The objective of the Labor Party is to bring Lithuania to the top 5 of the most attractive countries.


Representatives and fans of the Labor Party browsed the Kėdainiai Arena on Saturday, the party program for 2020–2024, the list of candidates for the Seimas elections of the Republic of Lithuania, candidates in single-member constituencies and the candidate for the post of Prime Minister of the future Government were officially presented here.

Time to change

In the Labor Party Congress, V.Uspaskich began his speech with a speech on the importance of being united, indifferent to his country. He himself has experienced both cold and heat during the 30 years of independent Lithuania, he has not always seen good examples of state governance, so it is finally time for a change.

“During the 60 years of my life, I have had to travel various paths, I have seen Lithuania develop. Since the proclamation of independence, I started my own business, seeing what mistakes were made. We cannot make those more mistakes: it costs money and there is no time or resources to experiment. So I don’t ask what the state can give me, I ask: what can I give? V.Uspaskich addressed the assembled parties and voters.

According to him, the country cannot be allowed to sink deeper and deeper into debt, so when presenting the Labor Party program, he assured that there are ways to avoid this, it is time to live better.

Labor Party Photo / Viktor Uspaskich

Labor Party Photo / Viktor Uspaskich

Preparing for the post of Prime Minister

As the elections approach, V. Uspaskich made no secret of his serious ambitions: the Labor Party will win and he intends to take over as Prime Minister. “I am sure I will be the best prime minister of all time,” he said.

According to the party leader, he now feels determined to commit and is doing very well. “I know it will not be easy, but the Lithuanian people want a better life, so I am ready to make Lithuania the most attractive country in the world five: a democratic state suitable for a secure life,” said V.Uspaskich.

The Labor Party leader says he knows how to set priorities in the state administration, how to use the resources, and as Prime Minister, he will be able to implement the entire Labor Party program more effectively; this requires the position of a prime minister. power in your hands. “

“You have prepared me: you have beaten me together, you have helped me, you have believed; And I had to give up. The most important thing is to understand that there is no need to fight, you have to change, expand, develop. I can guarantee that I have been successful: I am a person who promotes the laws of nature and true values, I can maintain a state position. I’m not fascinated by pride, I offer my service to a state that wants to change and be different, “said V.Uspaskich.

The Labor Party president is convinced that if the program prepared for 2020–2024 is implemented, Lithuania, as a state, will make great progress.

Labor Party Photo / Viktor Uspaskich

Labor Party Photo / Viktor Uspaskich

Among the priorities transparent government and a growing economy

In presenting the party’s strategy, V.Uspaskich paid great attention to ensuring the transparency of state governance, which should be the new government’s top priority. According to him, only when the state administration becomes less corrupt, then it will be possible to address economic, social education and other relevant issues.

The Labor Party also speaks boldly about economic growth, which distinguishes light and food industries among the most important branches that can supplement the state budget. According to V.Uspaskich, it is important to understand that 90 percent. does not accumulate GDP and only the remaining 10%. brings money to the state. Among them – accommodation, catering services, light and industrial transport, as well as – agriculture, industry, high technology. However, only a tenth of the country’s population works in these areas, which means that 1 person has to attend to the remaining 9.

In the new term, the Labor Party intends to improve the conditions for Lithuanian producers to trade Lithuanian products, promote trade in small family businesses, and create equal conditions to compete with foreign producers through trade in markets. “Products made abroad are brought to Lithuania and are entitled to be sold at 0 percent. VAT, but 21% applies to products made in Lithuania. surcharge. Like the products produced by a Lithuanian company, it becomes more expensive on the Lithuanian market than when it is transported across the border, where it becomes cheaper by at least 30%. Politicians who do not ask why this is so have no right to be politicians, “said the party’s president.

Labor Party Photo / Labor Party Congress

Labor Party Photo / Labor Party Congress

According to him, the economy can be called balanced when investments in industry are also attracted, in which case the service sector is also growing.

Improving regional policy is also important for business development: a survey of the country’s entrepreneurs revealed that 92 percent. They would develop their businesses in the regions if conditions were favorable.

“Lithuania must be completed from three cities. It is necessary to create such conditions for investments so that Lithuania can develop uniformly in all regions: infrastructure, attractive taxes must be created, without a percentage of state aid to those areas that would promote exports and they would increase the appeal of Lithuanian products, ”said V.Uspaskichas.

This would not only help create jobs in the regions, but would also reduce migration between cities, create a greater need for services, reduce the number of socially disadvantaged people, create new businesses and return migrants.

Focus on immigrants and higher wages

Meanwhile, the state must help returnees from emigration to Lithuania to integrate, train them according to their profession, offset transportation costs, create preferential conditions for the purchase or rental of housing. “The authorities have to kiss the emigrants’ hands and feet and apologize for selling them to another state.” Without them, we would have 3 percent. lower GDP, “said the president.

The Labor Party also promises to increase the salary system: the minimum after-tax wage must be 750 euros, the average – 1289 euros per month, the average pension – at least 60 percent. average salary. However, although salary increases are planned, the benefits will remain similar.

