The only interview by V.Siegel and D.Bunkus, L.Suodaitis, who is at the epicenter of the divorce: “Yes, we communicate” | Names


June 3 will definitely leave a mark on these people’s lives, although each of the people involved in this story is likely to hope that the drama will soon no longer cause so much pain, leave the loophole, be forgotten. On the third day of summer, the world turned upside down for Laurynas Suodicis as well.

When the entertainment world was reportedly shaken by the divorce of a well-known couple, with a whirlwind of distortions instantly, all eyes turned to this person who celebrated his 30th birthday on June 14. The baptismal father of the daughter of the divorced father, a man who allegedly ruined the couple’s relationship.

No wonder Laurynas Suodaitis refrained from commenting that day. The silence lasted until the beginning of this week. It should be noted that this conversation was discussed before the post that appeared on, where, according to the statement, close friends of Victoria and Daniel spoke about the cause of the divorce, who named Laurynas Suodaitis as the main reason for the divorce.

L. Suoditis, a native of the Šakiai district, studied at the Vilna University International Business School, but did not graduate with a degree in business finance. In 2015, together with the Lithuanian Freedom Union, it participated in the municipal elections and ranked second. In information presented to the Central Election Commission at the time, L. Suoditis stated that he was a financial analyst at various embassies in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. L. Suoditis formerly headed the Vilnius Iron Wolf Rotaract Club, is a board member of the Mano Šakiai Association, a member of the Sudarg group of hunters. His hobbies are hunting, traveling, banking.

Laurynas Suodaitis 15 minutes gave an exclusive interview, which he said will be the only one.

– Looking at its history, there are those who say that it will try to take advantage of this situation in politics. I mean, first of all, do you plan to participate in the Seimas elections in the fall?

– Regarding politics, I have never been a member of any party, nor do I plan to take an active part in politics in the long term. Therefore, I consider the statements in the media that I intend to participate in the Seimas elections as an attempt to discredit myself. The allegations that these may be my reasons for pursuing a career are false, there is certainly no such intention.

– Speaking of Daniel Bunkus’ influence on your personal life, he is said to have provided you with a place in a prestigious hunting club. So I want to know how you met Victoria and Daniel?

– I would like not to go into these topics, because they are very sensitive in this situation. And I don’t think such problems have any impact here.

We communicate, and when the time comes to publicly declare, I think we will

– Okay, let’s find out then. It is publicly said that you and Victoria are a couple. What would be your answer?

– We are talking to Victoria. There is really no need to deny or confirm these things on this day. Victoria has clearly stated certain things from day one, this information is also fluid enough in the public space … We communicate, and when the time comes to publicly declare, I think we will.

– It seems that there is enough evidence of the relationship and you will be tired of trying to hide everything.

– No, we are not tired of anything. So far I don’t want to say anything declarative, there are still many side effects behind the scenes. Basically, yes, we communicate, no one hides it.

– Victoria hinted that she is in love. Everything seems to lead you. Are you waiting for the divorce process to end?

– Of course, this is a logical sequence of events. But what is most needed today is calm and less discussion about these things in public. Some time will pass … Time in this situation is the best doctor.

– I imagine you are not in a similar situation yet. How are you now?

– So normal. In this place, all my attention is focused on the people I need the most to support at the moment. I have had enough years, all kinds of experiences in life to be able to respond to everything properly. As I mentioned earlier in our conversations, I am not going to speak anymore, because there are people in this situation who cannot comment on their own, to defend themselves, and for whom the escalation of this situation will have a much greater impact in the future than for all of us. .

For this reason, I am no longer going to share the interview with anyone, trying to defend myself against some pseudo comments, attempts to shape my image in public. It doesn’t hurt, I just know that there are people who cannot defend themselves and they are my priority. It is strange that not everyone understands that.

Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Laurynas Suodaitis and Viktorija Siegel

Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Laurynas Suodaitis and Viktorija Siegel

– Didn’t you plan to resolve the situation legally?

– I am very realistic in what situation I find myself, what kind of people they are in. Such is the world of show business (laughs). Lots of information about me, but when I write an article and end up mentioning that the information is not necessarily true, I have enough work and life experience to realize that the chances of dealing with such things are legally low.

People who know me know in a way, those who don’t know, maybe they will form a different opinion. Those who know this whole group of people very well will have a different impression of how the situation is dealt with in such situations, what measures are taken. Anyway, I don’t see the point of going and explaining.

Victoria is a very public figure and you will not run away from her. I would like a good will everywhere, an audience. But from the beginning, it was possible to predict that this would be the case.

