The pandemic has fueled new forms of poisoning – the overdose condition makes even doctors wonder


Although the COVID-19 pandemic has led to severe restrictions across Europe, such as closed borders and limited recreational activities, this has not changed the map of the drug market much. Although drug use had decreased somewhat in the initial period of the restrictions, but with the release of movement, travel and social gathering restrictions in the summer of 2020, most drug use began to return to normal levels.

This is demonstrated by the latest annual survey on the prevalence and use of drugs in Europe, published by the European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA).

The survey, based on data from 29 countries (EU-27, Turkey and Norway), provides new insights into the complex and evolving drug problem, as well as data on the rise in illicit drug production by crime groups organized.

More and more very pure and strong materials are being spread

Prof. of the Director of the Department of Drug, Tobacco and Alcohol Control (NTAKD). Dr. According to Renald Čiužas, the latest data related to the spread of drugs is of great concern.

“Very pure and strong materials are increasingly distributed in Europe and distributed on the streets and online. In the European Union alone, for example, 46 new drugs have been introduced in the last year. The drug market has been it is becoming increasingly adaptable and resistant to the limitations of a pandemic, ”he told a news conference.

According to Evelina Pridotkienė, Manager of Monitoring and Analysis of NTAKD, who coordinates the activities of the National Reitox Center in Lithuania, although the pandemic caused a decrease in the use of some recreational drugs, they went from nightlife to the home environment.

“The drug market has adapted to the limitations of the pandemic: substances are distributed more frequently online, through online applications, through messaging. Everything goes hand in hand with new technologies,” he said. the speaker.

Among other things, the decrease in consumption of so-called recreational drugs, such as ecstasy, is being replaced by other substances: (…) Sometimes benzodiazepines can be replaced by synthetic opioids instead of the active substance, and sometimes consumers don’t even know what they contain ”.

R. Čiužas stated that the situation encourages the search for new and effective ways to solve these problems.

“We see trends and offer solutions to stop the spread of drugs and reduce their use in Lithuania. “We are currently preparing proposals for the National Agenda for the Control and Prevention of Drugs, Tobacco and Alcohol, which will set the course for our activities and other institutions until 2035,” he emphasized.

The most popular drug is cannabis.

Reviewing the situation, E. Pridotkienė pointed out that the most common drug is cannabis. The prevalence of its use is up to 5 times higher than that of any other substance.

“27.2% have used cannabis at least once in their life. EU population aged 15-46 years In Lithuania, this figure is slightly lower: 10.8 percent. At the same time, estimates from the EU vary widely in terms of prevalence, with cannabis prevalence of 4% in Malta and 45% in France, ”he said.

She added that as much as 1.8 percent. Europeans use cannabis every day or almost every day: “In other words, 20 or more times a month and that’s a big threat.”

As cannabis use increases, other problems also increase, with more people seeking treatment for cannabis use. From 2009 to 2019 the number of these applicants increased by up to 45%.

“What is pointed out in the report is of great concern because cannabis resin contains increasing amounts of THC, which represents a danger and a health risk,” said E. Pridotkienė.


The average age of those who die from drugs is 37.

The second most common drug is cocaine. In Europe, 4.8% have used it at least once in their life. population, in Lithuania – 0.7 percent.

„2019 a record amount of cocaine was seized. This leads to the conclusion that the supply of cocaine is increasing, which may lead to increased consumption, “he said.

At that time, the prevalence of all synthetic materials was similar: 3% were used at least once in Europe and 1.2% in Lithuania.

“Of course, all drugs are used mainly by younger people, 15 to 34 years old. People. When evaluating the prevalence in the last 12 months, it reached 1.4 percent. In Europe, 0.5 percent. “In Lithuania in the age group mentioned above,” said a representative from NAKTD.

Although injecting drug use in Europe has declined over the last decade, it remains one of the main causes of drug-related harm.

E. Pridotkienė pointed out that the important variables are related to new psychoactive substances, those substances that attempt to simulate the effects of traditional substances. These are mainly new synthetic cannabinoids and new synthetic opioids.

2020 For the first time in Europe, 46 new psychoactive substances have been notified and the total number of psychoactive substances controlled by the EMCDDA is already 830.

“It is very unfortunate that the average age of people who die from drugs in Lithuania is 37.” It is a very young age, “he lamented.

Synthetic opioids are 1,000 times stronger than heroin

As Gabija Laubner, Head of the Acute Poisoning Division of the RVUL and the RITS of Toxicology pointed out, Lithuania does not differ significantly from the general European statistics in terms of drug use.

He confirmed that cannabis and its products are the first in evaluating the number of patients who were ambulatory last year and the substances they consume.

“What else is common in the Nordic countries? Opioids, it is more than heroin; we have not seen such cases in Vilnius for almost a couple of years, and synthetic opioids, heavy veterinary opioids that are 100 or perhaps 1000 times stronger than heroin. “noted the toxicologist.

Gabija laubner

The interviewee pointed out that, as European statistics show, 80% of drug-related deaths are due to opioid overdoses.

“What’s particularly concerning is that a large proportion of patients end up with stronger substances, it’s about higher purity and higher concentrations in the dose itself,” Laubner said.

He noted that during the pandemic, drug use from the hips may have led to a reduction in the concentration of doses used, but the scale of the problem remains large.

A deadly combination when mixed with drugs and alcohol.

The doctor pointed out another worrying trend: patients taking multiple substances at the same time.

“And it does not necessarily have an effect of 1 + 1 equal to 2, but 1 + 1 is equal to 5. Even benzodiazepines, opioids and alcohol are used together, and some active substance has a strong effect, but it is not necessarily associated with consumption. But it can be a deadly combination, “he emphasized.

When asked by journalists how sedatives (benzodiazepines) can be delivered at home simply by courier, Laubner made no secret of the public secret that the drugs in question can be bought without a prescription.

“You can ask a neighbor, you can go to the market to buy, you can buy online. In addition, the courier is even mentioned: it is dangerous for him because he does not know who is there. And the substance can be so strong that it can be poisoned” said the doctor.

Patient behavior is unpredictable

Speaking about the extremely popular new psychoactive substances, the specialist pointed out that they are mainly mixed substances.

“Let’s imagine what a Chinese laboratory looks like, it really isn’t a beautiful building with white walls and a sterile environment. Here everything is questionable and materials with completely different effects are mixed, when even the one who does it does not really know what to mix. Therefore, no one knows which combination will affect the consumer. Therefore, the conditions with which you come to the hospital are very impressive and worrying, ”said G. Laubner.

He recalled that if “traditional” drugs – amphetamine, methamphetamine, heroin, cocaine – predicted how the body would react, then the effects of the new substances are unpredictable.

“In the first case, the pupils are wide, the pupils are narrow, the person is aggressive or asleep. If we are talking about new psychoactive substances, then those people who produce them, consume them and those who see them do not understand what is happening to a person.

And this is the most terrifying and dangerous for your health. They are usually substances that have stimulating properties. As a result, the person is aggressive, confused, in psychosis, with very high pressure, sweating, temperature, very restless. And sometimes not only medical measures are needed but also physical measures to control and help him ”, the doctor did not hide.

He noted that at that time, the doses of new synthetic opioids, which are more or less veterinary, are huge.

“They can put an elephant to sleep, it is very dangerous for humans, their weight is completely different and that means that humans may already have to be rescued from loss of consciousness and death,” warned RVUL, a toxicologist.