“Today, the benefit and the minimum wage are almost the same, which does not promote work: moving forward must be more beneficial than waiting for the social benefits of the government, it is important. It is important that the income of the disabled is not lower to the minimum wage and that the pension is at least 10% higher than the minimum wage. And if the pension does not reach 700 euros, the program plans to assign a basket of 200 euros for products of Lithuanian origin, “said V. Uspaskich.

The basis of education is motivation.

Another area that requires special attention from the authorities is education. The Labor Party is convinced that it is necessary to create a system to retrain schools, teachers and professors, and to create conditions for teachers to regain their professional authority.

“Teaching to read, write, count, win is an obsolete understanding. It is enough to play populist reforms, you need to develop thinking and motivation. I bow my head in front of all teachers, working with children is a vocation, it requires special qualities. The teacher must teach the student to distinguish useful information from harmful information, he must be an assistant, a consultant, the school a navigator, a mentor, “said V.Uspaskich.

According to the President, the development of motivation and leadership is very important here, the educational system must not only transfer knowledge in a dry way, but also develop the capacity to be a thinker, to give instructions.

Expanding the worldview should be on the list of cultural priorities, just as culture is one of the state’s priorities. “Culture is not a dessert after a full meal, it is not just a library. Culture is an intelligent service, it must be free of stereotypes and fashion,” said V. Uspaskich.

Labor Party Photo / Labor Party Congress

Labor Party Photo / Labor Party Congress

The search for a healthy and ecological life.

In the health care system, the part will focus on disease prevention, promote the principles of a healthy lifestyle, early diagnosis and disease prevention, and ensure that the system serves people. It is also planned to reduce the prices of medicines, the VAT rate for medicines and medical devices.

The Labor Party also intends to establish a National Ecology Service, which would be responsible for policy formulation and control in the field of ecology, the promotion of healthy lifestyles, the development of ecological technologies for health and the environment and greener transport.

“The organic farming approach and its certification is equivalent to doping control: a healthy farm must be controlled as doping. As with nature pollution, criminal liability must apply,” said V.Uspaskich.

Labor Party Photo / Labor Party Congress

Labor Party Photo / Labor Party Congress

Not to create a militaristic environment, but to fight for harmony.

Speaking of national defense, the Labor Party leader says that allocating more money for weapons is inefficient. Military preparation and spending will not make sense until “mothers in Lithuania understand that their children need to be loved more than hate enemies.”

“We are choosing a path of peace dialogue: a long dialogue is more useful than a short war. It is not in armaments that peace should be sought, but in the education of people, in meetings. On the other hand mushrooms pride and aggression: if you become a politician, you must think about the peaceful life of humanity. A dog is said to be the best friend, but it is time to realize that to be a friend to your neighbor, you don’t have to be a dog, ”said V. Uspaskich after receiving much applause from the public.

Labor Party Photo / Labor Party Congress

Labor Party Photo / Labor Party Congress

According to him, the attempt to establish a buffer zone between Lithuania and the United States is a very dangerous policy from Russia’s perspective. “It is good that we are in NATO, we need to maintain 2%. GDP is for defense, but the militaristic environment must not be artificially created. I want to serve people who want to live a peaceful and green life in all spheres, no just dirtying the streets, but not dirtying people, not spreading panic in the brain of society, that should be the goal of every head of state, no matter which party he belongs to. This should be the goal of global politics If you are not seeking harmony, it is not worth being a diplomat, “said V. Uspaskich.

Labor Party Photo / Vigilijus Jukna

Labor Party Photo / Vigilijus Jukna

The main value is man.

Vigilijus Jukna, Vice President of the Labor Party, once again gave a brief description of the Labor Party program with 15 main chapters that meet the expectations of the Lithuanian population. Later in Congress, the program was formally approved by vote, and amendments to the statute and a statement in good faith were approved.

At the event, Viktoras Fiodorovas, head of the Labor Party headquarters, also announced the lists of elections to the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania and the candidates in single-member constituencies: almost 160 members expressed their desire to participate.

Labor Party Photo / Viktor Uspaskich and Viktor Fyodorov.

Labor Party Photo / Viktor Uspaskich and Viktor Fyodorov.

A member of the Seimas and former presidential candidate Mindaugas Puidokas also spoke at the congress. According to him, the Labor Party is ready for victory, together with society it will create a prosperous Lithuania. “After 30 years of chaos, the state deserves to live differently. We must do everything possible so that the central value is a human being, each citizen, who is the essence and foundation of this state. I believe that we will become a country like Iceland where everyone participates in the governance process, “he said.

At the end of the official part of the congress, V.Uspaskich thanked the parties and hoped that the growing new and leading generation would look upon the Labor Party with pride. “We want to leave behind a democratic, legal, economically strong, debt-free and socially guaranteed state dedicated to green living. I plan to implement the program from A to Z, and if there is no such will of the people, I will know that I have done everything by leaving politics active, “said the Labor Party president.

Labor Party Photo / Mindaugas Puidokas

Labor Party Photo / Mindaugas Puidokas

Political advertising It will be paid from the Labor Party electoral account