– Did you feel that this story could expand so widely?

– He may have felt it, but you shouldn’t make him feel it. Just when he realistically understands the situation and the people involved, he realistically assesses all possible consequences, risks. There were not and there will be no great surprises in this place.

– We are talking about people you know well. So were some of the actions a surprise?

– You know, each one chooses his own means. I could have expected it, but it didn’t necessarily have to happen. By discretion, yes. Perhaps some things could have been handled differently in this situation because, I repeat, there are people who need more protection now. But overall, I don’t rule anything out. Neither now nor in the future.

– As I understand it, you are preparing so that things do not calm down soon.

– It is a fact. Some of them make money, others are a mess. Naturally, in my opinion, I would like to see this situation escalate as little as possible. You know, crises, emotions lessen, but what has already been said, done, remains, so at least I try to think ahead.

– Is Victoria coordinating her actions with you?

– There is absolute mutual respect between us and Victoria, and mutual support is excellent at the moment. There are no winners or losers here. No one wins from such disasters. Of course, my full support for her is there.

The situation is certainly not easy, despite the fact that divorce is essentially an action that requires sufficient determination and firmness. Neither advertising nor anxiety helps when you don’t know what can happen each day. This greatly unbalances your daily routine.

Divorce is basically an action that requires sufficient determination and firmness.

– There are rumors that it was you who broke all contact with Daniel Bunkum and did not try to speak to him. It is true?

– In this case, no matter what situation we find ourselves in, I am discreet with all the people involved. I definitely won’t comment on whether or not we talk to him, he’s just our business. We are mature enough to handle this outside of portals.

– It is said that you have been friends with Daniel for almost a decade.

We are not that old acquaintances, but, as I said, this information does not change anything in this situation, so it must remain in the circle of the camera, known only to the people involved in the story.

– Many of the possible facts that I present are floating in public, so sometimes it seems to be presented by your friends. Is it easy for you to trust other people now?

– It happens, but people’s trust does not depend on this situation. It is subjective. Different environments, the people we interact with … The fact that there are fewer people in my environment, I only receive support from them. Everyone knows that certain information has little to do with reality. I think it is more difficult for Victoria at the moment because she interacts with many people, perhaps the intentions do not always coincide with what has been stated, which, I think, is more difficult for her. Such a business, there is no place for weak people there.

Photo by Razauskai Photography / Victoria Siegel, Danielius Bunkus, Laurynas Suodaitis, Victoria's best friend, Monika

Photo by Razauskai Photography / Victoria Siegel, Danielius Bunkus, Laurynas Suodaitis, Victoria’s best friend, Monika

– His story is widely discussed on a scandalous platform, his photos are made public. There has already been a case where potentially active people have even chased a well-known social media star. You have seen that your house is also being discussed.

– My property is adequately protected by the necessary safeguards. I think the people who follow understand perfectly what legal remedies await them. In this case, what concerns my person, property or family is a priority. If there is any suspicion, it will be fought, we live in a state governed by the rule of law.

– You mentioned that there is a lot of support in part. Without direct attempts to push, without threats?

– The black side of this situation is always there, but, again, these are things that I have to personally deal with. They were predictable, it didn’t fall from the sky. And so far we are doing it successfully.

– Do you know how to proceed? Will you speak in public? Will it be, as you said, the only interview?

– You know, now my priority is other things, and how it will be, the situation will be shown. In any case, there is no fear of talking, only certain circumstances that should not be talked about. When you choose communication, being in the public environment, you probably cannot escape it.

– Do you both manage to get out of this situation emotionally?

– I find it difficult for everyone, but it must be properly evaluated. Life alone did not stop due to this situation. It is possible to calm down because we try to evaluate objectively.

We certainly won’t run away from the situation

– Victoria has been living in Cannes for a while. Aren’t you planning to get away from it all abroad?

– No, we definitely will not escape the situation, because there really is nothing to do. And you will have to see life, career, everything.

– In the end – Do you currently live with Victoria?

– Not.

– And their position – neither to confirm nor deny that they are together?

– As I said, we communicate, we keep in touch and at the moment I can neither confirm nor deny.

– And, sorry for the question, but how do you evaluate the discourses on parenting?

– There will be no comment from me on this. Only the child’s parents, Victoria and Daniel, have the right to share them.

ALSO READ: Victoria Siegel gave her first interview after the news of the divorce: “I only have respect for Daniel”

The person who introduced himself to Daniel Bunkum talks about the reasons for the divorce: he claims to have been extradited.
