The Olympic champion appeared as the best among Lithuanians in the World Cup final


The main stage of the fencing competition.

I. Serapinaitė was also the best on the main stage of the fencing competition on Thursday. She won on March 22, 35, scored 232 points and shared 4-7 places in the match.

L. Asadauskaitė-Zadneprovskienė won 18 fights (208 points) and shared 17-20 positions, while G. Venčkauskaitė, who won 9 games (154), was 36th.

Amira Kandil (26/9; 256) of Egypt, Xiaonan Zhang of China (10/25; 250) and Kate French of Britain (12/23; 238) obtained the best results in the fencing match.


The best in the swimming match was me, Serapinaitė, who covered the distance in 2 minutes. 13.12 seconds (284 points), he won the fourth swim (second in capacity) and was sixth among all participants.

The other two Lithuanian representatives participated in the second swim. Its winner was Gintarė Venčkauskaitė, who swam 200 m in 2 minutes 13.12 seconds. (269 points). It was the 19th result of the match.

Laura Asadauskaitė-Zadneprovskienė in the pool took 2 minutes. 23.22 sec. (264) and was 25 in the match.

After 2 games in the general classification, I. Serapinaitė climbed to second place (516). It was only surpassed by A. Kandil (528). At that time, L. Asadauskaitė-Zadneprovskienė had 20 (472) and G. Venčkauskaitė had 34 (423).

Additional fencing phase

I. Serapinaitė supplemented his account with 2 points in this match. He defeated the French Marie Oteiz and the British K. French, but succumbed to the Chinese X. Zhang.

L. Asadauskatė already faced Germany’s Rebecca Langrehr in the first match, who had won 9 consecutive marches before. The Olympic champion also lost to the German representative, who then retired from the fencing court with 13 wins on his account!

G. Venčkauskaitė added 1 point to his account. Kaunas defeated Russian athlete Ulyan Batashov, but lost to Sophia Hernández from Guatemala, who soon won 4 more fights in a row.

After this match, I. Serapinaitė was second in the general classification (518), and was still surpassed only by the Egyptian Amira Kandil (530).

L. Asadauskaitė-Zadneprovskienė was 20 ° (472), and G. Venčkauskaitė fell to 35 ° (424).


In the riding match, I. Serapinaitė and L. Asadauskaite had to ride the same horse Charlie.

L. Asadauskatė, who rode first, scored 287 points in the riding match. The athlete obstructed an obstacle (7 penalty points) and exceeded the 65 second time limit for another 6 seconds.

At that time I. Serapinaitė obstructed 2 obstacles and finished the match with 286 points.

G. Venčkauskaitė, mounted on a Babel horse, obstructed an obstacle and scored 293 points out of a possible 300.

Running and shooting

Unfortunately, while running and shooting, I. Serapinaitė was unable to maintain his high position. The athlete scored a total of 1,341 points in the final and was ranked 16th in the final ranking.

At that time, L. Asadauskaitė reached the goal of the last match on the 11th (1353), and G. Venčkauskaitė – on the 15th (1342).

The new winner of the World Cup was K. French (1384), together with whom the German Annika Schleu (1378) and the Hungarian Michelle Gulyas (1376) took the podium.
