The number of people experiencing COVID-19 symptoms is increasing and the number of testing sites is decreasing


Mantas from Vilnius said it wanted to investigate COVID-19 over the weekend, but did not.

“The rapid tests gave us a positive result, even though we are fully vaccinated. But the point on V. Gerulaičio Street did not work, and according to the instructions of, when they went to the point of Clinicas Santara, they were He asked everyone to separate, because the testing sites were over.

A city of half a million inhabitants and there is no way to explore COVID-19, an absurd situation. I don’t think people can take this seriously, if not even tests can be organized, “Mantas was angry.

Test – after three days

According to him, after calling the hotline in 1808, he heard that there were no places in Vilnius or around him, he could not help them until Wednesday:

“I think an interval of three days for the next tests is unacceptable.”

When the link “Occupation of mobile points” on page was opened on Monday at noon, it can be seen that, in fact, several municipalities no longer have vacancies for the PCR test in the coming days.

There are vacancies in Klaipeda only on July 31. Palanga also has no vacancies this week.

When they went to the Clinicas Santara point, everyone was asked to separate as space was running out for tests.

It is possible to try in Panevėžys on Thursday, it is also available in Vilnius.

There was an increase in those who felt the symptoms.

Advisor to the Minister of Health Arūnas Dulkis Aistė Šukšta 15 minutes He said the situation regarding testing is really changing – finding vacancies is becoming quite difficult.

“For several reasons: One is the increasing number of symptomatic cases when it comes to registering for a test. Second, additional groups have been introduced for which testing is mandatory. These people, not finding that place in their field, on the line, go through all the other possible lines, look there for vacancies, thus removing them from people who are experiencing symptoms.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / COVID-19 testing services for passengers

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / COVID-19 testing services for passengers

And yes, we know the situation, therefore everyone who felt the symptoms, both by phone in 1808 and by registering online, was informed and referred to the Center for Infectious Diseases in Santariškių str. weekend, I could test there, “said A.Šukšta.

According to the minister’s advisor, the examinations in the Santara clinics were carried out without prior registration, so it was necessary to queue.

“People are doing tests, we see it also in the growing number of diseases, so once again, taking advantage of this opportunity, we strongly invite you to get vaccinated. The test does not protect against disease, it protects with a vaccine, like This was very clearly demonstrated by the information from the Statistics Department released on Friday.

According to her, 82 percent. the human vaccine protects against any form of the disease, including symptomatic, 88 percent. protects against hospitalization and 89 percent. protects against death.

One is the rapid increase in the number of symptomatic cases when you want to register for a test. Second, additional groups have been introduced for which testing is mandatory.

The vaccine is not a panacea, it does not protect 100%, it is natural, because the protection of immunity after the vaccine is formed depends on age, sex, comorbidities, so to speak 100%. protect, we can’t.

However, more than 80 percent. protection is, I think, an important indicator of why vaccination is necessary. Then there will be no need to carry out tests “, – a spokesman for the Minister spoke about people who have preventive tests.

He also recalled that in terms of preventive tests and extended groups, it should not be forgotten that the new procedure came into effect on Monday and within 7-10 days from this date, employees must present their first certificate to the employer.

And then you will need to get tested regularly if you are not vaccinated or have not had COVID-19.

SAM nuotr./Aistė Šuksta

SAM nuotr./Aistė Šuksta

“We see in the places for the preventive tests that there really are enough, there are still at the end of this week. We meet with the municipalities, we ask for a slight increase in the number of test sites as much as possible.

The goal, however, is a smooth and successful vaccination. The same people work in the vaccination and testing centers, so we invite everyone to get vaccinated, ”said A.Šukšta.

Capabilities are increasing, but are lacking

Guoda Ropaitė-Beigė, head of the Vilnius City Municipality Public Health Office, confirmed that the situation in Vilnius regarding testing is tense:

“All of this has led to the emergence of additional groups that need to be tested prophylactically every 7-10 days. It’s about testing with antigen testing.

There are also old groups that have had to continually test. All of this led to a situation that was a great challenge to get a place for those tests here and now ”.

We also have a large part of the team that is on vacation, so on Monday we are looking for human resources who can work to increase capacity.

However, he also emphasizes the same as the representative of the Ministry of Health (SAM): vaccination is a priority.

“We also have a large part of the team that is on vacation, so on Monday we are looking for those human resources that can work to increase that capacity. It would be naive to expect those capabilities to increase multiple times. Vaccination is a priority, we encourage and encourage it, because a vaccine is the key to that good, easy and simple life, ”said G. Ropaitė-Beigė.

The same general practice nurses work at both the testing and vaccination sites; they also perform their direct functions.

There are not enough to be able to discover so many additional resources at the moment that there are no more queues.

Photo by Lukas April / 15min / Goda Ropaitė-Beigė

Photo by Lukas April / 15min / Goda Ropaitė-Beigė

“It is not necessary to wait for him to get a place here and now as soon as he calls, he will not be,” said the head of the Vilnius Public Health Office.

G.Ropaitė-Beigė said that the number of people experiencing symptoms is also increasing in Vilnius; Previously there were places for the PCR test on the same day, but in the last few days the employment has also increased here.

“It is very important that a person who is experiencing symptoms receives that service in the here and now. We would also like to inform you if a person checks in after a day or two, there is no place here and now, then we really invite you to come to the mobile point and we will try to serve you without queuing.

We have shared this message with the 1808 team that if a person calls with strong symptoms, we invite and encourage them to queue. But we hope that people understand and are aware that there will be no abuse. A person with symptoms is a priority, ”said G. Ropaitė-Beigė.

ZUMAPRESS / Scanpix nuotr./Koronaviruso testas

ZUMAPRESS / Scanpix nuotr./Koronaviruso testas

After directing some people to the Santara clinics over the weekend, Vilnius city representatives now say they will try to expand the scope of testing in the city.

From now on, periodic tests are required for employees working in international freight, public transport and passenger transport companies, as well as for people engaged in leisure and entertainment, cultural and artistic services (organization of events and care to the visitor).

The requirements will also affect the catering and retail sectors.

Employees of public administration entities, military professional military service and employees whose activities are related to the management of the massive influx of foreigners, who have declared an emergency at the state level (constant direct contact with these foreigners), must also have regular health exams.
