The Palestinian ceasefire between Israel and the Gaza Strip has entered into force


After the ceasefire went into effect at 2 p.m. In local (and Lithuanian) time, there was joy on the streets of the Gaza Strip: people pressed car signals and were also shot in the air, they said. AFP journalists. Encouraging crowds of people also took to the streets of the occupied West Bank.

Early on Friday, there were no more warnings in Israel about Hamas missiles flying in; the ceasefire seems to have been observed.

The ceasefire agreement reached through Egypt also applies to the second most influential Palestinian armed group, Islamic Jihad. The ceasefire came under increasing pressure from the international community to end the bloodshed, which began on May 10.

The agreement was received by US President Joe Biden.

“I think we have a real opportunity to progress and I am committed to working towards it,” Biden said at the White House, also praising Egypt’s role as a mediator between the parties to the conflict.

A statement from the office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the security cabinet had “unanimously adopted recommendations to adopt an Egyptian initiative for an … unconditional ceasefire.”

Hamas and Islamic Jihad have confirmed that a ceasefire agreement has been reached.

“This is a euphoria of victory,” said senior Hamas activist Khalil al Hayya, as thousands of Palestinians gathered in the streets to celebrate.

The Israeli report says its aviation campaign has brought “unprecedented” achievements in the Gaza Strip, which has been blockaded by the Jewish state since 2007, when Hamas took power in the area.

“The political leadership has emphasized that the future of the operation will depend on the specific situation,” the Israelis added.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Thursday that he would be “ready to travel to Israel, the Middle East at any time, if it serves to get away from violence and help work for a better life for both Israelis and Palestinians “.

EU welcomes Israeli-Hamas ceasefire and calls for political solution

The European Union on Friday welcomed the ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas and vowed to intensify its efforts to find a lasting solution to the political crisis.

“The European Union welcomes the declared ceasefire that has ended the violence in and around Gaza. We appreciate the role of Egypt, Qatar, the United Nations, the United States and other actors in mediating the ceasefire.” Josep Borrell, the Community’s foreign policy chief, said in a statement.

“We are overwhelmed and regret the human sacrifices of the past 11 days. The EU has repeatedly stated that the situation in the Gaza Strip has been unsustainable for a long time,” he said.

The statement emphasized that “only a political solution will guarantee a lasting peace and end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict once and for all.”

“It is now extremely important that the two-state solution returns to the political horizon. The EU stands ready to strongly support the Israeli and Palestinian authorities in this effort,” the statement said.

“To this end, the EU is renewing its engagement with key international partners, including the United States, as well as other partners in the region and the renewed Middle East Quartet,” he said.

A ceasefire between the Israel-based Hamas movement and Gaza went into effect at 2pm local (and Lithuanian) time on Friday. They ended 11 days of fierce fighting, during which Jewish state forces heavily shelled a Palestinian enclave, and many Israelis were forced to hide from the rocket attacks.

Egypt will monitor the situation

The fighting began after weeks of high tensions in Jerusalem, in particular over plans to evict several Palestinian families from their homes in annexed East Jerusalem to house Jewish settlers, as well as clashes at the Al Aqsa mosque complex. , sacred to both Muslims and Jews.

The Israeli military has indicated that Hamas and other Islamist armed groups in the Gaza Strip have freed more than 4.3,000 people in the Jewish state. missiles, but the vast majority of those that flew into populated areas were shot down by Iron Dome air defense systems.

Missile attacks in Israel have claimed the lives of 12 people. Among the victims are two children, an Israeli soldier, an Indian national and two Thais, police said.

Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip have killed 232 Palestinians, including 65 children. Another 1.9 thousand. people were injured, the Palestinian Health Ministry said.

Many buildings were demolished; about 120 thousand. people were forced to leave their homes, Hamas officials said.

Diplomatic sources in Cairo told AFP that “two Egyptian delegations will be sent to Tel Aviv and the Palestinian Territories to monitor their [paliaubų] implementation and procedures to ensure stable conditions at all times ”.

United Nations chief Antonio Guterres, who also welcomed the agreement, said Israel and the Palestinians now have a responsibility to maintain “a serious dialogue to address the root causes of the conflict.”

He also called on the international community, in cooperation with the UN, to develop a “strong support package for rapid and sustainable reconstruction and recovery.”

The ceasefire was also welcomed by the UK. British Chancellor Dominic Raab: “All countries must work for a sustainable ceasefire and end this unacceptable cycle of violence.”

“Likite namuose”

The rockets continued to fly into the southern territories of the Jewish state near the border with the Gaza Strip before Israeli officials met Thursday to approve the proposed ceasefire.

The Israeli army has ordered the residents of these areas to remain in their homes “until further notice”.

Immediately after the ceasefire, Islamic Jihad declared him “capable of humiliating” Israel.

The group also vowed to continue defending the Palestinians in Jerusalem.

On May 10, Israel announced that it had begun shelling “military targets” in the Gaza Strip following clashes between Israeli police and Palestinian protesters at the Al Aqsa mosque complex.

At the time, Hamas demanded that Israeli security forces withdraw from the compound, which Muslims consider the third holiest place for them.

After that time, Hamas launched missiles and incited the Israelis to launch a military operation aimed at seriously weakening the group’s ability to control the Gaza Strip since 2007.

The Israeli army said it had hit hundreds of military targets in the Gaza Strip and killed dozens of militant commanders.

According to Netanyahu, the campaign has weakened Hamas and Islamic Jihad for many years.

Palestinians and international organizations have accused Israel of recklessly attacking non-military objects during this campaign.

Israel stressed that it had taken all possible measures to avoid casualties among the civilian population. Among other things, neighbors were informed by telephone of the impending blows. The Jewish state also accused Hamas of having its weapons depots and military installations in densely populated areas.

The conflict has also greatly increased tensions and sparked violence between Israeli Jews and Arabs, and Palestinian protesters in the West Bank and East Jerusalem have repeatedly clashed with security forces.

Hezbollah welcomes ‘historic Palestinian victory’ after ceasefire with Israel

The Iranian-backed Lebanese Shiite paramilitary movement Hezbollah hailed a “historic victory for the Palestinians” following Friday’s ceasefire after 11 days of fighting between Israeli and Gaza fighters.

“Hezbollah congratulates the heroic Palestinian people and their courageous resistance to the historic victory … against the Zionist enemy,” the Shiite paramilitary movement said in a statement.

Hezbollah, which went to war with Israel in 2006, remains an influential force in the Lebanese political arena. The movement maintains close ties with the Hamas Islamists who rule the Gaza Strip.

The ceasefire agreed to through Egyptian mediation went into effect at 2pm local (and Lithuanian) time on Friday. They ended 11 days of fierce fighting, during which Jewish state forces heavily shelled a Palestinian enclave, and many Israelis were forced to hide from rocket attacks.

The Israeli military said that Hamas and other Islamist armed groups in the Gaza Strip had freed more than 4.3,000 people in the Jewish state. missiles, but the vast majority were shot down by the Iron Dome air defense system.

Missile attacks in Israel have claimed the lives of 12 people. Among the victims are two children, an Israeli soldier, an Indian national and two Thais, police said.

Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip have killed 232 Palestinians, including 65 children. Another 1.9 thousand. people were injured, the Palestinian Health Ministry said.
