the opposition wants to give life to the conflict by O. Vėbrienė


“It just came to our attention then. I don’t see any business reasons or comments to Simon Gentville as minister, and Ms Vbrienė’s story is still being talked about. As it turned out, she embellished her skills a bit even when she had to be hired. , and that story is a bit exciting, ”the Seimas spokesperson told Knowledge Radio on Wednesday.

V. Čmilytė-Nielsen hopes that the opposition will not choose to continue wasting questions on the ministers.

“Understandably on the side of the opposition, or specifically on the green peasant side, there is a desire to give a little more life to this conflict, which is actually an internal issue of the ministry and seems to be moving towards a solution. But I am very hopeful that the opposition will not choose the path of mechanically striking the interpellation of all the ministers. Although, of course, there is such a way, I would very much like them not to, ”said the Speaker of the Seimas.

ELTA recalls that after S. Gentvilas removed O. Vėbrienė from the post of head of the Department of Environmental Protection, the peasants described it as political repression and said it was “scandalous and politically motivated”.

At the time, Mr. Gentville said last week that the decision was based on objective facts that had been confirmed by authorities.

According to the Ministry of the Environment, O. Vėbrienė’s management experience did not meet the requirements of the position for which he was accepted; According to the Ministry, when she became the head of the department, the functions could not be accepted at all.

In his comment to the media, O. Vėbrienė states that he intends to appeal the decision.

Evaluated the threats of farmers to withdraw from the working group on the educational agreement

V.Čmilytė-Nielsen says it would be disappointing if the “peasants” decided to withdraw from the working group that is preparing a draft national agreement on education. However, the head of parliament emphasizes that even with the withdrawal of the largest opposition party represented in the Seimas, plans to sign a joint document of the parliamentary parties will not be withdrawn.

“I would be very disappointed if the political forces started to ignore this agreement, it is necessary. Especially now. But it is a question of self-determination for all political forces. If they think that they do not want to participate, they do not want to present their proposals for such an important document, that is their will, “V. Čmilytė-Nieslen told” radio Žinių “on Wednesday.

According to her, in any case, there is a determination in the Seimas that the parties’ agreement on the educational policy guidelines will be signed.

“Until now, I have only heard about the intentions of LVŽS (retirement – ELTA). Definitely the agreement will be, we will strive to achieve it. Nothing changes in this plan,” said the politician, noting that he believed that the peasants’ doubts about continuing to work in the group that prepares the educational agreement was probably due to the chosen political tactic.

“There are a lot of political tactics here,” he said.

According to the president of Seimas, this is especially evident considering the decision that the peasants made at the end of March to withdraw from the working group formed by the parliamentary board, which will prepare the reform of the electoral system. Even so, the politician assured, despite the withdrawal, the peasants receive all the information about the decisions made in this working group.

“As far as I know, the representatives of LVŽS receive all the information about the work in this group and, I believe, if necessary, they will present their proposals,” said the president of Seimas.

Last week, peasant leader Ramūnas Karbauskis said that while he understood that the agreement on educational policy guidelines was very important for Lithuania, the existing differences in attitudes and the implicit “behind-the-scenes games” of the rulers make it difficult to continue with the joint. works. Eugenijus Jovaiša, a member of the LVŽS faction, did not rule out the fact that the peasants may withdraw from their ambitions to prepare a joint party agreement on education. It is his opinion, said R. Karbauskis, that the position of the peasants on this issue will largely depend on it. And because of that, says E. Jovaiša, the opposition peasants will probably already decide this week.
