The old newspaper with the headline “coronavirus” is incorrectly linked to COVID-19


“All this has happened more than once, without panic,” says a text written in Russian after 2003. photo from a published newspaper. A 17-year-old post announces an aggressive coronavirus. The Facebook page that publishes the photo would like to convince that this is proof that the pandemic caused by COVID-19 is not fighting for the first time.

Photo of 15min / Misleading publication on the social network

Photo of 15min / Misleading publication on the social network

It appears that the author has at least partially achieved his goal. In 6 days, the photo was shared by more than 17,000 people. social media users. However, the notion that we are not facing a pandemic for the first time is wrong.

Different coronaviruses

The ultra-fast photo is not about COVID-19, but about Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), called Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).

If we take a good look, we will see that the name of this disease is also visible in the photo of the published newspaper. The term “SARS” is mentioned in the last line of the first paragraph of the text.

The publication was published in 2003. June, 3 months after the identification of SARS. 2002-2004 during the ongoing epidemic, the disease in 26 countries infected about 8 thousand. people.774 died. September 25 data, COVID-19 infected 32 million people in 10 months. people, 988 thousand. died of the disease, and nearly 24 million. congratulated.

15min photo / How to strengthen immunity to information?

15min photo / How to strengthen immunity to information?

COVID-19 and SARS are often agitated because both diseases are caused by different coronaviruses. SARS is caused by the SARS-CoV virus and COVID-19 by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Viruses are similar but not the same. Like beets and potatoes they are classified as roots, but we will hardly consider the products of them to be identical.

Coronaviruses are alike in appearance corona, which affects humans and animals, were described as early as the 19th century. The virus that causes COVID-19 is a completely new virus, unknown to humanity at the end of 2019, whose genetic makeup, behavior and mode of transmission are being studied by scientists during a pandemic.

So no, “all of this” hasn’t happened before. The newspaper in the photo describes a SARS disease that is not identical to COVID-19. Furthermore, compared to the COVID-19 pandemic that is currently battling the world, 4,000 people were infected during the SARS outbreak. times fewer people.

This is not the first time that similar types of theories have seen the light. Coronavirus Cases Automatically Associated With COVID-19 When People Notice It we wrote in march.

Post was prepared in 15 minutes in collaboration with Facebook a program to stop the spread of misleading news on the social network. More about the program and its rules – here.
