The Opportunity Passport, which was launched, did not clear any doubts: ask for some points


Already getting ready for summer

“So far, trends appear to be favorable. Whether they survive will largely depend on the rate at which vaccination and vaccination continue,” Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė said last week.

Supermarket representatives say allowing stores to run on weekends will ensure safer and more seamless shopping.

“Last month, performing only on weekdays, we noticed that on Thursdays, especially Friday nights, people spike, have to wait outside and queues form, which could really be avoided.

And we will avoid them by creating as much time as possible for the shopping centers to function, ”said Mindaugas Statulevičius, president of the Association for Real Estate Development.

However, representatives of bars and cafes, for their part, say that it is illogical to limit the working hours of outdoor cafes.

“We are able to cope, we showed it last year: there are no outbreaks, the number of diseases is not affected.” It means that he is safe with us ”, explained Raimondas Pranka, president of the Association of Bars and Cafes.

Health Minister Arūnas Dulkys stated that all decisions related to quarantine were discussed, so it has its own logic. According to him, although the epidemiological situation is improving, it is important not to relax.

“It just came to our attention then. Last summer, both the people and those who had to take care of those people relaxed. We think we will have a very busy summer.

We are happy that morbidity trends are decreasing, but we are preparing to be stronger for any other changes. As we can see, there are mutations in the virus and it is very easy to find a new roller coaster on the road again, ”said A. Dulkys.

It is important to explain the meaning of the restrictions to people.

Infectious disease specialist Saulius Čaplinskas is convinced that part of the quarantine restrictions must remain, but it is very important to explain their meaning to the population.

“As long as vaccination coverage is not wide enough, as long as the spread is wide enough, as long as some people do not fully follow these recommendations, certain restrictions remain logical and should be maintained.

Another issue is that it is very important to clearly communicate and explain to people why there is one or another criterion. And the second is to be able to clearly plan life and leisure time, “explained S. Čaplinskas.

On Monday, the Opportunity Passport will be available to people who have been vaccinated one week after the second Pfizer or Modernos vaccination, as well as 4 weeks after the Johnson & Johnson vaccination, four weeks after the AstraZeneca vaccination or immediately after the second dose of this vaccine.

The Opportunity Passport will also be available to those with a coronavirus and a negative COVID-19 test for 24 hours. It is available on the website, through electronic banking.

The special code must be updated every 7 days. Those who cannot obtain a passport online will be able to apply at the Registration Center.

The Opportunity Passport will allow you to visit indoor cafes and restaurants, events can accommodate up to 3,000 people in open spaces and up to 500 people indoors. If the venue is rented, personal celebrations will be possible with an unlimited number of participants.

Holders of this passport will be able to attend trainings, conferences, contact work and visits to prisons will be allowed.

“Obviously, this is a short-term thing; we understand that in a couple of months everyone will be vaccinated, so this is the simplest opportunity for someone to start working a little earlier,” said Andrius Romanovskis, president of the Business Confederation.

The Ministry of Economy and Innovation estimates that 1 million will be able to use the Opportunity Passport as of Monday. 400 thousand people, this number is expected to increase by another 150 thousand in June, and may reach 2 million by mid-July.
