed to agree on what we can actually implement, “G. Landsbergis told the congress.

G. Landsbergis criticized the current Lithuanian sanctions against representatives of the Belarusian regime and called for their tightening.

Managed by Cabbage / Photo 15min / TTS-LKD Extraordinary Congress

Managed by Cabbage / Photo 15min / TS-LKD Extraordinary Congress

“The owners, the judges, after the bloody crackdown on women, can still go shopping in Lithuanian stores and maybe even relax at the Lukashenko Spa in Druskininkai. Because we don’t allow only Lukashenko and 29 other friends to enter Lithuania . I am ashamed that much has been done, “he said.

The president of the TS-LKD called on the Belarusian government to support financial support and treatment.

“In Minsk, the last representative of the legitimate human authorities, Sviatlana Alexeyevich, a Nobel Prize winner who has barricaded herself in her home, is waiting with the EU ambassadors to be packed up and taken away. Other opponents were arrested or forced. flee. And are we still considering which diplomatic wording to choose?

History čemberlenus remembers sadly. As long as geopolitical Brussels is silent, the government and other institutions must do their job, not cover the Seimas documents as if they have a Belarusian flag on a Facebook photo. Civil society needs financial assistance and refugees need a functioning humanitarian corridor. The regime needs sanctions. Sanctions need allies in Europe. Let’s work! ”Said G.Landsbergis.

Belarusian sound directors participated

Two Belarusian sound directors Wladyslaw Sokolowski and Kirill Galanov participated in the TS-LKD party congress. They were punished for activating the song “Peremen!”, Which became the anthem of the protests, through loudspeakers during a government event in Minsk.

“Currently, people are taking to the streets in Belarus to say that they are not satisfied with the current political situation in the country. Despite the fear of being arrested, crippled or even killed by those who are required by law to protect them. Realize the fact that in the 21st century, repression can be experienced by speaking your mind, refusing to follow an illegal leadership instruction, or simply recording a song.

“Criminals who have seized power in our country are reluctant to understand that the critical point has passed that the Belarusian nation will never return to the state in which it lived until August 2020,” said W. Sokolowski.

“There is no center for the creators of Astrava”

Ingrida Šimonytė, leader of the party’s electoral list and candidate for the post of prime minister, called for greater confidence to keep the word and not be afraid to admit mistakes or the fact that we simply don’t know much.

“Involve others in the search and decision making. Without blaspheming businessmen or journalists just to appear supposedly better in someone’s eyes. “It’s scarier than social physical distance is the distance in our heads,” he said.

I. Šimonytė asked not to allow the “false and evil will” to manipulate existing problems and disagreements, creating a hotbed of discord by creating conspiracy theories.

“I even feel a little sorry for those who, when going to the elections, choose to fight not by emphasizing what they have done, for the better, but even by paying to spread lies about the work, intentions or statements of the TSLKD,” said the first Minister.

I. Šimonytė urged not to forget that “all those who love freedom and adhere to the Lithuanian Constitution have the right to consider themselves Lithuanian, even regardless of their ethnic nationality.”

Managed by Cabbage / Photo 15min / TS-LKD Extraordinary Congress

Managed by Cabbage / Photo 15min / TS-LKD Extraordinary Congress

“It just came to our knowledge then. Strengthen civil society, develop resilience to propaganda, strengthen physical defense capabilities and preparedness to resist. Let’s make sure that none of our pennies will build the creators, builders and financiers of Astravas.” said at the TS-LKD congress.

Worked in opposition

383 delegates participated in the Great Congress held at the Litexpo Fairgrounds.

The leader of the party’s electoral list and candidate for the position of prime minister is I. Šimonytė, a member of the Seimas, who previously served as finance minister, participated in the 2019 presidential elections and lost to Gitan Nausėda in the second round.

The Conservatives were the last in power in the Seimas from 2008-2012, working in the opposition after the 2012 and 2016 elections.

According to the Vilmorus poll, the Conservatives are on an equal footing with the ruling “peasants” in the race for popularity: in July, 17.6 percent promised to vote for the “peasants.” respondents, for conservatives: 17.2 percent.
