The parent community attacks Veryga: the decision on the masks opened a Pandora’s box for the students


Social networks are roaring about parents’ reactions to the minister’s decision to wear masks, and the impact on the emotional state of children is particularly worrying, although there are also fears about the impact on the physical condition of children.

Darius Trečiakauskas, Chairman of the Council of the Lithuanian Parents’ Forum, also admitted that he had received several calls on this matter.

“It just came to our knowledge then. While it must be said that there are parents who are happy that the masks are used in school because there are children who live with grandparents or people at risk and it is natural that they think that those masks will protect them or at least they will help protect them.

However, most parents are outraged. Recommendations from the World Health Organization say that students should wear masks from the age of twelve. Not wearing masks should not be a reason not to provide an educational service, to limit the availability of education ”, said D. Trečiakauskas.

A representative of the Parents Forum has found information that up to twelve years of age, and according to some sources, even up to fourteen years, there should be no respiratory disturbances.

“Doctors say that masks not only cause physical discomfort, but also cause psycho-emotional problems. Research has shown that after the introduction of masks in schools, irritability, intolerance and aggression have increased ”, said D. Trečiakauskas.

The representative of the Parent Forum lacks the most scientific data to support the decisions made by the government. He called the control of the pandemic a circus. The interlocutor also drew attention to the financial aspect of that decision.

“If the government introduces some mandatory requirement, it is natural that the government should also provide that educational measure. If we look at the fact that the mask, according to the correct principle of use, must be changed every two hours, it means that if the children go beyond six to eight hours in school, the child would need three to four masks a day.

Not all parents have something to pay for out of their own pocket. You should also ensure that there is a specialist to monitor compliance. A teacher who is busy with the teaching process cannot observe that those thirty children in the class, especially the youngest ones, always wear masks correctly, do not put their fingers in their noses, in their mouths, ”said D. Trečiakauskas.

A representative of the Lithuanian Parents’ Forum said that their highest expectation was that the decisions made would be based on statistical data analysis and research, and the public would be informed about this.

Masks help when there are no other ways to protect yourself from some kind of short-term contact

Valerijus Morozov, a family doctor interviewed by Delfi, also mentioned communication on the subject of wearing masks as one of the problems.

“Masks are only necessary when we cannot protect ourselves from some short-term contact. The fundamental thing is to keep your distance, not to go anywhere if you are sick, if you are afraid of your health, you are at risk, then – do not contact no one, wash your hands. Because if you used a mask and you don’t wash your hands, touch your nose, mouth, eyes with dirty hands, there will be no benefit from the mask. Only when the distance cannot be assured, when you cannot be sure that you will not go anywhere to protect yourself briefly, you will need a mask ”, explained the doctor the general logic of wearing masks.

According to him, parents’ concern that the wearing of masks somehow harms the physical health of children is not justified.

“The lung load of the child is enough to exhale more air than there is between the mask and the mouth,” Morozov said.

However, the doctor agreed that this could affect the emotional state of the little ones.

“The forced use of masks, especially for children, when they do not see the communication, the facial expressions, is difficult. With the idea of ​​a civic initiative against which we must protect ourselves, everything is fine. But if we want the mask to have some sense, then we need a large investment in the masks themselves, in the training of the child.

Other safeguards are useless. Even if the Seimas members using the panels are simply circumventing the law. That does not provide protection. This is pakazucha“Said V. Morozov.

The doctor also pointed out that for this mask idea to work, the child would have to change it correctly every three hours.

“In this case, the children must wear one mask before breakfast, another mask from breakfast until noon, and a third from noon until their lessons are finished. Likewise, distance and lack of communication between them must be guaranteed. No there can be active physical activity, because if the mask gets hot and wet, then it is no longer effective, “explained V. Morozov.

According to the doctor, it should be considered if there are other smart virus control solutions available in educational institutions, and the masks could help when children move from one class to another when interacting with other children who are not in their class.

How justified are parents’ fears? Due to the impact on the emotional state – yes, due to finances – yes, due to organic violation – certainly not, “concluded V. Morozov.

Kindergarteners won’t need it

Delfi recalls that the Minister of Health is committed to reviewing the decree on the mandatory use of masks during quarantine for children over six years of age, so that it does not apply to kindergarten children.

The Parent Forum protests that wearing masks during classes is an excessive measure. Petitions are being prepared for this. Asked by the Minister, Mr. Veryga replied that he certainly would not agree with that statement.

“Much depends on the attitude of the parents and the attitude of the children, explaining to them who needs the mask, how to wear it correctly, what is its purpose. I think children would really understand if it was explained to them correctly. And all those stories that it will interfere and cause oxygen deficiencies are snapped off the finger. There are exceptions for anyone who cannot wear a mask due to a medical condition. But I have repeatedly mentioned that if the condition is associated with health problems, serious diseases, wearing a mask is even more significant because the risk of complications is higher.

The only thing I would agree with my parents is that we are now linking the obligation to wear masks with age, that is, for those 6 years and older. Some of these children are still in kindergarten. We will clarify and explain the things that kindergarten children do not need to wear masks yet, but masks would be mandatory for everyone who comes to school there, ”said A. Veryga.

Children also have coronavirus

Daiva Razmuvienė, an epidemiologist at the National Center for Public Health, denied the myth that children do not have coronavirus.

“It just came to our attention then. From the beginning of the pandemic until yesterday, a total of 785 children were sick with coronavirus in Lithuania. That represents about four percent of all patients. Its clinical forms are not serious, but they can. transmit the virus to their parents and grandparents who currently take care of them during the holidays ”, said D. Razmuvienė.

According to the specialist, the number of children with coronavirus is increasing.

“If in July 6% of the children who attended educational institutions were sick, in October almost 20% were sick. This means that it has more than doubled,” said D. Razmuvienė.

Masks are required during lessons

As already announced, after the introduction of quarantine starting next week, students are required to wear face masks during lessons.

“Preschool and primary education will be carried out in the usual way, in accordance with all established recommendations, basic, secondary and non-formal education – distance or partial distance education,” the minister said at a press conference on Friday.

As of Saturday, the quarantine will take effect throughout Lithuania. During the same, kindergartens and primary classes will function, and education in schools according to basic and secondary education programs is carried out remotely or in combination with distance education on a daily basis, except in special schools .

According to the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports, a mixed teaching method will be allowed during the quarantine and primary school students will be required to attend at least part of distance learning.

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