The other side of the life of the epidemiologist Daiva Razmuvienė: I also want to sit at the table with friends and hug my granddaughter


– This year has been full of challenges, hasn’t it? Can you breathe after work? What do you do in your free time?

– In fact, the year was filled not only with professional and personal challenges, but also with uncertainty. On the other hand, there was a positive side to the pandemic, new acquaintances and new opportunities emerged. The time will come when everything will be over, we will be able to look back and everyone will appreciate this period. The pandemic made it clear that everyone not only has a job, but also a family, that family members also have a job, it was necessary to reorganize the entire home, assigning individual space to each. The challenges were not just every day, but hourly, and they were increasingly unexpected. Science kept trying to anticipate the pandemic, the changes were very fast, a lot of literature had to be read. I found all my textbooks, I had to remember, compare, although not with, with whom. There was a huge flow of information that had to be provided to the public, to doctors, to organizations, but you yourself were not sure how you are now. It always had to be emphasized that this is today’s information. There were endless conferences, seminars, consultations, advice. It’s kind of a good experience, we have learned to work on various platforms. Now when I look back, I realize that apparently a person is capable of mobilization, regardless of being very tired and full of emotional tension.

– There was no shortage of stress, right?

– Yes. Sometimes I received information that there were so many sick people at that time, until I got to the press conference, I said what I know, the journalists have already said that it is different. That the data of this minute is already different. The situation changed rapidly. To keep up, he had to work without work hours. The work schedule at home was not valid. The work had neither beginning nor end. I don’t mean just me, but other family members as well. There was not even a thought that could not do something. You had to do it because you had to pass the knowledge on to the public the next morning. And overnight, the information managed to change. Therefore, the comments were as follows: “Spoken”. Yes, of course, but that information flow must be evaluated. You did your best, but there were times when you had to find a minute to rest. Family members said, “It’s okay now because my mother is listening to country music.” If mom becomes a classic, something is wrong. If he plays another Beethoven, it may not be bad, but if Mozart is already there, the situation is bad.

Daiva Razmuvienė

Daiva Razmuvienė

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

– Was the responsibility and is it enormous?

– Yes, because you can’t afford to speak, even though those things existed. Sometimes you think you can, but the body does its thing. You need a recharge. It is good that there is a park next to the house. I have the opportunity to walk at least half an hour every day. Leave the stress, the tension between the trees and go home with a clean head. But go back and attack not the coffee cup, but the computer. Now when the pandemic is over, I think about how to work differently. I remember getting angry when other family members brought food to the computer, now I eat while working. There are only rest Saturdays and Sundays.

– Does teleworking have its advantages and disadvantages?

– Yes, there are advantages, but we cannot be without people. My part of the family lives outside of Lithuania. You want to talk to them and hug your granddaughter. No technology will replace real communication. I want that sitting at the table, having a cup of coffee with a friend. And now a colleague connects remotely, I connect, we have a cup of coffee and we look at that computer. Lack of communication. An adult may still realize that this is the case now and nothing will change, but it is difficult for children. They can’t understand why you can’t go to someone to stay.

– You had to get used to the live air, the cameras, right?

– It has happened before, but there have never been so many interviews a day. At the beginning of the pandemic, I gave ten interviews a day, both on Saturdays and Sundays. Sometimes it really caused a lot of stress. For example, other interlocutors were present, opinions differed, and such an unpleasant discussion began. You had to find the answer here and now. Or, there were interviews in which you know the subject, but during the program ask a question that is not within your competence. You can’t say, “I’m sorry, I don’t know.” You are trying to find the answer. There were wet palms and all kinds of emotions. But do you know what helps to breathe? I read books for at least five minutes a day. I like Scandinavian detectives. In this way, at least for a short time, I divert my thoughts elsewhere.

– And your relatives did not come to you for advice, information? Or maybe you didn’t touch on the topic of pandemics with your home?

– It is impossible to distance yourself from that topic. Questions for loved ones also came up, so I couldn’t help myself. In addition, the daughter was ill, she had to use practically all the knowledge. My husband and I managed not to get infected. On the other hand, not only me, but also my family members gave me advice. Suppose that during the interview I say that now the incubation period is this or that. They say: “Nobody understands the word ‘incubation’, let’s say simpler.” During the interviews, I remember those comments and explain what they are.

– What led you down this path, why did you choose such a profession?

– There were no doctors in our family, and I said from a young age that I would be a doctor. Because according to the horoscope I am Capricorn, what I say, I do. At school, I also knew that I would be a doctor, although my parents said that maybe I would choose something lighter. My dad used to say: “You better go to the kitchen, eat delicious and live well.” I thought what nonsense here. I couldn’t convince myself not to. It is true that I did not dedicate myself to medicine the first time. I got a nurse-nurse. Fortunately, for the second time, I joined. Then the children were born, I had to take my academic leave, but the great desire to be a doctor drove me forward. Although I myself did not want my children to go into medicine. Fortunately, none of them stopped. They are both humanitarian.

– Did you have to sacrifice a lot of personal life, happiness for work?

– No, because in my life work has always been in harmony with my family. After the third year of study, a son was born, the man also studied, but we found common ground to face it. After graduating from college, there was no shortage of jobs, there were both business trips and trips, family, children had to go. I also had to stay in Paris for four months, but I always felt the support of my parents, loved ones. I realized that you are nothing in life alone. I definitely cannot accomplish as much as sharing with the family. And the family is not just you and the man, there are the husband’s parents, your parents. So I had strong psychological support, encouragement, so I couldn’t afford not to do any work. I never lost by giving up something at work for the family. I can safely say that only with the help of close people can mountains be knocked down.

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