The NVSC specialist explained why the COVID-19 data is delayed and secured: we will have 2 thousand. cases


Last day, the NVSC confirmed 1972 cases of COVID-19, but did not investigate or systematize data from 756 cases from epidemiological studies.

J.Petravičienė explained why this happened: Information about COVID-19 test results travels from laboratories 24 hours a day and epidemiologists do not work at night, so they are unable to conduct research.

Arno Strumila / Photo 15min / The first hours after the quarantine moment

Arno Strumila / Photo of 15min / First hours after the moment of quarantine

“The tests enter the system throughout the day. Let’s say that last night from 10 pm to 11 pm the tests have fallen into the system as positive, we confirmed them as positive for that day, but our specialists could not start the investigation epidemiological because we don’t work at night.

It will always be the case that we cannot do some epidemiological studies. ” 15 minutes she said.

Epidemiological studies are expected to cover

Once the epidemiological investigations were delayed, the NVSC announced that it would no longer do so – residents had to contact contact persons and report that COVID-19 had been infected.

Can this happen again?

Colleagues really work very hard and approve cases.

“From the information my colleagues have today, I cannot say that they will not deal with these cases. I see that the colleagues are really working very hard and approving cases. Some of the ones that have not been studied, I can already see that also there are associated with outbreaks or it becomes clear that the circumstances of the infection of people are unknown, ”said J. Petravičienė.

“It just came to our notice then. So far, I have no signs that we are not going to conduct investigations,” he added.

During the previous day, the country’s laboratories analyzed 14,695 samples for suspected coronavirus, but 1,105 samples remained unanalyzed.

The National Public Health Laboratory has previously reported that laboratories have reached the limit of their research capacity.

J.Petravičienė emphasized that we must strive to reduce the workload of laboratories, which means – be more careful: “It must be evaluated that so many tests are carried out, many cases are detected. It means that we must be very careful to reduce the workload and the spread of infection in Lithuania. There aren’t many other solutions. “

J.Petravičienė: the statistics are really correct

The NVSC spokeswoman stressed that all publicly available statistics related to COVID-19 were correct.

“I understand that people sometimes think that maybe somehow we don’t publish statistics like that, so I am the same last person to give everyone numbers and publish. I can really say that all the figures are completely correct, ”said J. Petravičienė.

We will see the numbers stabilize in 10-12 days.

By the way, he did not doubt that the number of COVID-19 cases will increase in the near future: “The figures are 1.6 thousand, 1.9 thousand, we will go to 2 thousand. “So we must take steps to reduce those numbers.”

“We see many cases, many outbreaks, in other words, outbreaks. We are very aware that if there is an outbreak in, say, a workplace, people interact with each other, there are many people who have had risky contact, and certainly Some of those people are infected. This is how we have many outbreaks, we can predict very clearly that there will be more cases.

If quarantine measures are taken and people follow them responsibly, they will do everything as <...> We will only see results in a few weeks. We will see a stabilization of the numbers after 10 to 12 days, and a decrease only in a later period, ”said the NVSC specialist.

Night from Friday to Saturday The quarantine has entered into force in Lithuania, certain self-protection measures must be taken: do not meet, wear masks in public places, do not visit cultural, leisure, entertainment, sports facilities, etc.

Family chimneys and an undisciplined society

J.Petravičienė regretted that the population is still not exemplary in these matters.

“I have heard from colleagues that it is really unlikely that the quarantine in Lithuanian supermarkets today is unfortunate,” he said.

In discussing Saturday’s statistics, the NVSC specialist drew attention to large outbreaks, as well as outbreaks of infection in families or in the immediate environment.

“We’ve had those family hotspot cases in the past, but they were definitely a much smaller percentage.

The trend of large fireplaces continues. We have medical institutions, social care institutions, supportive care institutions, where you will probably find a case of COVID-19 in said institution.

It is gratifying that in one place the infection stops and we no longer count the cases, in other places we have really significant spread of the infection: the Stonaičiai welfare home, the Varniai nursing and supportive care hospital, the home of Dūseikiai social assistance “, called J.Petravičienė.

To handle the spread of COVID-19, he said, we must avoid meetings: “We were very mobile, we yearned for each other, we communicated and we forgot how the infection spreads. Social activity favors the spread of infection. Now it must be remembered that reducing social contact is an essential tool to stop the infection. “

A threat to the whole system

Daiva Razmuvienė, the chief specialist for the NVSC’s Communicable Disease Management Division, warned on Saturday that the entire health care system was under threat – it could burn because COVID-19 had infected more than 1,000 people. doctors of the country.

According to the specialist, the medical institutions where coronavirus outbreaks are registered already exist throughout Lithuania, regardless of their subordination, level or profile.

Read more about this here.
