The opening of all trade is being considered on April 12


After the meeting with the Prime Minister, the Ministers of Economy and Health, R.Vainien manifes, stated that the decisions on the commercial opening could be taken by the Cabinet of Ministers next week and would take effect from April 12.

“It just came to our notice then. There was talk of opening supermarkets and supporting trade, because there are some details in trade, R. Vainienė told BNS on Friday.

“According to the plan, it is not a decision yet, but the plan is to consider opening shopping centers next Wednesday,” he added.

The representative of the merchants says that Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonyt Ministro and Health Minister Arūnas Dulkys positively evaluated the proposals on safe opening by regularly testing employees and regulating the flow of customers.

“All compromises apply. Now there is a mandatory test to open operators, we also discuss technical nuances: what opportunities to test in time, perhaps operators will do it on their own,” said R. Vainienė.

According to her, it is not yet clear what the specific requirements might be for stores operating within supermarkets.

“We hope to be similar to those merchants who have an entrance from the outside. But if it were different, it would simply be implemented, there is no problem here ”, emphasized the head of the association.

Currently, the restrictions are released only for a part of the stores: at the beginning of March, all stores with a separate outdoor entrance were allowed to operate, but the operation of stores operating in large supermarkets and without an outdoor entrance.

I. Šimonytė later claimed that the liberation of supermarkets and other activities was “a matter of weeks”, but then these plans were abandoned due to the deterioration of the epidemiological situation.

Currently, supermarkets can only operate essential goods stores (food, pharmaceuticals, optics and veterinary medicine), while others can only act as collection points.
